• Super User

    @Giorgiotave said:

    idea sul perchè da


    nel replacemente lo fa


    Dove posso trovare alcune regolette?
    mi posti l'url dove hai il problema

  • Community Manager

  • Super User

    si è vero ricordo....

  • Community Manager

    @Rinzi said:

    si è vero ricordo....

    Jantima che mi dici? Hai novità?

  • User

    Mi servirebbe un pò una mano a impostare questa funzione dell'URL nel titolo dei topic.

    In particolare (per chi ha usato il mod di Jantima), alla fine cosa appare scritto nel file .htaccess?

    A me appare il forum (la pagina di index con l'elenco delle categorie). Aprendo una di esse però appare la pagina di errore (404 impossibile trovare la pagina).

    Cosa dovrei guardare?


  • Super User

    Appena ho 10 min controllo 😉

    E' stato un po un bagno di sangue a dir la verità mettere in piedi il tutto però alla fine ha funzionato, devo ricordarmi un po come ho fatto 😄

  • User

    @Tuonorosso said:

    Appena ho 10 min controllo 😉

    E' stato un po un bagno di sangue a dir la verità mettere in piedi il tutto però alla fine ha funzionato, devo ricordarmi un po come ho fatto 😄

    Grazie 1000

    P.S. A proposito, controlla l'URL di Auto Elaborate nella tua firma :impiccato:

  • Community Manager

    Allora Allora.

    L'errore molto probabilmente sta qui


    // $contents = preg_replace("/(\s+)?(<.+>)(\s+)?/", "$2", ob_get_contents());
    $contents = rewrite_urls(ob_get_contents());
    echo $contents;

    global $dbg_starttime;


    Tuonorosso ha detto che controllerà il suo codice per verificare, poi inseriamo il mod nel progetto [url=http://www.giorgiotave.it/wikigt/os/Ottimizza_il_tuo_CMS]Ottimizza il tuo CMS.


    P.S. Così mi ottimizzo qualche forum 😄

  • Super User


    sopra a quello che hai incollato dovrebbe esserci un:

    // Close our DB connection.
    //$contents = ob_get_contents&#40;&#41;; 

    Il commento di ob_end_clean va messo qui 😉

  • Super User

    ragazzi vi do una chicca 😄

    chi ha il template IRIS come tuonorosso (www. autoelaborate.com/video/index.php)
    ha problemi con il mod di cui state parlando...le url dei forum e dei topic non vengono riscritte senza parametro...


    sostituire il file viewforum_body.tpl con quello presente nel template subSilver e tutto funzionerà.... (ho fatto anche un'altra cosa ma nn ricordo :?)

    tuono mi fai sapere se ti funziona??

  • Super User

    ottimo, funziona!

    Credo anche di aver capito il problema 😄

    Prova a modificare questa riga:

    	  <td class="row1" width="100%" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='&#123;C_ROW1_OVER&#125;';" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='&#123;C_ROW1&#125;';" onclick="window.location.href='&#123;topicrow.U_VIEW_TOPIC&#125;'"><span class="topictitle">&#123;topicrow.NEWEST_POST_IMG&#125;&#123;topicrow.TOPIC_TYPE&#125;[url="&#123;topicrow.U_VIEW_TOPIC&#125;"]&#123;topicrow.TOPIC_TITLE&#125;</span><span class="gensmall">

    In questa

    	  <td class="row1" width="100%"><span class="topictitle">&#123;topicrow.NEWEST_POST_IMG&#125;&#123;topicrow.TOPIC_TYPE&#125;[url="&#123;topicrow.U_VIEW_TOPIC&#125;"]&#123;topicrow.TOPIC_TITLE&#125;</span><span class="gensmall">


    Grande Rinzi!

  • Super User

    sisi, è proprio quella riga che ho messo io a causare il problema.

    Lo fa anche nell'index_body.tpl, c'è da sistemarla anche li, ovviamente la riga che ha il collegamento a U_VIEW_FORUM 😉

  • Community Manager


    puoi copiare tutto il codice, ci sono più ob_end_clean(); e non funziona.

    O mostra pagina bianca, o 404 o non mostra il rewrite.

    Faresti copia incolla del page_tail.php?

