pensa se non ci capisci niente che condizione sono io......!
questi sono i compiti a casa ,ho fatto quasi tutto tranne questo dilemma....
Installation Instructions
Change all instances of the word YourSiteName with your actual site name.
Set up the MySQL database. The MySQL tables that you need to use are found in a file called sqltable.sql.
Modify the following files:
A. gold_vars.php - change the physical path of the gold membership folder to your actual path. Currently it is set as /home/netprofi/public_html/paidmail/gold_membership
B. global.php - This file is found in the Includes folder. Change the path of the vars.php and vars_arrays.php files, which are found in the Includes folder. The 2 lines that you need to modify are:
include("/home/netprofi/public_html/paidmail/includes/vars.php"); include("/home/netprofi/public_html/paidmail/includes/vars_arrays.php");
C. vars.php - This is the file where you set your database name, database username and database password.
Set the permssions to all the PHP files to 755. With the following exceptions:
includes/vars_misc.php - this file should be set to 777
includes/vars_commission.php - this file should be set to 777
Also set the following files to 777:
** site/html/email/ - all files in this folder should be set to 777
** admin/backup.sql file
** site/html/header.html and site/html/footer.html
** admin/temp.txt
** gold_membership/random.txt
help me......!!:x ***praticamente sono i le tre pagine php che devo modificare il passo a e b ma non riesco,mi da sempre nome del mio database e' merc,
e il mio sito e'