• Community Manager

    Alcuni servizi "segreti di Google" :D

    Cosa è? 😄

    [url=http://blog.outer-court.com/archive/2006-07-28-n84.html]Lots of New Secret Google Services Uncovered

    Mi piace quel blog.

    So, here is the list of Google services uncovered:

    • Google Events: We already have Calendar, what might this be?
    • Google Guess: Tony ponders if this service will guess what you want to search for.
    • Google Real Estate Search: Sounds a bit like Google Base... or will this be a web-wide real estate search engine?
    • Mobile Marketplace: EBay for mobile phones or...?
    • New Service aka Workplace: Microsoft Office... on the web? The handle for this project is ?WF?.
    • Google Weaver aka M Scrapbook: This service has been uncovered a while ago, actually... but now Tony finds that it redirects to a service named ?H9?. Tony takes a guess: if ?M? stands for ?Medical,? maybe ?H? stands for ?Health"?
    • Google RS2: This one has been previously uncovered as well, but Tony says it?s linked to Google Translate... is it related to Google?s machine translation efforts?
    • Google Online Assessment: What could this be?
    • More: Other codenames appearing were ?CF?, ?GMT?, and ?Voice?.

  • Moderatore

    I segreti di Google... 😄