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google compra youtube
mi scuso ...ero indeciso se metterla in web marketing o qua...alla fine ho tirato la monetina!
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Google 'in talks to buy YouTube'
YouTube is growing in popularity
Google is reported to be in talks to buy popular video-sharing website YouTube for $1.6bn (£856m).
The Wall Street Journal said discussions between the two sides were at a sensitive stage and the talks could break up.Neither Google nor YouTube were available for comment.
Launched in February 2005, YouTube has grown quickly into one of the most popular websites on the internet, with 100 million videos viewed every day.
Founded by three former employees of eBay's PayPal electronic payment unit, YouTube has denied previous rumours of a takeover.
YouTube chief executive Chad Hurley said earlier this year that the company was not for sale and a future share floatation was possible.
A potential future problem for YouTube and any buyer, is that a great many users put up their favourite music videos and film clips, for which they have not gained copyright approval.
Diciamo che i concorrenti di youtube (tipo mojoflix o altri) avranno di che piangere...vedendosi andare via sempre più clienti...ovviamente se questo dovesse accadere...sinceramente me l'aspettavo, e se fossi stato in google l'avrei già fatto qualche mese fa!
e microsoft non sta a guardare..
immagino che Eric E. Schmidt e bill sia stiano guardabndo dalla finestra in questo momento!
il mio sincero presentimento è che microsoft avrò difficoltà ad imporsi nel mercato che oramai ha già fatto un bel booom!