  • Super User
     *                              page_tail.php
     *                            -------------------
     *   begin                : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001
     *   copyright            &#58; &#40;C&#41; 2001 The phpBB Group
     *   email                &#58; [email][email protected][/email]
     *   $Id&#58; page_tail.php,v 2004/12/22 02&#58;04&#58;00 psotfx Exp $
     *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
     *   &#40;at your option&#41; any later version.
    if &#40; !defined&#40;'IN_PHPBB'&#41; &#41;
    	die&#40;'Hacking attempt'&#41;;
    // Show the overall footer.
    $admin_link = &#40; $userdata&#91;'user_level'&#93; == ADMIN &#41; ? '[url="admin/index.' . $phpEx . '?sid=' . $userdata&#91;'session_id'&#93; . '"]' . $lang&#91;'Admin_panel'&#93; . '
    ' &#58; '';
    	'overall_footer' => &#40; empty&#40;$gen_simple_header&#41; &#41; ? 'overall_footer.tpl' &#58; 'simple_footer.tpl'&#41;
    	'TRANSLATION_INFO' => &#40; isset&#40;$lang&#91;'TRANSLATION_INFO'&#93;&#41; &#41; ? $lang&#91;'TRANSLATION_INFO'&#93; &#58; '',
    	'ADMIN_LINK' => $admin_link&#41;
    // Close our DB connection.
    //$contents = ob_get_contents&#40;&#41;; 
    // begin keyword urls mod
    header &#40;'Expires&#58; 0'&#41;;
    header &#40;'Pragma&#58; no-cache'&#41;;
    header &#40;'X-Powered-By&#58;'&#41;;
    header &#40;'Server&#58;'&#41;;
    if&#40; function_exists&#40;ob_gzhandler&#41; && $board_config&#91;'gzip_compress'&#93; == 1&#41;
    //	$gzip_contents = preg_replace&#40;"/&#40;\s+&#41;?&#40;\<.+\>&#41;&#40;\s+&#41;?/", "$2", rewrite_urls&#40;ob_get_contents&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
    	$gzip_contents = rewrite_urls&#40;ob_get_contents&#40;&#41;&#41;;
    	header&#40;'Vary&#58; Accept-Encoding'&#41;;
    	Header&#40;'X-Content-Original-Length&#58; ' . strlen&#40;$gzip_contents&#41;&#41;;
    	Header&#40;'X-Content-Encoded-By&#58; webmedic page optimizer'&#41;;
    //	$gzip_contents = preg_replace&#40;"//", "$2", $gzip_contents&#41;;
    //	Header&#40;'X-Content-Clean-Rem-Length&#58; ' . strlen&#40;$gzip_contents&#41;&#41;;
    //	$gzip_contents = preg_replace&#40;"/&#40;\s+&#41;?&#40;\<.+\>&#41;&#40;\s+&#41;?/", "$2", $gzip_contents&#41;;
    //	$gzip_contents = preg_replace&#40;"/\\r|\\n|\\f/", "", $gzip_contents&#41;;
    //	Header&#40;'X-Content-Clean-Space-Length&#58; ' . strlen&#40;$gzip_contents&#41;&#41;;
    //	$gzip_contents = preg_replace&#40;"/&#40;\S+&#41;\x20&#123;2,&#125;&#40;?=\S+&#41;/", "$1 ",  $gzip_contents&#41;;
    //	Header&#40;'X-Content-Clean-Space-Inside-Length&#58; ' . strlen&#40;$gzip_contents&#41;&#41;;
    	echo $gzip_contents;
    //	header&#40;'Content-Length&#58; '.ob_get_length&#40;&#41;&#41;;
    //	$contents = preg_replace&#40;"/&#40;\s+&#41;?&#40;\<.+\>&#41;&#40;\s+&#41;?/", "$2", ob_get_contents&#40;&#41;&#41;;
    	$contents = rewrite_urls&#40;ob_get_contents&#40;&#41;&#41;;
    	echo $contents;
    	global $dbg_starttime;
    // end keyword urls mod

  • Super User

    ottimo.... che gruppo... che forum... 😄 :yuppi:


  • Community Manager

    Niente 404 😞

    Posteresti il page Header?

