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I contenuti: come difendersi dai "copioni"
Content is the King!
E' vero, i contenuti sono e saranno sempre uno dei fattori più importanti per noi Seo.
Per questo bisogna monitorare, proteggerli, fare in modo che chi duplica i nostri contenuti abbia vita difficile e possa essere scoperto in tempi brevi in modo da non ingiungere in penalizzazioni.
Eric Lander su SearchEngineJournal posta un interessantissimo articolo su questo tema.
Riassume tutto in pochi punti
Copyright Your Content
The first step in protecting your content is having a clear copyright posted. While a simple statement on the footer of your page may be enough ? be aggressive and up front. Using a disclaimer or badge, like those available at Creative Commons, is a great start.Actively Check for Duplicates
Blogs have quickly become one of the fastest vehicles for duplicate content to spread. Knowing this, you need to keep an eye on search results quite often. It can be a tedious process, but searching for unique strings of text on Google?s Blog Search, Copyscape and the Internet Archive are all great ways to find those reusing your writings.Performing Internal Audits
Duplicate content can exist on the same site as easily as it can on different domain names. Performing internal site audits on your web sites is an excellent way to ensure that you are properly optimized.Per documentarvi nel forumGT:
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