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Ontologie, Phraserank e Tool Semantici
Con un po' di ritardo, ringrazio AgoAgo e Paocavo per aver apprezzato il materiale video che avevo suggerito. Da pochissimo tempo mi sto interessando di web semantico e trovo le vostre discussioni davvero molto interessanti (per quanto non sia un assiduo frequentatore del forum), anche se capisco un decimo delle cose tecniche a cui fate spesso riferimento.
Ultimamente sono venuto a conoscenza di alcuni tool semantici messi a disposizione dal MIT. Potete trovarli qui:
per ora ho provato solo PiggyBank. Credo che sia un plugin potenzialmente molto utile, però sono inciampato in qualche bug (http://simile.mit.edu/issues/browse/PIGGYBANK-97). Attendo con impazienza vostri commenti e magari qualche consiglio su come sfruttare al meglio questi strumenti...
Nbriani non ero a conoscienza del brevetto di G.
Sembra abbastanza facile da capire e riprodurre.
Tuttavia non mi piace molto la loro scelta di definire una frase come buona nel caso ricorra in piu' documenti.A prima vista sembra una buona soluzione, ma va contro la teoria che una frase logica e corretta se originale ha maggior valenza di un'altra molto inflazionata.
E' come se G ci dicesse: ti premio se scrivi una frase originale, ma per calcolare il "riassunto" delle tue frasi tengo conto principalmente di quelle non originali.
Potrebbe trattarsi di una precisa scelta per bilanciare le cose, ma allora coerenza poca...
Immaginiamoci una pagina con 100 frasette diverse.
Di queste 100 frasette 3 sono molto comuni, le altre 97 molto originali.
La punteggiatura e' uguale per tutte le frasi.Ora che io motore debba riassumere quella pagina con 3 keyphrase del tipo:
free web space
free great hosting services
unlimited spacepiuttosto che:
servers in USA
9$ for good service
June discountmi sembra poco logico, a parita' di presenza e disposizione delle parole nel testo in esame.
Non dobbiamo fare confusione tra keyphrase e categorie.
Se volessimo estrapolare le categorie di appartenenza di un documento allora perfetto, sarebbe il miglior sistema.Ma una keyphrase e' un riassunto, un tag, che deve servire a chi ricerca per identificare facilmente il contenuto "essenziale" di un documento.
Ma a parita' di valore fra 2 o piu' "riassunti" dovro' offrire all'utente il tag meno inflazionato, perche' di un tag "computer" l'utente se ne fara' poco, se non nulla.
Pensiamo ad un seo che scriva un pezzo-commento su questo mio post, come keyphrase avra' piu' senso "agoago" od il termine "frasi" (a parita' di valore)?
In poche parole un buon sistema per estrapolare keyphrase deve tener conto del solo documento o al massimo dell'insieme di documenti di cui fa parte o paradossalmente se vuole tenere conto anche del web tutto allora spingera' le keyphrase meno sfruttate.
Poi basta fare delle prove per rendersene conto, tenendo conto del peso delle key sul web si ottengono molte categorie e meno tag "interessanti".
Insomma, sicuramente avranno ragione loro, oppure come al solito una ne dicono ed un'altra ne fanno.
Rocco_bruno ho guardato PiggyBank, ma non ho capito bene a cosa serva. Non perche' non serva, ma proprio perche' non ci ho capito nulla!
questa discussione è estratta dalla precedente:L'intelligenza Artificiale come potrebbe migliorare i motori di ricerca?
