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    [Altro] [Altro] [ Twitter] [Twitterfeed] Cerco abbreviatore URL con API per TF


    sto cercando suggerimenti per uno script (gratis o pagamento) con API da utilizzare come "custom URL shortener" su TwitterFeed.

    Questo è il paragrafo di Twitterfeed dove spiega come deve funzionare lo script:

    *How do I use a custom URL shortener?
    Edit your feed and in Advanced Settings chose custom from the "Shorten Link through" dropdown box, add the URL shortening endpoint as example.com/?shorten=%@ where %@ will be replaced by the URL to shorten. The shortener should only respond with a plain text response containing the shortened URL. In order to use a new shortener, say su.pr, all you need to do is put the following link in your custom endpoint field:


    The %@ will be replaced with the URL to be shortened. Similarly, for j.mp put the following in your custom endpoint field:


    Make sure to replace [YOUR_LOGIN_HERE] and [YOUR_API_KEY_HERE] with your j.mp login and API key. *

    Sinceramente, non essendo un programmatore, non ci capisco nulla.

    Grazie per l'aiuto.<br /><b>Social</b>: Twitter<br /><br /><b>Social</b>: Altro<br /><br /><b>Social</b>: Altro<br />