    Sorry 😞

  • Super User
     *                              page_header.php
     *                            -------------------
     *   begin                : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001
     *   copyright            &#58; &#40;C&#41; 2001 The phpBB Group
     *   email                &#58; [email][email protected][/email]
     *   $Id&#58; page_header.php,v 2005/03/26 14&#58;15&#58;59 acydburn Exp $
     *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
     *   &#40;at your option&#41; any later version.
    if &#40; !defined&#40;'IN_PHPBB'&#41; &#41;
    	die&#40;"Hacking attempt"&#41;;
    define&#40;'HEADER_INC', TRUE&#41;;
    // Begin keyword urls mod
    while &#40;@ob_end_flush&#40;&#41;&#41;;
    function make_url_friendly&#40;$url&#41;
    	$url = trim&#40;$url&#41;;
    	$url = strtolower&#40;$url&#41;;
    	// Fix for most recent topics block
    	// or else a b is shown in every url
    	$find = array&#40;'**',
    	$url = str_replace &#40;$find, '', $url&#41;;
    	$url = preg_replace&#40;'/<&#40;\/&#123;0,1&#125;&#41;img&#40;.*?&#41;&#40;\/&#123;0,1&#125;&#41;\>/', 'image', $url&#41;;
    	$find = array&#40;' ',
    	$url = str_replace &#40;$find, '-', $url&#41;;
    	$find = array&#40;'é',
    	$url = str_replace &#40;$find, 'e', $url&#41;;
    	$find = array&#40;'í',
    	$url = str_replace &#40;$find, 'i', $url&#41;;
    	$find = array&#40;'ó',
    	$url = str_replace &#40;$find, 'o', $url&#41;;
    	$find = array&#40;'ö',
    	$url = str_replace &#40;$find, 'oe', $url&#41;;
    	$find = array&#40;'á',
    	$url = str_replace &#40;$find, 'a', $url&#41;;
    	$find = array&#40;'ä',
    	$url = str_replace &#40;$find, 'ae', $url&#41;;
    	$find = array&#40;'ú',
    	$url = str_replace &#40;$find, 'u', $url&#41;;
    	$find = array&#40;'ü',
    	$url = str_replace &#40;$find, 'ue', $url&#41;;
    	$find = array&#40;'ß'&#41;;
    	$url = str_replace &#40;$find, 'ss', $url&#41;;
    	$find = array&#40;'/&#91;^a-z0-9\-<>&#93;/',
    	$repl = array&#40;'',
    	$url =  preg_replace &#40;$find, $repl, $url&#41;;
    	$url = str_replace &#40;'--', '-', $url&#41;;
    	return $url;
    function rewrite_urls&#40;$content&#41;
    	function if_query&#40;$amp&#41;
    		if&#40;$amp != ''&#41;
    			return '?';
    	$url_in = array&#40;'/&#40;?<!\/&#41;viewforum.php\?f=&#40;&#91;0-9&#93;+&#41;&#40;&#40;&amp;&#41;|&#40;&&#41;&#41;&#123;0,1&#125;&#40;&#91;^>&#93;+>&#41;&#40;.*?&#41;<\/a>/e',
    			//'/&#40;?<!\/&#41;album_showpage.php\?pic_id=&#40;&#91;0-9&#93;+&#41;&#40;&#40;&amp;&#41;|&#40;&&#41;&#41;&#123;0,1&#125;&#40;&#91;^>&#93;+>&#41;&#40;<img .*?&#41;<\/a>/e',
    	$url_out = array&#40;"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-vf\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-vf\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-vp\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-vt\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-ac\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-at\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-apic\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-apm\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			