il tool che ho suggerito serve ad estrapolare metadati dalle pagine web e al contempo (tramite metodi di text mining, suppongo) etichettare il contenuto delle pagine. La semantica fatta attraverso il text mining non credo sia molto utile perchè alla fine solo un lettore umano può comprendere correttamente (e quindi classificare in una struttura ontologica) il contenuto di un testo in linguaggio naturale. tuttavia, penso che lo strumento sia interessante perchè da un lato estrae metadati e li organizza in una struttura ontologica e dall'altro è possibile personalizzare il modo in cui il plugin estrae dati dalle pagine web (attraverso gli "scraper"): in questo modo, se ho delle pagine il cui contenuto è strutturato in modo ripetitivo e secondo moduli (es ricerche fatte su archivi come pubmed, su archivi bibliotecari..) posso creare dei modelli (scraper) fatti apposta per estrarre quante più informazioni possibili da quelle pagine e organizzarle in maniera semantica (i.e. attraverso una ontologia). Poi ogni singolo utilizzatore dello strumento di estrazione può condividere l'informazione estratta con altri e permettergli di navigare attraverso una knowledge base già costituita. Cioè, è un modo di rendere "un po' più semantico" il web che c'è già. Personalmente, spero di utilizzare questa cosa per organizzare i documenti che raccolgo online...
Tutto ciò, ammesso che il tool funzioni: non voglio fare troppa pubblicità, perchè al momento a me funziona solo il dieci percento di quanto ho detto!
Da mesi sto testando un mio tool per estrarre "un qualcosa" che dovrebbe assomigliare, nel suo risultato finale, ad un aggregato di concetti-categorie-keyphrase vicini ad un dato termine.
Questa analisi non tiene conto volutamente in nessun modo di cosa cercano gli utenti nei motori di ricerca ne delle keyword usate dagli inserzionisti.
Soprattutto non e' da intendersi come un elenco di parole che possono precedere o seguire il termine in analisi, ma viceversa una lista di parole che dovrebbero aiutare un wm a sviluppare-trattare degli argomenti correlati al termine che si desidera spingere.
Le "correlate" sono key sensitive, e laddove nell'elenco riportato una parola appare piu' di una volta e' solo perche' a fianco (per le correlate pesanti) metto anche una serie di altri valori che per brevita' qui non ho riportato.
Ovviamente una lista di correlate potrebbero essere lunghissima, personalmente la "taglio" ad un certo punto, quando il valore di una correlata diventa veramente insignificante.
Per poter essere abbastanza significativo ed attendibile l'analisi si basa su una parte notevole di web, grossomodo 100 miliardi di frasi diverse in inglese.
Ecco un esempio per un termine qualsiasi: bottled
acai acai fruit acai fruit acai Accessory Brand acetylene acetylene gas address Ads Ads Vintage advertise Advertising Sales aerated aerospace industry afternoon Agents agents estate agents agricultural Agricultural agricultural products Agricultural Sales Airsoft alberta alberta oil Alcohol alcoholic alcoholic beverages alcoholic beverages beverages Alcoholic Drinks alcoholic drinks alcoholic wine amplification amplification products Analysis analysis Mineral Analysis Real Estate annual annual sales antique antique estate apple juice Appliances appliances gas Appliances Sales Art Art Prints artificial mineral ash ash industry association gas Assorted austin Australian Australian Wine auto auto gas automotive Automotive autumn autumn spring available Available Late Avanti awareness baby baby products Bag Bags Bakery Products baking Baking baking Baking Supplies balloon delivery barbecue Barcode Barley Wine based drinks based products basket Beauty Beauty Products Beauty Supplies Beer beer Beer beer Beer beer Beer beer Beer beer Beer beer and soft Beer Beverages Retail berry fruit Beverage Beverages beverages Beverages beverages Beverages beverages Beverages beverages Beverages beverages Beverages beverages Beverages beverages