Dear Fiends,
here the web site of a jung friends auditor: It is talking about a book keeping shop that offer financial and business assistance, and estate property rental Contract.
Post creati da michiz
There an Accounting web site
RE: Chuck Palahniuk
I also like so much Charles Michael Palahniuk
Great writer indeed !!
RE: 1522 - Antiviolenza Donna
The Italian society appears in Europe like close integralism.
The consideration that the Italian males has on the women is well-known indecent, comparable only to the males of Burundi.
The old fascist notion of the maschilism domination still to be so diffused between the Italian males that consider themself better and advanced on the women.
But in the realty they are just inferiors, because the Italian woman are finally exiting from theyr own shadow.
RE: Hi :)
Thanks to all of you for the very kind welcome.But probably I have confused the section.
This is Lo Staff GT risponde, correct?
If it is correct, I have post here a question:
- when did you start the englis version of this forum?
But nobody answers to me and all of you just greet me.
Did I do some misunderstand?
RE: La sub-mission in tutti i motori di ricerca!
Hi Master!
I'm sorry, but I'm not fully sure to understood what do you mine.
What do you mine (just as example) with < niubbo ueb >?
RE: "Somebody call me Sebastian"
Great Jonathan Rhys !
I really love him
The Big Oriental Erg
Someone of you like the desert?
And, anyone of you know the dune around El Oued, next to the Grand Erg Oriental, the big dunes (as found in the southern Oriental Desert) of Tunisie?
Since I first found some on the edge of Algeria's Oriental Erg years ago.
I follow in love for them many time ago. -
RE: Carciofini sott'olio - Cucina Calabrese
Nice, I like carciofini
What does it mean < castraure > ?
Hi :)
I'm Michiz and I would like to say hello to everybodyI can nto write in italian language, but I can read it.
I'm from north Europe (not England
) and I like so much this forum.
The question is:
- when did you start the englis version of this frum ?
RE: Bombe a Londra
I'm sorry, I can not write in italian language, - but I can read it
Case of marriage between Gay in north Europe, yes sure, I confirm it.
Italian Church only forbitten it.
Why you still to believe on that retrive Pope ?