//"'show-pic-asp\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"'image-full-asp\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-asp\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-aper\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-dc\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-df\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-kbc\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-kba\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\5'&#41; . '-kbsmp.html' . if_query&#40;'\\1'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\4\\5'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\5'&#41; . '-kbstr.html' . if_query&#40;'\\1'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\4\\5'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\5'&#41; . '-kbsl.html' . if_query&#40;'\\1'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\4\\5'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-pc\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\6'&#41; . '-pa\\1.html' . if_query&#40;'\\2'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\5\\6'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\5'&#41; . '-psmp.html' . if_query&#40;'\\1'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\4\\5'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\5'&#41; . '-pstr.html' . if_query&#40;'\\1'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\4\\5'&#41; . '</a>'",
    			"make_url_friendly&#40;'\\5'&#41; . '-psl.html' . if_query&#40;'\\1'&#41; . stripslashes&#40;'\\4\\5'&#41; . '</a>'"&#41;;
    	$content = preg_replace&#40;$url_in, $url_out, $content&#41;;
    	return $content;
    // end keyword urls mod
    // Parse and show the overall header.
    	'overall_header' => &#40; empty&#40;$gen_simple_header&#41; &#41; ? 'overall_header.tpl' &#58; 'simple_header.tpl'&#41;
    // Generate logged in/logged out status
    if &#40; $userdata&#91;'session_logged_in'&#93; &#41;
    	$u_login_logout = 'login.'.$phpEx.'?logout=true&amp;sid=' . $userdata&#91;'session_id'&#93;;
    	$l_login_logout = $lang&#91;'Logout'&#93; . ' &#91; ' . $userdata&#91;'username'&#93; . ' &#93;';
    	$u_login_logout = 'login.'.$phpEx;
    	$l_login_logout = $lang&#91;'Login'&#93;;
    $s_last_visit = &#40; $userdata&#91;'session_logged_in'&#93; &#41; ? create_date&#40;$board_config&#91;'default_dateformat'&#93;, $userdata&#91;'user_lastvisit'&#93;, $board_config&#91;'board_timezone'&#93;&#41; &#58; '';
    // Get basic &#40;usernames + totals&#41; online
    // situation
    $logged_visible_online = 0;
    $logged_hidden_online = 0;
    $guests_online = 0;
    $online_userlist = '';
    $l_online_users = '';
    if &#40;defined&#40;'SHOW_ONLINE'&#41;&#41;
    	$user_forum_sql = &#40; !empty&#40;$forum_id&#41; &#41; ? "AND s.session_page = " . intval&#40;$forum_id&#41; &#58; '';
    	$sql = "SELECT u.username, u.user_id, u.user_allow_viewonline, u.user_level, s.session_logged_in, s.session_ip
    		WHERE u.user_id = s.session_user_id
    			AND s.session_time >= ".&#40; time&#40;&#41; - 300 &#41; . "
    		ORDER BY u.username ASC, s.session_ip ASC";
    	if&#40; !&#40;$result = $db->sql_query&#40;$sql&#41;&#41; &#41;
    		message_die&#40;GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain user/online information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql&#41;;
    	$userlist_ary = array&#40;&#41;;
    	$userlist_visible = array&#40;&#41;;
    	$prev_user_id = 0;
    	$prev_user_ip = $prev_session_ip = '';
    	while&#40; $row = $db->sql_fetchrow&#40;$result&#41; &#41;
    		// User is logged in and therefor not a guest
    		if &#40; $row&#91;'session_logged_in'&#93; &#41;