Beverages beverages Beverages beverages Beverages beverages beverages and spirits beverages drinks Beverages Product Beverages Retail Beverages Retail Wine Beverages Spirits Black Black Bulk Black Bulk Inkjet Black Ink Black Market bloom bloom in late Blue Blue Gas Blue Ice Body book Bottle BOTTLE COOLER bottle label Bottle Wine Bottled bottled Bottled bottled Bottled bottled Bottled bottled Bottled bottled Bottled bottled Bottled bottled Bottled BOTTLED Bottled bottled Bottled bottled Bottled bottled Bottled bottled Bottled bottled Bottled bottled Bottled bottled Bottled bottled bottled Alcohol Beverages bottled cooler bottled drinks Bottled Filters Bottled Filters Deionized Bottled Fish Bottled Fountain Bottled Fountain Pen bottled fruit Bottled Gas BOTTLED GAS Bottled Gas bottled lemon bottled mineral bottled or Bottled bottled soft Bottled Vintage Bottled Vintage Port bottled vs bottled water bottled bottled water drinks bottled water vs bottom Box BOX Box BOX Brand brand Brand brand Brand brand Brand brand Brand brand Brand brand Brand brand Brand brand Brand brand Brand brand Brand brand Brand brand BRAND brand Brand brand BRAND brand Brand Brand Cartridge brand drinks BRAND HANDLE Brand Names BRAND NEW HANDLE Brand new item brand shoes brand sweetened condensed bread breaking brewing brewing industry brewing supplies Bucket BUCKET Building Building Products Bulk bulk Bulk bulk Bulk bulk Bulk bulk Bulk bulk Bulk bulk Bulk bulk Bulk Cartridges Bulk Epson Bulk Ink Bulk Inkjet Bulk Printer Bulk Refill Bulk Tea bulk vending Bulk Wholesale Burgundy Wine Burner Gas Business butane butane gas butter butter wine Buy buy Buy buy Buy buy Buy buy Buy buy Buy buy Buy buy Buy buy Buy buy Buy buy Buy buy Buy buy Buy buy Buy buy Buy buy Buy buy Buy And Sell Buy Art Buy Cartridge Buy Cheap buy cialis buy computers buy cream buy direct Buy discount Buy Discount buy discounts buy discounts buy Buy Dvd buy email buy green buy houses Buy Ink buy ink buy office buy online Buy Online buy phentermine buy prices Buy Printer Buy Tenuate buy tramadol buy Viagra Buy Wholesale buy xanax Cable Brand caffeinated caffeine caffeine drinks Cake Candy canned Canned canned Canned canned Canned canned Canned Fruit canned fruit Canned Fruit Canned canned soft canned tomato Canon capital market capitalization capitalization of companies capitalizations caps gas carbonated carbonated soft Card Card Brand care Care care Care care Care Care Products care products Care Products care products Care Products cartons Cartridge Cartridge Brand Cartridge Bulk Cartridge Products cartridge supplies Cartridges cartridges Cartridges Buy Cartridges Ink cash Cellar cellars wine cereal Champagne champagne Chart Wine Cheap cheap cheese Chemical chemical Chemical Products chest Chest Cooler Chicken chili Chiller China China Tea Chinese Chinese market chocolate Chocolate chocolate Chocolate chocolate chocolate ice chocolate ice cream Choice cialis citrus fruit clam juice Cleaning Cleaning Products club CNG CNG Gas co Coca cocktail coconut coconut milk Coffee coffee Coffee coffee Coffee coffee drinks cola cold cold milk Collection Commercial commercial real estate companies Companies companies Companies companies Companies companies Companies companies Companies companies Companies companies Companies companies companies capitalization companies data companies drink Companies Gas companies houston companies in Canada companies in houston companies listed companies research compatible Compatible compatible brand complimentary Computer Computer Products Computers Brand Computers Buy Computing Products concentrate concentrated fruit Concentrator condensed condensed milk conditions Construction Industry Consumer consumer Consumer consumer products Consumer Products consumption Contact containing gas Conversion Gas conversion gas conversions conversion kit gas Cooker Cooker Gas Cookers GAS cookers gas cylinders cooking gas cooler Cooler cooler Cooler