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- Ma il feed RSS 2.0 di Joomla è fatto bene ?
Ma il feed RSS 2.0 di Joomla è fatto bene ?
La domanda sorge in quanto VIENNA, il migliore RSS reader che ho trovato fino ad ora, mi avvisa di quanto segue:
item should contain a guid element
It's recommended that you provide the guid, and if possible make it a permalink. This enables aggregators to not repeat items, even if there have been editing changes.
A frequently asked question about <guid>s is how do they compare to <link>s. Aren't they the same thing? Yes, in some content systems, and no in others. In some systems, <link> is a permalink to a weblog item. However, in other systems, each <item> is a synopsis of a longer article, <link> points to the article, and <guid> is the permalink to the weblog entry.
Add a different, unique, and unchanging guid to each item. See scripting.com for an example.
Not clear? Disagree?
Let us know on the feedvalidator-users discussion list!
Io non ci capisco molto, anzi nulla.
Chiedo lumi a chi è più ferrato in materia.
Grazie tante