    			// Skip multiple sessions for one user
    			if &#40; $row&#91;'user_id'&#93; != $prev_user_id &#41;
    				$style_color = '';
    				if &#40; $row&#91;'user_level'&#93; == ADMIN &#41;
    					$row&#91;'username'&#93; = '**' . $row&#91;'username'&#93; . '**';
    					$style_color = 'style="color&#58;#' . $theme&#91;'fontcolor3'&#93; . '"';
    				else if &#40; $row&#91;'user_level'&#93; == MOD &#41;
    					$row&#91;'username'&#93; = '**' . $row&#91;'username'&#93; . '**';
    					$style_color = 'style="color&#58;#' . $theme&#91;'fontcolor2'&#93; . '"';
    				if &#40; $row&#91;'user_allow_viewonline'&#93; &#41;
    					$user_online_link = '[url="' . append_sid&#40;"]' . $row&#91;'username'&#93; . '';
    					$user_online_link = '[url="' . append_sid&#40;"]*' . $row&#91;'username'&#93; . '*';
    				if &#40; $row&#91;'user_allow_viewonline'&#93; || $userdata&#91;'user_level'&#93; == ADMIN &#41;
    					$online_userlist .= &#40; $online_userlist != '' &#41; ? ', ' . $user_online_link &#58; $user_online_link;
    			$prev_user_id = $row&#91;'user_id'&#93;;
    			// Skip multiple sessions for one user
    			if &#40; $row&#91;'session_ip'&#93; != $prev_session_ip &#41;
    		$prev_session_ip = $row&#91;'session_ip'&#93;;
    	if &#40; empty&#40;$online_userlist&#41; &#41;
    		$online_userlist = $lang&#91;'None'&#93;;
    	$online_userlist = &#40; &#40; isset&#40;$forum_id&#41; &#41; ? $lang&#91;'Browsing_forum'&#93; &#58; $lang&#91;'Registered_users'&#93; &#41; . ' ' . $online_userlist;
    	$total_online_users = $logged_visible_online + $logged_hidden_online + $guests_online;
    	if &#40; $total_online_users > $board_config&#91;'record_online_users'&#93;&#41;
    		$board_config&#91;'record_online_users'&#93; = $total_online_users;
    		$board_config&#91;'record_online_date'&#93; = time&#40;&#41;;
    		$sql = "UPDATE " . CONFIG_TABLE . "
    			SET config_value = '$total_online_users'
    			WHERE config_name = 'record_online_users'";
    		if &#40; !$db->sql_query&#40;$sql&#41; &#41;
    			message_die&#40;GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update online user record &#40;nr of users&#41;', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql&#41;;
    		$sql = "UPDATE " . CONFIG_TABLE . "
    			SET config_value = '" . $board_config&#91;'record_online_date'&#93; . "'
    			WHERE config_name = 'record_online_date'";
    		if &#40; !$db->sql_query&#40;$sql&#41; &#41;
    			message_die&#40;GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update online user record &#40;date&#41;', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql&#41;;
    	if &#40; $total_online_users == 0 &#41;
    		$l_t_user_s = $lang&#91;'Online_users_zero_total'&#93;;
    	else if &#40; $total_online_users == 1 &#41;
    		$l_t_user_s = $lang&#91;'Online_user_total'&#93;;
    		$l_t_user_s = $lang&#91;'Online_users_total'&#93;;
    	if &#40; $logged_visible_online == 0 &#41;
    		$l_r_user_s = $lang&#91;'Reg_users_zero_total'&#93;;
    	else if &#40; $logged_visible_online == 1 &#41;
    		$l_r_user_s = $lang&#91;'Reg_user_total'&#93;;
    		$l_r_user_s = $lang&#91;'Reg_users_total'&#93;;
    	if &#40; $logged_hidden_online == 0 &#41;
    		$l_h_user_s = $lang&#91;'Hidden_users_zero_total'&#93;;
    	else if &#40; $logged_hidden_online == 1 &#41;
    		$l_h_user_s = $lang&#91;'Hidden_user_total'&#93;;
    		$l_h_user_s = $lang&#91;'Hidden_users_total'&#93;;
