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- Instantempo - Team from Poland comes into play :)
Hi BHSF.pl Team!
WELCOME to this contest!
I see you are in third position. Great!
I'm looking forward to see you in a month: will you still be there?
You are lucky that the contest lasts less than two months .. maybe google will not notice in time to your strategies... Good Luck :P!
Se volete ve lo scrivo in spagnolo, ma da un italiano che vive all'estero sembrerebbe davvero inopportuno. Peró anche io con instantempo24.com partecipo al contest da Valencia España dove vivo. Qundi è il caso di dire che instantempo è davvero un contest europeo...
I've a question: when the contest will be ended, could you tech us any of your "strategies"?
Another question :D:
how it's possible that are you writing in italian in you blog if you don't speak italian?
Google translate?
Lastrobt, i contenuti di quel blog sono fatti con Google Translate, non sono scritti a mano
È vero, non me n'ero accorto...Solo le prime parole hanno senso, poi il discorso si ingarbuglia sempre di più :0
@Final_Player said:
Lastrobt, i contenuti di quel blog sono fatti con Google Translate, non sono scritti a mano
si alla fine deve essere cosi'
inizialmente ho pensato fossero fatti con un generatore di testi casuale ma fatto bene. pero' mi sa che non è cosi.ma secondo me la chicca che li pone in alto è come ho detto in altro post, la presenza di post retrodatati rispetto alla data del dominio...!
speak english in this thread, please
I translate the interesting italian reply:
Bluepills has noticed that the date of the post in bhsfpl blog are backdated before even the creation of the domain.
@Final_Player said:
You are lucky that the contest lasts less than two months .. maybe google will not notice in time to your strategies... Good Luck :P!
Well, if Google will not notice them in a month, then... its spam filters really suck!
@bluepill yes, you're right: if you remember Final and pdellov made (maybe it wasn't volountary, I don't know) the same thing and on the initial contest days they were on the first two position of the SERP.
I think that at the moment Google privileges the backdated post.
So it seems this time we have some foreign challengers too... Intersting!
Let me give my gladest and warmest welcome to the Polish team into this funny mayhem. You certainly won't be disappointed by the contest itself and ? what's more important ? by the pepole who are currently dealing with it.
This is going to be a nice and sharpening journey.
[Not to mention the truly pleasant sensation to write in English inside the core of my favourite Web board.
See you soon!
Ciao to all participants. Thanks Leonov and others for warm words. We are glad we can take participation in this contest.
We hope you give us some chance to get a good score. There is at least 10 people involved in linkbuilding, translations, websites maintenance etc. so we can't dissapoint them.
At the start we prepared small animation especially for this contest purposes. There is also italian accent
Check it by yourselves what it is. For me its what i like the most in Italy.
ps. I hope, you ladies forgive me for that.
Regards, good luck!
from which part of Poland are you coming exactly ?
Got a couple of friends in Bielsko Biala and Krakow.
I am a newbie and I am reading the forum in order to learn something
BHSF now have approximately 50,000 links instantempo around the web
no.. magari!!
With yahho site explorer 144.000!!!!
Too much!