• User Newbie

    3 Ways to Design Impressive Icons for Your Website

    Icons are an important part of any website’s user interface. They can serve several different purposes, including search engine optimization, branding, and conveying visual meaning at a glance (for example, to indicate an error). Designing good icons that meet these needs and fit the brand of your website requires some time and attention, but if you have the right tools and know what to look for in the process, designing icons doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are three ways to design impressive icons for your website.

    1. Hand Drawn Icons

    If you want your icons to stand out, it’s important that they differ from all of your competitors. Hand-drawn icons can do just that—although it might take some practice and patience. After drawing a few in different colors, you should have a feel for what works and what doesn’t. Don’t forget about things like legibility and flow; when drawing icons, pay attention to how people will navigate through your website!

    1. Don’t Go Crazy With Color
      As with any design work, you want your icons to look great and be easily readable. However, it’s important that these elements be conveyed using as few colors as possible—you don’t want users squinting at your graphic, after all. If you feel like you need more than two or three colors to make an icon work, then consider simplifying further by removing some of those colors from consideration. Don’t forget: many websites use just one color in their branding, so even if you have a lot of color options available to you, less is often more when it comes to iconography.

    2. Keep it Simple, Stupid!

    When it comes to making icons, simpler is better. The more detailed an icon is, the more difficult it becomes to scale and use in a variety of projects. Simplicity takes design skills and discipline, but keep in mind that your audience will thank you.

    As we’ve stated before, designing an icon is a task that should be accomplished with care and thought. An attractive icon can help users distinguish one service from another, whereas a poor one can just leave a bad impression.

    giorgiotave 1 Risposta
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