    	if &#40; $guests_online == 0 &#41;
    		$l_g_user_s = $lang&#91;'Guest_users_zero_total'&#93;;
    	else if &#40; $guests_online == 1 &#41;
    		$l_g_user_s = $lang&#91;'Guest_user_total'&#93;;
    		$l_g_user_s = $lang&#91;'Guest_users_total'&#93;;
    	$l_online_users = sprintf&#40;$l_t_user_s, $total_online_users&#41;;
    	$l_online_users .= sprintf&#40;$l_r_user_s, $logged_visible_online&#41;;
    	$l_online_users .= sprintf&#40;$l_h_user_s, $logged_hidden_online&#41;;
    	$l_online_users .= sprintf&#40;$l_g_user_s, $guests_online&#41;;
    // Obtain number of new private messages
    // if user is logged in
    if &#40; &#40;$userdata&#91;'session_logged_in'&#93;&#41; && &#40;empty&#40;$gen_simple_header&#41;&#41; &#41;
    	if &#40; $userdata&#91;'user_new_privmsg'&#93; &#41;
    		$l_message_new = &#40; $userdata&#91;'user_new_privmsg'&#93; == 1 &#41; ? $lang&#91;'New_pm'&#93; &#58; $lang&#91;'New_pms'&#93;;
    		$l_privmsgs_text = sprintf&#40;$l_message_new, $userdata&#91;'user_new_privmsg'&#93;&#41;;
    		if &#40; $userdata&#91;'user_last_privmsg'&#93; > $userdata&#91;'user_lastvisit'&#93; &#41;
    			$sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . "
    				SET user_last_privmsg = " . $userdata&#91;'user_lastvisit'&#93; . "
    				WHERE user_id = " . $userdata&#91;'user_id'&#93;;
    			if &#40; !$db->sql_query&#40;$sql&#41; &#41;
    				message_die&#40;GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not update private message new/read time for user', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql&#41;;
    			$s_privmsg_new = 1;
    			$icon_pm = $images&#91;'pm_new_msg'&#93;;
    			$s_privmsg_new = 0;
    			$icon_pm = $images&#91;'pm_new_msg'&#93;;
    		$l_privmsgs_text = $lang&#91;'No_new_pm'&#93;;
    		$s_privmsg_new = 0;
    		$icon_pm = $images&#91;'pm_no_new_msg'&#93;;
    	if &#40; $userdata&#91;'user_unread_privmsg'&#93; &#41;
    		$l_message_unread = &#40; $userdata&#91;'user_unread_privmsg'&#93; == 1 &#41; ? $lang&#91;'Unread_pm'&#93; &#58; $lang&#91;'Unread_pms'&#93;;
    		$l_privmsgs_text_unread = sprintf&#40;$l_message_unread, $userdata&#91;'user_unread_privmsg'&#93;&#41;;
    		$l_privmsgs_text_unread = $lang&#91;'No_unread_pm'&#93;;
    	$icon_pm = $images&#91;'pm_no_new_msg'&#93;;
    	$l_privmsgs_text = $lang&#91;'Login_check_pm'&#93;;
    	$l_privmsgs_text_unread = '';
    	$s_privmsg_new = 0;
    // Generate HTML required for Mozilla Navigation bar
    if &#40;!isset&#40;$nav_links&#41;&#41;
    	$nav_links = array&#40;&#41;;
    $nav_links_html = '';
    $nav_link_proto = '<link rel="%s" href="%s" title="%s" />' . "\n";
    while&#40; list&#40;$nav_item, $nav_array&#41; = @each&#40;$nav_links&#41; &#41;
    	if &#40; !empty&#40;$nav_array&#91;'url'&#93;&#41; &#41;
    		$nav_links_html .= sprintf&#40;$nav_link_proto, $nav_item, append_sid&#40;$nav_array&#91;'url'&#93;&#41;, $nav_array&#91;'title'&#93;&#41;;
    		// We have a nested array, used for items like <link rel='chapter'> that can occur more than once.
    		while&#40; list&#40;,$nested_array&#41; = each&#40;$nav_array&#41; &#41;
    			$nav_links_html .= sprintf&#40;$nav_link_proto, $nav_item, $nested_array&#91;'url'&#93;, $nested_array&#91;'title'&#93;&#41;;
    // Format Timezone. We are unable to use array_pop here, because of PHP3 compatibility
    $l_timezone = explode&#40;'.', $board_config&#91;'board_timezone'&#93;&#41;;