cooler Cooler cooler Cooler cooler Cooler cooler Cooler cooler Cooler Bag Cooler Kegerator cooler music sales Costume covered CPU Craft cranberry cranberry juice cream Cream cream Cream cream Cream cream cream and ice cream brand cream delivery cream ice cream ice cream cream industry cream machine cream market cream products cream soda cream white wine cream wine cubes cup curry sauce custom custom wine cut cylinder cylinder gas cylinders Dairy dairy Dairy dairy products Danby dance dance companies dance supplies data data companies Data Industry Deeping Estate Agents Delivery delivery Delivery delivery Delivery delivery Delivery delivery Delivery delivery Delivery delivery Delivery delivery Delivery delivery Delivery delivery Delivery Delivery Brand Delivery Cost delivery device delivery device delivery delivery equipment Delivery Guy Delivery Services delivery system delivery system delivery Delivery Systems delivery trucks demand detector detector gas develop developing products Development Development Companies device diabetic diet diet soft direct Direct Sales discount Discount discount Discount discounts buy dispenser Dispenser dissolved oxygen distilled distilled alcoholic distilled water drinks distribution companies Dog Dog Products Double Draft drayton estate agents dried dried fruit Dried Products drink bottling drink brand drink companies drink fruit drink industry drink market shares drink products drink sales drink soft drinking drinks Drinks drinks Drinks drinks Drinks drinks Drinks drinks drinks and snacks Drinks Association Drinks Beverages drinks cream drinks drinks drinks fountain drinks in schools Drinks Ltd drinks manufacturers drinks market Drinks News Drive Drive Brand driven drug dry Dual dual zone DVDs DVDs Buy Eagle Brand egg products eggs Electric electric companies Electrical electricity electricity supplies email email software email software buy energy Energy Drinks Enhanced Mineral enter enter the market Epson Epson Bulk epson ink Equipment Estate estate Estate estate Estate estate Estate estate Estate estate Estate estate Estate Estate Agents estate agents Estate Agents estate agents estate agents estate estate atlanta gas estate companies estate estate estate hill estate investment ESTATE ITEMS estate jewelry Estate Links estate listed Estate Restaurant Estate Sale Estate Services Estate Title Europe evaporated evaporated milk exhaust gas exploration export fall fall spring fermented fermented beverages fill Film Production filtered Finance financial fioricet Fire Gas fireplace fireplace gas Fireplaces fish Fish Fish Canned Fishing fishing products Flavored flavored Flower flowers flowers in late flue fluid Foods foods Forecast Forest Forest Products Fountain fountain drinks Fountain Pen Fountain Pen Ink Fountain Supplies free Free free FREE Free free Free free Free Delivery free soft French French Wine fresh Fresh Fruit fresh fruit Fresh Fruit fresh fruit frost frozen Fruit fruit Fruit fruit Fruit fruit Fruit fruit Fruit fruit Fruit fruit Fruit fruit Fruit fruit Fruit fruit Fruit fruit Fruit fruit fruit acai fruit acai fruit fruit baskets Fruit Cake fruit canned Fruit Canned Fruit Choice fruit cocktail fruit concentrates Fruit Crate fruit cream fruit drink fruit drinks Fruit Fresh Fruit Fruit fruit juice Fruit Juice fruit juice Fruit Juice fruit juice fruit juices fruit juices fruit Fruit Milk fruit or vegetable Fruit Punch fruit salad Fruit Tea fruit vegetable fuel Fuel fuel gas furnace furnace gas Furniture ga real estate Garden Gardens Real Estate garlic garlic white wine garlic wine gas Gas gas Gas gas Gas gas Gas gas Gas gas Gas gas Gas gas Gas GAS Gas gas Gas gas Gas gas GAS gas gas and electricity Gas Appliances gas appliances Gas Association gas association gas Gas Bottle gas bottle Gas Bottle gas bottle Gas Car Gas Companies Gas Companies Gas gas conversion Gas Conversion GAS CONVERSION KIT gas conversions gas Gas Cooker Gas Cooker Gas Gas cylinder gas