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Dati sui backlink migliorati negli strumenti per webmaster di Google
È stato annunciato ieri direttamente sul blog ufficiale di Google per Webmaster che i dati sui backlink forniti all'interno della sezione di GWT saranno migliorati.
Articolo http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.it/2013/09/better-backlink-data-for-site-owners.html
L'approfondimento di Yinnon Haviv è il seguente:
“Until now, we’ve selected those links primarily by lexicographical order”
spiega Yinnon Haviv, un software engineer del team di Google Webmaster Tools.
“That meant that for some sites, you didn’t get as complete of a picture of the site’s backlinks because the link data skewed toward the beginning of the alphabet.”
e continua
“Based on feedback from the webmaster community, we’re improving how we select these backlinks to give sites a fuller picture of their backlink profile,”
e poi
“The most significant improvement you’ll see is that most of the links are now sampled uniformly from the full spectrum of backlinks rather than alphabetically. You’re also more likely to get example links from different top-level domains (TLDs) as well as from different domain names. The new links you see will still be sorted alphabetically.”Sicuramente qualcosa di doveroso verso i webmaster data la caccia alle streghe dell'ultimo periodo.
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