    $l_timezone = &#40;count&#40;$l_timezone&#41; > 1 && $l_timezone&#91;count&#40;$l_timezone&#41;-1&#93; != 0&#41; ? $lang&#91;sprintf&#40;'%.1f', $board_config&#91;'board_timezone'&#93;&#41;&#93; &#58; $lang&#91;number_format&#40;$board_config&#91;'board_timezone'&#93;&#41;&#93;;
    // The following assigns all _common_ variables that may be used at any point
    // in a template.
    	'SITENAME' => $board_config&#91;'sitename'&#93;,
    	'SITE_DESCRIPTION' => $board_config&#91;'site_desc'&#93;,
    	'PAGE_TITLE' => $page_title,
    	'LAST_VISIT_DATE' => sprintf&#40;$lang&#91;'You_last_visit'&#93;, $s_last_visit&#41;,
    	'CURRENT_TIME' => sprintf&#40;$lang&#91;'Current_time'&#93;, create_date&#40;$board_config&#91;'default_dateformat'&#93;, time&#40;&#41;, $board_config&#91;'board_timezone'&#93;&#41;&#41;,
    	'TOTAL_USERS_ONLINE' => $l_online_users,
    	'LOGGED_IN_USER_LIST' => $online_userlist,
    	'RECORD_USERS' => sprintf&#40;$lang&#91;'Record_online_users'&#93;, $board_config&#91;'record_online_users'&#93;, create_date&#40;$board_config&#91;'default_dateformat'&#93;, $board_config&#91;'record_online_date'&#93;, $board_config&#91;'board_timezone'&#93;&#41;&#41;,
    	'PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO' => $l_privmsgs_text,
    	'PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO_UNREAD' => $l_privmsgs_text_unread,
    	'PRIVATE_MESSAGE_NEW_FLAG' => $s_privmsg_new,
    	'PRIVMSG_IMG' => $icon_pm,
    	'L_USERNAME' => $lang&#91;'Username'&#93;,
    	'L_PASSWORD' => $lang&#91;'Password'&#93;,
    	'L_LOGIN_LOGOUT' => $l_login_logout,
    	'L_LOGIN' => $lang&#91;'Login'&#93;,
    	'L_LOG_ME_IN' => $lang&#91;'Log_me_in'&#93;,
    	'L_AUTO_LOGIN' => $lang&#91;'Log_me_in'&#93;,
    	'L_INDEX' => sprintf&#40;$lang&#91;'Forum_Index'&#93;, $board_config&#91;'sitename'&#93;&#41;,
    	'L_REGISTER' => $lang&#91;'Register'&#93;,
    	'L_PROFILE' => $lang&#91;'Profile'&#93;,
    	'L_SEARCH' => $lang&#91;'Search'&#93;,
    	'L_PRIVATEMSGS' => $lang&#91;'Private_Messages'&#93;,
    	'L_WHO_IS_ONLINE' => $lang&#91;'Who_is_Online'&#93;,
    	'L_MEMBERLIST' => $lang&#91;'Memberlist'&#93;,
    	'L_FAQ' => $lang&#91;'FAQ'&#93;,
    	'L_USERGROUPS' => $lang&#91;'Usergroups'&#93;,
    	'L_SEARCH_NEW' => $lang&#91;'Search_new'&#93;,
    	'L_SEARCH_UNANSWERED' => $lang&#91;'Search_unanswered'&#93;,
    	'L_SEARCH_SELF' => $lang&#91;'Search_your_posts'&#93;,
    	'L_WHOSONLINE_ADMIN' => sprintf&#40;$lang&#91;'Admin_online_color'&#93;, '<span style="color&#58;#' . $theme&#91;'fontcolor3'&#93; . '">', '</span>'&#41;,
    	'L_WHOSONLINE_MOD' => sprintf&#40;$lang&#91;'Mod_online_color'&#93;, '<span style="color&#58;#' . $theme&#91;'fontcolor2'&#93; . '">', '</span>'&#41;,
    //-- start mod &#58; Resize Posted Images Based on Max Width ----------------------------------
    	'L_RMW_IMAGE_TITLE' => $lang&#91;'rmw_image_title'&#93;,
    	'U_RMW_JSLIB' => $phpbb_root_path . 'templates/rmw_jslib.js',
    //-- fin mod &#58; Resize Posted Images Based on Max Width ------------------------------------
    	'U_SEARCH_UNANSWERED' => append_sid&#40;'search.'.$phpEx.'?search_id=unanswered'&#41;,
    	'U_SEARCH_SELF' => append_sid&#40;'search.'.$phpEx.'?search_id=egosearch'&#41;,
    	'U_SEARCH_NEW' => append_sid&#40;'search.'.$phpEx.'?search_id=newposts'&#41;,
    	'U_INDEX' => append_sid&#40;'index.'.$phpEx&#41;,
    	'U_REGISTER' => append_sid&#40;'profile.'.$phpEx.'?mode=register'&#41;,