cylinder gas cylinders gas cylinders gas gas detector Gas Dryer Gas Equipment Gas Filling gas Filling Plant gas fired gas gas fireplace gas fireplace gas gas fires gas fittings Gas Furnace Gas Furnace Gas Gas Gas gas gas gas generator Gas Grill gas grill gas Gas Guns Gas Heat gas heater gas heater gas gas heating Gas Hob gas hot Gas Industry gas liquid Gas Logs gas market gas mixture Gas Monitoring gas pipeline gas plant india gas plants gas plants gas gas products Gas Propane Gas Pump gas range Gas Refrigerator Gas Regulator gas reserves gas sensor gas gas sensors Gas Service Gas Station Gas Stations Gas Stove Gas Stoves Gas Supplier gas supplier gas Gas Supplies gas tank GAS TANKS gas torches Gas Utilities gas welding Georgia Gift Gifts glass Glass
glass Glass glass Glass Wine glasses global global market Goji Gold golf products goods grape grape wine Grape Wine Green Green Buy Green Ice green tea Green Tea green tea Green Tea greenhouse greenhouse gas Grill Grill Gas Grill Gas Grill grill propane growing market Guns Haier Hair hair products Handles Handles BRAND Harborough Harborough Estate agent harvest harvest wine Health HEALTH PRODUCTS Health Products Heater heater Heater Heater Gas heaters gas heating Heating heating gas Herbal Herbs Hill Hob Hot hot Hot hot Hot hot Hot Sauce hot spring houston HP hydrogen hydrogen gas Ice ice Ice ice Ice ice Ice ice Ice ice Ice ice Ice ice Ice ice Ice ice ICE BUCKET ice chest ice cold Ice Cream ice cream Ice Cream ice cream Ice Cream ice cream Ice Cream Ice Cream Ice ice cream ice ice cream machine ice cream maker ice cream recipe ICE FREE Ice Green ice machines ice maker ice sheet Ice Wine Iced Ice Iced Ice Cream Iced Tea iced tea Iced Tea iced tea Iced Tea ideas Identity Immunoglobulins Bulk Imp Games Inc Inc Pharmaceutical Products including including mineral including mineral waters including soft increase increase sales Index India india drinks industry Industry industry Industry industry Industry industry Industry industry Industry industry Industry Industry Analysis industry associations industry Drinks Industry Industry Industry Insider Industry Market Industry News Industry Profile Industry Report Industry Reports Industry Research INDUSTRY REVIEW industry sectors industry share Industry Surveys industry trends Industry Trends infested information on delivery Ink ink Ink ink Ink ink Ink ink Ink Ink Cartridge ink cartridges Ink Cartridges ink cartridges Ink Cartridges ink cartridges ink Epson ink ink ink inkjet Ink Jet ink jet Ink Jet ink jet Ink Jet ink printer Ink Printer Ink Refill Ink Refills Ink Supplies ink system Inkjet inkjet Inkjet inkjet inkjet bulk Inkjet Ink insurance intelligence Internal Ice Internal Ice Maker Island Island Ice Island Real Estate isotopes items Jet Jet Bulk Jet Ink Jet Printer Jet Supplies jewellery jewelry jewelry supplies jugs juice Juice juice Juice juice Juice juice juice cartons juice drinks juice fruit juice pack Juice Snapple juices Keeper Wine Keg Keg Cooler Keg Tap Kegerator Kettle kit Kits kits gas kits gas conversions label Label label Label label Label label Label label Label label Label label Label label Label label Label label Label label Label Label Jet Label Makers label society Lake Lake Real Estate Laser late Late late Late late Late late Late late late autumn Late Bottled late fall Late Spring late spring late summer LATE SUN LATE THIS AFTERNOON late winter leader leaders leading leading companies leading products Leads lemon lemon juice lemon wine license license and wine light light wine lime lime juice Lipton Lipton Ice liquefied Liquefied liquefied liquefied petroleum Liquefied Petroleum Gas Liquid liquid liquid petroleum gas liquid propane Liquid Propane Liquid Propane Gas Liquified Petroleum Gas liquor Liquor list listed listed companies logs gas Lot LOT LP LP Gas LPG Luggage Label machines made mail maker Maker Maker Supplies Makers makeup Making making making and wine Making Kits Making