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Email in cinese... Qualcuno mi dice che vogliono???
Due sono le alternative, o è spam o è un webmaster incazzato.
Scommetto che è solo spam.
Però siccome mi è arrivata sull'email del sito sui phpisti malvisti (con cui ho spammato in giro per il mondo un po' io :x) vorrei capire a grandi linee che dice.
AT LAW OFFICE [email protected]
Altre opzioni 2.51(10 ore fa) ** 任何的法律關係都有請求權時效---莫讓您的權益睡著了!!!!**
一、民事紛爭: ** §公司、企業、行號§→【常年法律顧問】服務&&歡迎洽詢****
公司專案法務, 契約書撰擬(審核)、代理公司協商存證信函、商務仲裁、勞資糾紛、人事保證、競業禁止條款、債權會議等相關法務事項。
[LEFT][CENTER] §法律顧問能為您做些什麼§[/CENTER]
1. 支票、本票、借據問題處理及解答。
2. 貨款簽單、訂單、送貨單之條文設計擬定;退貨理由及法律主張事項。
3. 貨款催收及呆帳處理及建議;債權債務求償與清償處理解答。
4. 公司法規、章程訂定修改;合約、協議、人事規章、勞動契約、撰擬修改等。
5. 和解、委託、讓渡書、承攬契約、工程契約、競業禁止條款、營業秘密規章等。
6. 自然人、法人、企業社、商行、有限公司、股份有限公司之差異及權利義務。
7. 專利、商標、著作權等智慧財產相關法律分析。
8. 事業廠商往來之徵信調查及建議方案;財務危機拯救辦法分析建議。
9. 存證信函、律師函,書狀、訴狀撰寫及分析。
10. 企業員工法律常識講習,公司法務組織訓練。
11. 自身權利主張,侵害之排除;呆帳預防、債權保全。
14. 事業員工法律問題諮詢及解答服務。
法律事務所- 鍾 萬 鈞
電話:〈03〉339-4XXX 傳真:〈03〉339-5XXX
行動電話:0936-XXX-XXX 郵件信箱諮詢--請按這裡---Grazie in anticipo se ci sarà qualcuno in grado di levarmi la curiosità.
Il translate di Google dice:
Consult legal rights At Law 82-91 "[email protected]> Altre opzioni 2.51 (10 ore fa) have any legal relationship limitation --- Do not let your right to request and asleep !!!! 1, civil strife : was an companies, enterprises, firms, was an "in-service && welcomes inquiries perennial Counsel ****** Cargo vessel failed, RCAs do, the request for the return of all materials, trademarks Mortgages, car accidents compensation, file for divorce, inheritance of property size, claims for protection orders, national compensation claims, apartment building management or resolution of the Commission on the legality of acts, the rights of the shareholders dispute, Refund cheques, the payment request fire insurance, life insurance, labor insurance payments. Second, a criminal case : Perfidious, fraud, abuse, intimidation, forgery, Ext stock market transactions, commercial espionage, gravel pits, dumping waste, arbitrary land development, hiring illegal workers, ignoring labour security. Third, the non-litigation procedures : Claims made payment orders, claims auction collateral, or promissory notes enforce ruled that the claims warrant, false disciplinary ruling, the statement will Qianjie orders, decisions, etc. They will name to the Court Office, claims enforced. 4, Enterprise Law works : Company ad hoc justice, compact book categories (audited), agent consultations on Form letters, commercial arbitration, labour disputes, personnel assurance, careful terms, creditor meetings related laws works matters. 5, call Acting : The purchase price, borrowing, engineering, and unions, 35,000 compensation, recourse claims, attachment, auction collateral, concealment of property credit rating surveys. Was an adviser to what was an you 1. Cheques, promissory notes, IOU issue and answer. 2. Gross purchase price, orders, delivery of provisions designed to develop; Legal matters and advocate for returned goods. 3. Loan collection and processing and accounts; Processing claims and the liquidation of debts answer. 4. Company rules and regulations, set to amend the statute; Contracts, agreements, personnel regulations, labor contract, language changes. 5. Reconciliation, commissioned, the overall books, 35,000 contracts, construction contracts and careful provisions, regulations and other business secrets. 6. Natural persons, legal persons, corporations and, firms, companies, and companies of different rights and obligations. 7. Patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property related legal analysis. 8. Cause manufacturers with the credit rating surveys and proposals; Save for analysis of financial crisis. 9. This permits correspondence, Lu:shihan, pleadings, written pleadings and analysis. 10. Enterprise staff legal knowledge workshop, Company Law Works Organization training. 11. Their claims against the exclusion; Debt prevention, claims preservation. 12. Movable secured transactions, conditional sale and other relevant legal analysis. 13. Employment, contractual and legal relationship between the appointment. 14. Employee consultation and legal issues raised. My welcome --- legal rights and related issues consultation ********* Law firm-Wan Chung-kwan Telephone : "03>339-4XXX fax :" 03>339-5XXX Mobile phone : 0936-XXX-XXX mail mailbox consultation -- Requests by here ---
Traduzione by Google:
Consult legal rights At Law 82-91 "[email protected]> Altre opzioni 2.51 (10 ore fa) have any legal relationship limitation --- Do not let your right to request and asleep !!!! 1, civil strife : was an companies, enterprises, firms, was an "in-service && welcomes inquiries perennial Counsel ****** Cargo vessel failed, RCAs do, the request for the return of all materials, trademarks Mortgages, car accidents compensation, file for divorce, inheritance of property size, claims for protection orders, national compensation claims, apartment building management or resolution of the Commission on the legality of acts, the rights of the shareholders dispute, Refund cheques, the payment request fire insurance, life insurance, labor insurance payments. Second, a criminal case : Perfidious, fraud, abuse, intimidation, forgery, Ext stock market transactions, commercial espionage, gravel pits, dumping waste, arbitrary land development, hiring illegal workers, ignoring labour security. Third, the non-litigation procedures : Claims made payment orders, claims auction collateral, or promissory notes enforce ruled that the claims warrant, false disciplinary ruling, the statement will Qianjie orders, decisions, etc. They will name to the Court Office, claims enforced. 4, Enterprise Law works : Company ad hoc justice, compact book categories (audited), agent consultations on Form letters, commercial arbitration, labour disputes, personnel assurance, careful terms, creditor meetings related laws works matters. 5, call Acting : The purchase price, borrowing, engineering, and unions, 35,000 compensation, recourse claims, attachment, auction collateral, concealment of property credit rating surveys. Was an adviser to what was an you 1. Cheques, promissory notes, IOU issue and answer. 2. Gross purchase price, orders, delivery of provisions designed to develop; Legal matters and advocate for returned goods. 3. Loan collection and processing and accounts; Processing claims and the liquidation of debts answer. 4. Company rules and regulations, set to amend the statute; Contracts, agreements, personnel regulations, labor contract, language changes. 5. Reconciliation, commissioned, the overall books, 35,000 contracts, construction contracts and careful provisions, regulations and other business secrets. 6. Natural persons, legal persons, corporations and, firms, companies, and companies of different rights and obligations. 7. Patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property related legal analysis. 8. Cause manufacturers with the credit rating surveys and proposals; Save for analysis of financial crisis. 9. This permits correspondence, Lu:shihan, pleadings, written pleadings and analysis. 10. Enterprise staff legal knowledge workshop, Company Law Works Organization training. 11. Their claims against the exclusion; Debt prevention, claims preservation. 12. Movable secured transactions, conditional sale and other relevant legal analysis. 13. Employment, contractual and legal relationship between the appointment. 14. Employee consultation and legal issues raised. My welcome --- legal rights and related issues consultation ********* Law firm-Wan Chung-kwan Telephone : "03>339-4XXX fax :" 03>339-5XXX Mobile phone : 0936-XXX-XXX mail mailbox consultation -- Requests by here ---
**Editato: **
Giorgio m'ha battuto d'un soffio
allora ho mandato la scritta a una mia amica cinese di Bologna, che è in chat.
Riassumendo è un certo
聲請發支付命令,聲請拍賣抵押物un fiscalista di una multinazionale cinese, che dice che gli arrivano e-mail di spam dal tuo sito, inneggianti a vendita di viagra, e hotel turistici italiani. Scusandosi per il disturbo, chiede di controllare meglio chi usa il tuo indirizzo, e nel caso fossi tu, minaccia di dare mandato al suo studio legale perchè l'invio di e-mail non desiderate è illegale, se pur in un altra lingua e da un paese amico. Mah! Ma che cavolo hai combinato, Claudio?
P.S. dice che la posizione che avete fatto insieme l'altra sera è spettacolare, e ha detto di piantarla di chiedergli altro perchè lui è solo attivo :D:D:D:D:D:D:D!!!!
edit : ma sti due scassaballe che non siete altro, che occasione persa :D:D:D!!!
Me ne arrivano centinaia al giorno...
Grazie per la traduzione al volo, mi stavo perdendo in un bicchiere d'acqua... sarà il caldo
@micky said:
un fiscalista di una multinazionale cinese, che dice che gli arrivano e-mail di spam dal tuo sito, inneggianti a vendita di viagra, e hotel turistici italiani. Scusandosi per il disturbo, chiede di controllare meglio chi usa il tuo indirizzo, e nel caso fossi tu, minaccia di dare mandato al suo studio legale perchè l'invio di e-mail non desiderate è illegale, se pur in un altra lingua e da un paese amico. Mah! Ma che cavolo hai combinato, Claudio?
:(): si infatti è quello che temevo...
diciamo che la coscienza sporca fa brutti effetti...
ah ah :D:D:D!!! hai capito quanti sceletri nell'armadio il buon Claudio!!! :D:D:D!