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- [2.5] Modificare parte della url
[2.5] Modificare parte della url
Ciao a tutti volevo sapere se qualcuno sa come modificare il seguente codice (components/com_sh404sef/sef_ext/com_content.php in joomla 2.5) perchè l'id dell'articolo venga mostrato alla fine dell'url e non all'inizio in questo modo.
L'url attualmente è mostrata così:
Vorrei modificarla così:
http://www.mysite.com/section/category/article_title-1277.htmlEcco il codice:
[PHP]<?php/** * sh404SEF - SEO extension for Joomla! * * @author Yannick Gaultier * @copyright (c) Yannick Gaultier 2012 * @package sh404sef * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * @version * @date 2012-11-26 */
defined( 'JEXEC' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
// ------------------ standard plugin initialize function - don't change ---------------------------global $sh_LANG;$sefConfig = & Sh404sefFactory::getConfig();$shLangName = '';$shLangIso = '';$title = array();$shItemidString = '';$dosef = shInitializePlugin( $lang, $shLangName, $shLangIso, $option);if ($dosef == false) return;// ------------------ standard plugin initialize function - don't change ---------------------------
// ------------------ load language file - adjust as needed ----------------------------------------$shLangIso = shLoadPluginLanguage( 'com_content', $shLangIso, 'COM_SH404SEF_CREATE_NEW');// ------------------ load language file - adjust as needed ----------------------------------------
// get DB$database =ShlDbHelper::getDb();
// 1.2.4.q this is content item, so let's try to improve missing Itemid handling// retrieve section id to know whether this static or not$shHomePageFlag = false;
$shHomePageFlag = !$shHomePageFlag ? shIsHomepage ($string): $shHomePageFlag;
if (!$shHomePageFlag) { // we may have found that this is homepage, so we msut return an empty string // do something about that Itemid thing if (!preg_match( '/Itemid=[0-9]+/iu', $string)) { // if no Itemid in non-sef URL // V 1.2.4.t moved back here if ($sefConfig->shInsertGlobalItemidIfNone && !empty($shCurrentItemid)) { $string .= '&Itemid='.$shCurrentItemid; ; // append current Itemid $Itemid = $shCurrentItemid; shAddToGETVarsList('Itemid', $Itemid); // V 1.2.4.m }
if ($sefConfig->shInsertTitleIfNoItemid) $title[] = $sefConfig->shDefaultMenuItemName ? $sefConfig->shDefaultMenuItemName : getMenuTitle($option, (isset($view) ? $view : null), $shCurrentItemid, null, $shLangName ); // V 1.2.4.q added forced language $shItemidString = ''; if ($sefConfig->shAlwaysInsertItemid && (!empty($Itemid) || !empty($shCurrentItemid))) $shItemidString = JText::('COM_SH404SEF_ALWAYS_INSERT_ITEMID_PREFIX').$sefConfig->replacement .(empty($Itemid)? $shCurrentItemid :$Itemid); } else { // if Itemid in non-sef URL $shItemidString = $sefConfig->shAlwaysInsertItemid ? JText::('COM_SH404SEF_ALWAYS_INSERT_ITEMID_PREFIX').$sefConfig->replacement.$Itemid : ''; if ($sefConfig->shAlwaysInsertMenuTitle){ //global $Itemid; V 1.2.4.g we want the string option, not current page ! if ($sefConfig->shDefaultMenuItemName) $title[] = $sefConfig->shDefaultMenuItemName;// V 1.2.4.q added force language elseif ($menuTitle = getMenuTitle($option, (isset($view) ? $view : null), $Itemid, '',$shLangName )) { if ($menuTitle != '/') $title[] = $menuTitle; } } } // V 1.2.4.m shRemoveFromGETVarsList('option'); shRemoveFromGETVarsList('lang'); if (!empty($Itemid)) shRemoveFromGETVarsList('Itemid'); if (!empty($limit)) shRemoveFromGETVarsList('limit'); if (isset($limitstart)) shRemoveFromGETVarsList('limitstart');