Supplies making supplies Making Supplies making supplies malt malt beverages malt beverages spirits Management mangosteen Mangosteen Fruit manufacture Manufactured Manufacturer Manufacturing market Market market Market market Market market Market market Market market Market market Market market Market market Market market Market market Market market Market market Market Analysis market cap market capitalizations market drinks market prices Market Reports Market Research market research Market Research market segment market share market share drink Market Size market structure market their products market timing Market Trends market value Marketing Market marketing products marsala wine Maryland Real Estate Master material matured and bottled meat meat products Media Medical medical medical products Medical Supplies medical supplies Medical Supplies medical supplies Metal Metal Products metal products Metals Mice milk Milk milk Milk milk Milk milk Milk milk Milk milk Milk milk milk and cereal Milk and Milk MILK BOTTLE milk cream Milk Glass Milk Products milk products Milk Tea Milk Thistle Mineral mineral Mineral mineral Mineral mineral Mineral mineral Mineral mineral Mineral mineral Mineral mineral Mineral mineral Mineral mineral and aerated mineral drinks mineral lease Mineral Makeup Mineral Products mineral spring mineral waters Mining mix mixed Mixed mixed mixed drinks mixture Model Brand MONDAY LATE MOVING OVER COOLER mushroom mushroom wine Music Music Sales names natural Natural natural natural fruit natural gas Natural Gas natural gas Natural Gas natural gas Natural Gas natural gas Natural Gas natural gas natural market natural mineral natural propane natural spring nec Networking Brand news News News Industry night night delivery night drinks nitrogen nitrogen gas nitrogen gas plants non Non non delivery Noni Noni Fruit nutrition offer offer products Office office Office Office Products Office Supplies Oil oil Oil oil Oil oil Oil and Gas oil and gas oil companies oil gas oil industry oil products Onion online Online online Online opportunities orange orange juice orange milk organic organizations overnight Oxygen oxygen Oxygen oxygen Oxygen oxygen Oxygen oxygen oxygen delivery oxygen gas PACKAGING Pakistan Paper Paper Products Party Party Supplies passion fruit Passion Fruit passion fruit pasta Patio PCR products Pen Pen Ink Pepper Pepsi Drinks percent Personalized Personalized Wine Pet Pet Products Pet Supplies petrol petroleum Petroleum petroleum petroleum gas Petroleum Gas petroleum gas Petroleum LPG PETROLEUM PRODUCTS petroleum products Pharmaceutical pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Products Pharmaceutical Products Inc PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS Pharmaceutical Phentermine phentermine Photos pineapple pipeline plant Plant India plants plants gas policies pop Port Port Wine Posters Pot potable alcoholic beverages powder Power power Power Power Supplies premium prices prices products Printer printer Printer printer bulk printer buy printer ink Printer Ink printer ink Printer Ink Printer Supplies Printing printing industry Prints private Private private Private private brand private label Private Label private products processing industry produce products Products products Products products Products products Products products Products products Products products Products products Products products Products products Products products Products products Products products Products products products access Products And Sell products and services PRODUCTS BY BRAND Products Cartridge products cream products drinks products food products products fruit Products Great Selection Products Inc Products Inc Pharmaceutical products including Products Industry Products Manufacturing Products Market products mentioned products milk products name office products name products products oil Products Online products online Products Pet PRODUCTS Pharmaceutical Products