• User

    Certificazione Adwords

    ho intenzione di sostenere l'esame per la certificazione Adwords.
    Ovviamente affronterò per primo quello sui principi di base della pubblicità di Google.

    Qualcuno ha esperienza in merito?
    Gradirei molto qualche opinione, suggerimento, impressioni o qualsiasi spunto che possa darmi un'idea di come sarà l'esame.

    Sto già studiando quindi non necessito di indicazioni sui materiali o sulle informazioni generiche tipo numero di domande e tempo massimo per le risposte.

    Grazie in anticipo.

  • User Newbie

    E' anche mia intenzione farlo, hai saputo nulla al riguardo?

  • User

    si, nessuno mi ha detto niente ovviamente 🙂 tutti gelosi della loro certificazione.

    Guarda..per me è stato facile, però sono 2 anni che ci lavoro e poi mi sono fatto una giornata full immersion sulla guida.

    Direi che la guida è sufficiente per passare, eccetto per alcune domande la cui risposta implica l'aver esperienza del pannello Adwords

    Cmq sono domande chiuse piuttosto semplici, tranne in alcuni casi.
    Il tempo è più che sufficiente per svolgerlo serenamente.

    ah..lo sfondo bianco ti distrugge gli occhi!

  • User Newbie

    Grazie per la risposta inanzitutto, infatti pure io mi sa che mi dedichero' alla guida e poi un po di esperienza sul campo, sto leggendo molti forum e mi dedico a diversi blog.
    Ma ci stai dietro da 2 anni perchè non hai avuto tempo o ci vuole veramente cosi tanto?
    L'ultima domanda che sinceramente non ho capito...ma ha un costo? ho letto che devi avere cmq un credito di adwords oppure ho letto male ?
    Sai darmi qualche notizia piu specifica?
    Grazie ancora

  • User

    No, non sono stato chiaro. Non ci sono voluti 2 anni, io lavoro nel sem da 2 anni e quindi sulla parte pratica che non è contemplata dalla guida di preparazione.
    Per la preparazione non più di 2 pomeriggi secondo me.

    Gli esami hanno un costo, non ricordo bene ma il totale dovrebbe essere sugli 80 dollari.

  • Bannato User Newbie

    @ said:

    ?Meet Snickers.She's my 1 year old Puggles.And We're convinced that when she were person she could really own her very own company! Snickers includes some wonderful business enterprise characteristics.Let me share a couple.

    The following dog can AIM! Yes, I know she is only little for a year old.And nancy curious! She checks out everything and nothing goes without her attention together with curiosity.And when she gets interested in someone or a specific thing, you can't have her attention away from it/them.

    I've seen me get Snickers from the some toy and object or bone or something she should not have, only to realize when my defense was down, this her attention appeared to be focused back about that forbidden device.Business owners, operators, and sales people should be focused.Too often they give up way too early.Say no, and some sales people are prompted to take a stroll.Divert their attention as well as some sales people can offer in and give up.Not Snickers! My wife focus!

    Take her to a different one room and she's back again.Hide the concept and she lookups until she locks onto it.Oh, if entrepreneurs would have the fact that tenacity.If exclusively, they too would probably keep their eyes to the goal, and never give up.Many a sale is lost, because the sales person gave up prematurily ..

    Snickers REALLY LOVES PEOPLE.I do not care who reaches the door, they can be welcomed with a wagging tale and also movements typical from Snickers.There will be no strangers, unless they can't stop at the house.If they move or jog simply by, she gives these folks a bark.Once they stop, she gets excited.

    Companies that grow needs to have people who cherish others.They will have to gravitate toward people.They must welcome them and enjoy them just as they quite simply are.Too often we see them as just another sale, but people has to be valued for who they are.That is just what exactly my dog, Snickers, does indeed.She values everybody that comes directly into her life.They can be a friend for all his life!

    Snickers includes ENTHUSIASM! No matter what nancy doing, this dog is enthusiastic.While you come home, this woman is excited.When she's having fun with you, she's enthusiastic.When she runs outside, she's enthusiastic.

    People operating must maintain an attitude of ENTHUSIASM.Sure the likely gets rough.The directions are usually not always clear.The difficulties seem insurmountable, but the only thing that can drag you down.People do not plan to be around pessimistic, down while in the dumps, "lost their perspective" types of people.And they can't want to buy from them.

    So you must watch your attitude! Attitude is pretty crucial.Employees really need to see a optimistic attitude.Prospects really need to see a optimistic attitude.Investors really need to see a optimistic attitude.AND ENTHUSIASM IS EVERYTHING.

    Endurance is Snickers mid name.If she wants your attention, this little 20+ single lb .dog overturns her food bowl, so she can explain to you how hungry she is.If you really don't pay attention, and also are doing a little something, she looks perfect at you, and would it again.She would not give up.

    People included in business as owners, managers, and sales reps absolutely need any characteristic of continue.They cannot pay the attitude that you may give up.It requires knowing your location going, having your written business method, and not informing ANYTHING turn the attention away.It means that if you wish to end the day, you do something MORE anyway.If you find yourself thinking it is time for them to change course, you evaluate and after that keep course nevertheless.In reality, consume, sleep and dream your enterprise, especially if you will be a start all the way up.Not much regarding anything can come the way.

    Perfectly, Snickers makes loads of mistakes.She is still often a puppy.The woman chews things, the wrong things.She loves to go after my own pant leg merely am not your home and giving the woman attention enough.My wife some bad patterns too.

    You actually guessed it; entrepreneurs have their flaws too.In spite of your mistakes, people operating go beyond your mistakes, and study from them.Just as Snickers is successful, in spite of her faults, people who run businesses, managers and sales reps CAN BE ALSO.

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