Premetto che so praticamente 0 di php e mysql, ho utilizzato solo CMS preimpostati.
Attualmente sto sviluppando dei games che hanno un collegamento ad internet per inserire gli HISCORE, tramite uno script predisposto, che ho inserito in un sito di prova, il GIOCO si collega al server (database) e aggiorna i vari campi. Questo è lo script che crea la tabella :
// Get Configuation file
// Connect to your server
$db=mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die (mysql_error());
@mysql_select_db($dbname) or die (mysql_error());
// Check for the existing table if its not found create it
// This is really just here to make the life of new users of the script eaiser
// They won't have to go thru the script and create the table
if(!mysql_num_rows( mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$tname."'")))
$query = "CREATE TABLE `$tname` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`gameid` varchar(255) NOT NULL,`playername` varchar(255) NOT NULL,`score` int(255) NOT NULL,`scoredate` varchar(255) NOT NULL,`md5` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;";
$create_table = mysql_query($query)or die (mysql_error());
// Status Checker
if ($_GET["status"])
echo "online";
// Run some checks on our gameid
$gameid_safe = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["gameid"]);
// Check the gameid is numeric
// If its not numberic lets exit
// Upload new score
// Test for the variables submitted by the player
// If they exist upload into the database
if ($_GET["playername"] && $_GET["gameid"] && $_GET["score"])
// Strip out | marks submitted in the name or score
$playername_safe = str_replace("|","_",$_GET["playername"]);
$playername_safe = mysql_real_escape_string($playername_safe);
$score_safe = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["score"]);
$date = date('M d Y');
// Check the score sent is is numeric
// If the score is not numberic lets exit
// this secret key needs to be the same as the secret key in your game.
$security_md5= md5($_GET["gameid"].$_GET["playername"].$_GET["score"].$secret_key);
// Check for submitted MD5 different then server generated MD5
if ($security_md5 <>$_GET["code"])
// Something is wrong -- MD5 security hash is different
// Could be someone trying to insert bogus score data
// Everything is cool -- Insert the data into the database
$query = "insert into $tname(gameid,playername,score,scoredate,md5) values ('$gameid_safe','$playername_safe','$score_safe','$date','$security_md5')";
$insert_the_data = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());
// List high score
// Return a list of high scores with "|" as the delimiter
if ($gameid_safe)
$query = "select * from $tname where gameid='$gameid_safe' order by score desc limit 10";
$view_data = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());
while($row_data = mysql_fetch_array($view_data))
print "|";
print ($row_data["score"]);
print ("|");
// We limit the score database to hold the number defined in the config script
// First check to see how many records we have for this game
$query1 ="select * from $tname where gameid = '$gameid_safe'";
$countresults = mysql_query($query1)or die(mysql_error());
$countofdeletes = mysql_num_rows($countresults);
if (mysql_num_rows($countresults)>$score_number)
$query2 ="SELECT * FROM $tname WHERE gameid = '$gameid_safe' ORDER BY score DESC Limit $score_number,$countofdeletes";
$Get_data = mysql_query($query2)or die (mysql_error());
while($row_data = mysql_fetch_array($Get_data))
$id_delete = $row_data["id"];
$query3 = "Delete from $tname where id = $id_delete";
$Delete_data = mysql_query($query3)or die (mysql_error());
fin qui tutto OK, si crea la tabella scores e tutti i campi (id, scores, playername...) vengono creati e aggiornati all'invio dei dati. Il mio problema è però creare una pagina in php, tipo hiscore.php che visualizzi i dati della tabella, allora ho inserito questo:
define("DB_HOST", 'localhost');
define("DB", '+++++++');
define("DB_USER", '+++++++');
define("DB_PW", '+++++++');
mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PW);
$query="SELECT * FROM scores ORDER BY score DESC";
$result= mysql_query($query);
$numfields = mysql_num_fields($result);
echo "<table>\n<tr>";
for ($i=0; $i < $numfields; $i++)
echo '<th>'.mysql_field_name($result, $i).'</th>';
echo "</tr>\n";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
echo '<tr><td>'.implode($row,'</td><td>')."</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
con questo script visualizzo il contenuto della tabella, ma mi fa vedere tutto, compreso l'algoritmo di criptazione, praticamente come si vede qui :
a me interesserebbe vedere solo playername, score e scoredate, e magari formattarlo in qualche modo.
Dato che come ho già detto sono sotto lo zero di queste cose, qualcuno può suggerirmi un tutorial, una guida base o qualche informazione su come gestire i dati di una tabella del database per visualizzarli in una pagina web?
Vi ringrazio anticipatamente.