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- includere stato topic aperto/chiuso
includere stato topic aperto/chiuso
ciao ragazzi mi rivolgo a chi conosce bene phpbb2 e php
ho un po di problemini a includere una funzione gia presente da web nella mia versione wap.mi spiego meglio:
ho la lista dinamica del topic aperti.
vorrei che a seconda dello stato comparisse una * prima del titolo se è un topic aperto oppure una X prima del titolo se il topic fosse chiuso...questa è la pagina alla quale vorrei applicare tale funzione:
<?php require 'pmheader.php'; echo($header); echo "</p><p align = \"center\">"; echo "<img src=\"http://hiwap3.net/forum/wap/icone/forums.png\" alt=\"bacheca\"/>"; echo "<br/>"; echo '<i>Bacheca</i><br/><br/>'; if(!$userdata['session_logged_in']) { echo "Accesso Alla Bacheca Impedito Agli Ospiti. Se Non Lo Sei Registrati O Fai Il Login Da <anchor>qui<go href=\"" . append_sid("index.$phpEx") . "\" /></anchor>"; } else { $i = 0; $topics = array(); $start = ((!isset($_GET['start'])) || (!is_numeric($_GET['start']))) ? "0" : $_GET['start']; $user_forum = (!isset($_GET['forum'])) ? "-1" : $_GET['forum']; if($user_forum != "-1") { $sql = "select forum_name from " . FORUMS_TABLE . " where forum_id = \"$user_forum\""; $query = $db->sql_query($sql); if ($forum_name = $db->sql_fetchrowset($query)) { $auth = auth(AUTH_VIEW, $user_forum, $userdata); if($auth['auth_view']) { $forum_header = sprintf($lang['wap_viewing_posts'],"<b>" . str_replace("&","&",$forum_name[0][0]) . "</b>\n<br/>"); $forum_where = " where forum_id = \"$user_forum\""; } else { echo $lang['wap_not_authorised_forum']; exit(" " . $footer); } } else { echo $lang['wap_forum_not_exist']; exit(" " . $footer); } } else { $forum_header = ""; $forum_where = ""; } $i = 0; $query = $db->sql_query("select forum_id, topic_id from " . POSTS_TABLE . "$forum_where order by post_time desc limit 2000"); if(!$latestposts = $db->sql_fetchrowset($query)) { echo $lang['wap_no_posts']; echo $footer; exit("<br/><br/>" . $footer); } foreach($latestposts as $val) { $tid = $val['topic_id']; if(preg_match("/\b$tid\b/","$list")) { continue; } $auth = auth(AUTH_READ,$val['forum_id'],$userdata); if($auth['auth_read'] == "1") { $sql = "select topic_title, topic_moved_id, topic_replies from " . TOPICS_TABLE . " where topic_id = \"".$val['topic_id']."\""; $query = $db->sql_query($sql); $topic_title = $db->sql_fetchrow($query); if(empty($topic_title['topic_moved_id'])) { // if all is well, add the text to the topic $topics[] = "<anchor>".wap_validate($topic_title['topic_title'],0,0)."<go href=\"" . append_sid("waptopic.$phpEx?s=0&topic=".$val['topic_id']."&forum=".$val['forum_id']) . "\" /></anchor> (".$topic_title['topic_replies'].")<br/>\n"; $list .= $val['topic_id']."|"; $i++; } } } $list = explode("|",$list); $list = count($list); if($list == 1) { echo $lang['wap_no_posts']; exit("<br/><br/>" . $footer); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---[ build navigation ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $final = $i; $next = $start; $prev = $start; $next = $next + 10; $prev = $prev - 10; if($start == 0) { if($i > $next) { $nav = "<anchor>Avanti>><go href=\"" . append_sid("wap.php?start=$next&forum=$user_forum") . "\" /></anchor>"; } } else { if($i > $next) { $nav = "<anchor><<Precedenti<go href=\"" . append_sid("wap.php?start=$prev&forum=$user_forum") . "\" /></anchor> <anchor>Avanti>><go href=\"" . append_sid("wap.php?start=$next&forum=$user_forum") . "\" /></anchor>"; } else { $nav = "<anchor><<Precedenti<go href=\"" . append_sid("wap.php?start=$prev&forum=$user_forum") . "\" /></anchor>"; } } //Build the page which the user is viewing $i = 0; echo $forum_header; foreach($topics as $key => $val) { if($i == 10) { break; } if($start != 0) { if($key < $start) { continue; } } $post_text = $val; $post_text = preg_replace('/\:[0-9a-z\:]+]/si', ']', $post_text); $post_text = stripslashes($post_text); echo $post_text; $i++; } echo "<br/>"; echo $nav; echo "<br/><br/>"; } if($userdata['session_logged_in']) { echo 'Nuovo:'; echo "<anchor>" . $lang['wap_new_topic'] . "<go href=\"" . append_sid("wapnew.$phpEx") . "\" />Topic</anchor>\n"; echo '/'; echo "<anchor>" . $lang['wap_write_new_pm'] . "<go href=\"" . append_sid("wappm.$phpEx?action=new") . "\" /> Inbox</anchor><br/>\n"; } echo "</p><p align = \"center\">"; echo $footer; ?>
qualcuno mi aiutiii