Products Power products printer Products Products products share products Shoes products were sequenced Profile promote Promotional Promotional Products Propane propane Propane propane Propane propane and natural Propane Butane Propane Gas Propane Grills propane or natural propane tanks provide products purified Quality quality quality products Rack Range Range Cooker Rapid Ice raw recipe Recipe Iced Record record sales red Red red wine Red Wine red wine red wine mushroom Refill refill bulk Refill Ink Refill Kits refill supplies Refills Refrigerator Registered Registration regulator gas Reports research research companies research industry Researchers Drinks Restaurant Supplies Retail retail Retail Retail Wine REVIEW Reviews rice rich RICH Gas rings RO filtered rolls Root Rose Russian Russian gas Safety Safety Products sale drinks sales Sales sales Sales sales Sales sales Sales sales Sales sales Sales sales SALES sales Sales sales SALES Sales sales Sales sales SALES Sales SALES sales Sales sales Sales Act Sales Agents sales email sales jobs sales of alcoholic Sales Research sales tax sales training sales viagra Salt Spring saturday sauce Sauce sauce Sauce sauce Sauce sauce Sauce sauce Sauce sauce sauce cream sauce tomato school schools schools drinks scooters Sector segment segmentation sell Sell sell Sell sell products Sell Real Estate sell their products selling selling soft Sensor sensor gas serve ice serve ice cream served Service service Service Services services Services services shallot share share drink shares drink market sheet Shoe Shoes Shop SIC sided Sided Cooler Silver Size Skates skim Skin Skin Care snacks Soda soda Soda soda Soda soda Soda soda Soda soda SODA BOTTLE soda cream Sodas soft Soft soft Soft soft Soft soft Soft soft Soft soft Soft soft Soft soft Soft soft Soft soft Soft soft Soft soft Soft soft beer soft beverages soft bottled Soft Camel Soft Cream Soft Drink Soft Drinks soft drinks Soft Drinks soft drinks Soft Drinks soft drinks soft juice soft products Soft Serve Soft Sided soft tea SOFT TOY software buy soy soy sauce spirits Spirits spirits spirits and wine spirits industry Spirits Industry Council spirits industry spirits Spirits Market sports sports drinks spring Spring spring Spring spring Spring spring Spring spring Spring spring Spring spring Spring spring Spring spring Spring spring Spring spring spring and summer Spring Avenue spring fall spring frosts spring mineral Spring Onion spring or summer spring rolls spring waters spring winter stage Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Wine standard Station Steak Steaz Steel Steel Wine Stock stock stock market Stove Stove Gas stream gas Sub Industry sugar summer summer spring suppliers gas supplies supplies Supplies supplies Supplies supplies Supplies supplies Supplies supplies Supplies supplies Supplies supplies Supplies supplies Supplies supplies Supplies supplies Supplies supplies Supplies supplies Supplies supplies Supplies supplies Supplies supplies supplies and wine Supplies Cartridges Supplies Cream supplies label SUPPLIES NAME PRODUCTS supplies of natural Supplies Online Supplies Printer Supplies Services supplies to Ukraine Support Surveys sweetened sweetened condensed sweetened condensed milk system delivery system delivery systems system ink Tabasco tablespoons tabs tabs buy tank tank milk tap Tap tap TAP tap TAP tap Tap Handle Tasting tax tea Tea tea Tea tea Tea tea Tea tea Tea tea Tea tea Tea tea Tea tea Tea tea Tea tea Tea tea Tea Tea Glasses Tea Ice Tea Maker Tea Spoon Tea Tea Telemarketing Sales Tenuate Texas texas companies texas real estate Thai Thai Ice Therapy Therapy Products thermal Thistle Title Title Real Estate Toast tobacco tobacco products tomato tomato products tomato sauce tomato wine Toner Toner Supplies Top top ten torch TOY Trade trade and industry trading tramadol Tree Tree Products trends triple filtered UK Ukraine Undefined Brand using Utilities Valley Valley Real