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Sitemaps per Wordpress
This plugin allows you to create a sitemap for your WordPress powered site. This is not just another XML sitemap plugin, but rather a true sitemap generator which is highly customizable from it?s own options page in the WordPress admin panel. Some of its features include: support for multi-level categories and pages, category/page exclusion, multiple-page generation with navigation, permalink support, choose what to display, what order to list items in, show comment counts and/or post dates, and many other options. To see it in action, visit my sitemap page.
Su dago design.com ho trovato questo bel plugin per wordpress per generare sitemaps.
pure io ci sono cascato ma a quanto pare fa una sola mappa del sito, non genera il file sitemap.xml
Invece con il google sitemap generator http://www.arnebrachhold.de/2005/06/05/google-sitemaps-generator-v2-final ho problemine conoscete un altro?
prova nella sezione Google del forum gt