    	'U_PROFILE' => append_sid&#40;'profile.'.$phpEx.'?mode=editprofile'&#41;,
    	'U_PRIVATEMSGS' => append_sid&#40;'privmsg.'.$phpEx.'?folder=inbox'&#41;,
    	'U_PRIVATEMSGS_POPUP' => append_sid&#40;'privmsg.'.$phpEx.'?mode=newpm'&#41;,
    	'U_SEARCH' => append_sid&#40;'search.'.$phpEx&#41;,
    	'U_MEMBERLIST' => append_sid&#40;'memberlist.'.$phpEx&#41;,
    	'U_MODCP' => append_sid&#40;'modcp.'.$phpEx&#41;,
    	'U_FAQ' => append_sid&#40;'faq.'.$phpEx&#41;,
    	'U_VIEWONLINE' => append_sid&#40;'viewonline.'.$phpEx&#41;,
    	'U_LOGIN_LOGOUT' => append_sid&#40;$u_login_logout&#41;,
    	'U_GROUP_CP' => append_sid&#40;'groupcp.'.$phpEx&#41;,
    	'S_CONTENT_DIRECTION' => $lang&#91;'DIRECTION'&#93;,
    	'S_CONTENT_ENCODING' => $lang&#91;'ENCODING'&#93;,
    	'S_CONTENT_DIR_LEFT' => $lang&#91;'LEFT'&#93;,
    	'S_CONTENT_DIR_RIGHT' => $lang&#91;'RIGHT'&#93;,
    	'S_TIMEZONE' => sprintf&#40;$lang&#91;'All_times'&#93;, $l_timezone&#41;,
    	'S_LOGIN_ACTION' => append_sid&#40;'login.'.$phpEx&#41;,
    	'T_HEAD_STYLESHEET' => $theme&#91;'head_stylesheet'&#93;,
    	'T_BODY_BACKGROUND' => $theme&#91;'body_background'&#93;,
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    	'T_BODY_TEXT' => '#'.$theme&#91;'body_text'&#93;,
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    	'T_TD_CLASS1' => $theme&#91;'td_class1'&#93;,
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    	'T_SPAN_CLASS3' => $theme&#91;'span_class3'&#93;,
    	'NAV_LINKS' => $nav_links_html&#41;
    // Login box?
    if &#40; !$userdata&#91;'session_logged_in'&#93; &#41;
    	$template->assign_block_vars&#40;'switch_user_logged_out', array&#40;&#41;&#41;;
    	$template->assign_block_vars&#40;'switch_user_logged_in', array&#40;&#41;&#41;;
    	if &#40; !empty&#40;$userdata&#91;'user_popup_pm'&#93;&#41; &#41;
    		$template->assign_block_vars&#40;'switch_enable_pm_popup', array&#40;&#41;&#41;;
    // Add no-cache control for cookies if they are set
    //$c_no_cache = &#40;isset&#40;$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS&#91;$board_config&#91;'cookie_name'&#93; . '_sid'&#93;&#41; || isset&#40;$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS&#91;$board_config&#91;'cookie_name'&#93; . '_data'&#93;&#41;&#41; ? 'no-cache="set-cookie", ' &#58; '';
    // Work around for "current" Apache 2 + PHP module which seems to not
    // cope with private cache control setting
    if &#40;!empty&#40;$HTTP_SERVER_VARS&#91;'SERVER_SOFTWARE'&#93;&#41; && strstr&#40;$HTTP_SERVER_VARS&#91;'SERVER_SOFTWARE'&#93;, 'Apache/2'&#41;&#41;
    	header &#40;'Cache-Control&#58; no-cache, pre-check=0, post-check=0'&#41;;
    	header &#40;'Cache-Control&#58; private, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0'&#41;;
    header &#40;'Expires&#58; 0'&#41;;
    header &#40;'Pragma&#58; no-cache'&#41;;

  • Community Manager

    404 😞

    Controllo l'htaccess...ma avrò una versione diversa del phpbb :bho:

    Grazie mille :ciauz:

  • Super User

    quello che ti posso dire è che quelli che ti ho postato sono di questo forum
    Forum Recensiamo

    Se però guardo la mia sezione di Video Tuning (dove sto usando Iris) la pagina page_tail.php è un po diversa, credo quindi di aver usato 2 mod diversi...è possibile? :mmm:

  • Community Manager

    Ho provato anche a cambiare i file che avete detto per il template, niente.

    Si è possibile che hai usato mod diversi. Posteresti il codice? Poi ti pago una pizza 😄