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- Streamyard e problemi con green screeen
Streamyard e problemi con green screeen
Gentili amici ho appena fatto l'abbonamento su stream yard. Ma con mia grande delusione nel momento in cui ho provato ad utilizzare il green screen mi esce la seguente scritta. Your browser doesn't support the green screen feature. A graphics processor (GPU) is required. If your device has a GPU, then it's possible your browser is preventing StreamYard from accessing it. You can often fix this by changing your browser settings.Learn more.
Cliccando su learn more mi porta sulle impostazioni avanzate di Chrome vado su setting/Adavanced/
Ensure hardware acceleration is on/Open a new Chrome tab. Type “chrome://flags” in the address bar and hit enter. /Enable the “Override software rendering list” option. It’s usually near the top of the list.