Lo script di cui parlo e' questo: http://www.magentocommerce.com/
Mi pare una o due spanne sopra os commerce ( ci ho lavorato 2 annetti fa modificando e creandoci script sopra ). Voi che ne pensatre? Lo avete mai usato? E la domanda piu importante: ci sono hosting italiani o meno che offrono i requsiti per poter installare magento?
Questi sono i requisiti
System Requirements
At the base level, Magento will require the following software:
* Linux or another UNIX-compatible operating system (Windows is also supported, but see the Known Issues section below)
* Apache Web Server (1.x or 2.x)
* PHP 5.2.0 or newer, with the following extensions/addons:
o MySQLi
o mcrypt
o mhash
o simplexml
* MySQL 4.1.20 or newer
* A Sendmail-compatible Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) - Magento will connect directly to an SMTP server if you don't have an MTA
We also recommend the use of APC as a bytecode cache for performance improvements. You can find it in the PECL archives here: http://pecl.php.net/package/APC. Other bytecode cache systems are not supported at this time.
A voi la parola