$view = isset($view) ? $view : null; $layout = isset($layout) ? $layout : null; $task = isset($task) ? $task : null; switch ($view) { case 'archivecategory': case 'archivesection' : case 'archive' : $dosef = false; break; case 'form': if ($layout == 'edit' && empty($a_id)) { // submit new article $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['COM_SH404SEF_CREATE_NEW']; } else { $dosef = false; } break; default: if (sh404SEF_PDF_DIR && $view == 'article' && !empty($format) && $format == 'pdf') { $title[] = sh404SEF_PDF_DIR; // insert pdf directory shMustCreatePageId( 'set', true); }
// V 1.2.4.j 2007/04/11 : numerical ID, on some categories only if ($sefConfig->shInsertNumericalId && isset($sefConfig->shInsertNumericalIdCatList) && !empty($id) && ($view == 'article')) {
try { $contentElement = ShlDbHelper::selectObject( '#__content', array( 'id', 'catid', 'created'), array( 'id' => $id)); } catch( Exception $e) { ShlSystem_Log::error( 'sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', CLASS, METHOD, LINE, $e->getMessage()); }
if ($contentElement) { $foundCat = array_search($contentElement->catid, $sefConfig->shInsertNumericalIdCatList); if (($foundCat !== null && $foundCat !== false) || ($sefConfig->shInsertNumericalIdCatList[0] == '')) { // test both in case PHP < 4.2.0 $shTemp = explode(' ', $contentElement->created); $title[] = str_replace('-','', $shTemp[0]).$contentElement->id; } } }
// use libray function to fetch Joomla content title if ($task == 'article.edit') { if (empty($a_id)) { // submit new article $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['COM_SH404SEF_CREATE_NEW']; } else { $dosef = false; } } else if (empty($layout) || (!empty($layout) && $layout != 'edit')) {
$contentTitle = sef_404::getContentSlugsArray((isset($view) ? $view : null),(isset($id) ? $id : null), (isset($layout) ? $layout : null), (isset($Itemid) ? $Itemid : null), $shLangName); if (!empty($title)) { $title = array_merge($title, $contentTitle); // V 1.2.4.q added forced language } else { $title = $contentTitle; // V 1.2.4.q added forced language } if (!empty($format) && $format == 'feed'){ $title[] = $format; if (!empty($type) && $format != $type) $title[] = $type; } if (!empty($print)) { $title[] = JText::( 'Print' ); } else { shMustCreatePageId( 'set', true); } } else { $dosef = false; }
} // V 1.2.4.q shRemoveFromGETVarsList('view'); if (isset($id)) shRemoveFromGETVarsList('id'); if (isset($layout)) shRemoveFromGETVarsList('layout'); // only remove format variable if forma tis html. In all other situations, leave it there as some // system plugins may cause pdf and rss to break if they call JFactory::getDocument() in the onAfterInitialize event handler // because at this time SEF url are not decoded yet. if (isset($format) && (!sh404SEF_PROTECT_AGAINST_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ERROR || (sh404SEF_PROTECT_AGAINST_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ERROR && $format == 'html'))) shRemoveFromGETVarsList('format'); if (isset($type)) shRemoveFromGETVarsList('type'); if (!empty($catid)) shRemoveFromGETVarsList('catid'); // V 1.2.4.m if (isset($showall)) shRemoveFromGETVarsList('showall'); if (empty($page)) // remove page if not set or 0 shRemoveFromGETVarsList('page'); if (isset($print)) shRemoveFromGETVarsList('print'); if (isset($tmpl) && $tmpl == 'component') // remove if 'component', show otherwise as querystring shRemoveFromGETVarsList('tmpl');
// ------------------ standard plugin finalize function - don't change --------------------------- if ($dosef){ $string = shFinalizePlugin( $string, $title, $shAppendString, $shItemidString, (isset($limit) ? $limit : null), (isset($limitstart) ? $limitstart : null), (isset($shLangName) ? $shLangName : null), (isset($showall) ? $showall : null)); } // ------------------ standard plugin finalize function - don't change ---------------------------} else { // this is multipage homepage $title[] = '/'; $string = sef_404::sefGetLocation( $string, $title, null, (isset($limit) ? $limit : null), (isset($limitstart) ? $limitstart : null), (isset($shLangName) ? $shLangName : null), (isset($showall) ? $showall : null));