Estate value Vanilla vegetable vegetables Vending Vent viagra vinegar Vintage Vintage Computing Vintage Port vitamin vs vs bottled vs spring warm waters Waters WATERS waters Welding White white White white wine white wine cream white wine garlic white wine mushroom Wholesale Wine wine Wine wine Wine wine Wine wine Wine wine Wine wine Wine wine Wine wine Wine wine Wine wine Wine wine Wine wine Wine wine Wine wine Wine wine Wine Wine Ads Wine Advocate wine and mushroom wine and wine WINE ART Wine Avanti Wine Beverages wine black Wine Bottle wine bottle wine bottles Wine Buckets wine butter Wine Cellar Wine Chart Wine Chart Wine Wine Chiller Wine Cooler Wine Coolers wine cream Wine Danby wine Description wine garlic wine gift Wine Gifts Wine Glass Wine Haier Wine Hobby Wine Label wine lemon wine license wine liquor wine list Wine Making Wine Making Kits wine making supplies Wine Merchants wine mushroom Wine Online Wine Posters Wine Prices Wine Racks wine recipe wine reduction Wine Refrigerator wine sauce wine spirits Wine Store wine tomato Wine Wine wine wine Wine Wine winter winter and spring Wood Wood Products Worcestershire Worcestershire sauce Writer Brand xanax Xango year year spring yogurt Zone zone wine
Da notare alcune parole in apparenza assolutamente senza nessun legame con bottled, tipo Vintage Computing, ma se il tool le mette e' perche' sicuramente in molte pagine del web Vintage Computing appare vicino alla parola bottled o bottle etc (il sistema tiene conto delle radici di ogni termine).
Purtroppo, data la mole enorme di dati da considerare attualmente riesco a calcolare le correlate di un termine in circa 12 minuti lanciando il programma su un pc di normale potenza.
riprendo questa discussione per una segnalazione:
sto partecipando ad un progetto che riguarda l'organizzazione delle ontologie in ambito biologico. Se qualcuno di voi è interessato allo sviluppo/interoperabilità delle ontologie, può partecipare al wiki del progetto http://inmobio.epistematica.com, dove è presente anche un archivio di articoli sul tema. é molto gradito qualunque contributo che va dallo scambio di articoli/fonti/tools alla discussione sugli strumenti semantici e il loro utilizzo.
N.B. il sito è in inglese.Claudio
Guarda Rocco_bruno se puo' essere utile integrare i link su http://inmobio.epistematica.org con i componenti del sekt:
@agoago said:
Guarda Rocco_bruno se puo' essere utile integrare i link su http://inmobio.epistematica.org con i componenti del sekt:
AgoAgo ti ringrazio molto per la correzione
e per il suggerimento. Purtroppo però non sono riuscito a sfruttare l'informazione che mi hai passato perchè non riesco ad accedere al sito del progetto sekt.
Ricambio la cortesia, indicandoti alcune risorse che ritengo utili a proposito dello stesso topic:[url=http://www.tonesproject.org/index.php?o ption=com_content&task=view&id=3 5&Itemid=76]Tones - Deliverables
Il progetto TONES rilascia regolarmente dei deliverables molto dettagliati riguardo allo stato dell'arte nell'ambito dello sviluppo e uso di ontologie.[url=http://www.openacademia.org/doc/index.html]openacademia
un archivio semantico di articoli scientifici[url=http://rease.semanticweb.org/ubp]REASE
un repository di risorse (presentazioni, materiale video, ecc) sul semantic web[url=http://ontoware.org/]OntoWare
mette a disposizione tools semantici[url=]http://iswc2006.semanticweb.org/program/tech_links.php
Il sito del conferenza internazionale sul web semantico del 2006 mette a disposizione diversi tool semantici[url=http://www.thedailybit.net/index.php?method=section&action=zoom&id=2313]reti a invarianza di scala
io vivo lontano dalla famiglia, e quando mia madre mi manda qualche pacco di provviste (come è solito delle sane abitudini del sud) ci mette sempre qualcosa che non c'entra niente. ecco, questo non c'entra niente con i link di prima, però ho trovato interessante questo articolo e voglio condividerlo. se ti va fammi sapere che ne pensi..Ciao