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You are 2° on Google!!! In 10 hours! Wow!
This is Thai: cmxseed.com/cmxseedforumn/index.php?topic=38059.msg451117;topicseen
Links from many different countries
We wish you good luck in contest. Do you know if there is some more foreign competitors?
I'm bosnian, but speak italian
@Giorgiotave said:
This is Thai: cmxseed.com/cmxseedforumn/index.php?topic=38059.msg451117;topicseen
Links from many different countries
You have to explain it because I haven't understood
Hi BHSF.pl Team!
WELCOME to this contest!
I see you are in third position. Great!
I'm looking forward to see you in a month: will you still be there?
You are lucky that the contest lasts less than two months .. maybe google will not notice in time to your strategies... Good Luck :P!
Se volete ve lo scrivo in spagnolo, ma da un italiano che vive all'estero sembrerebbe davvero inopportuno. Peró anche io con instantempo24.com partecipo al contest da Valencia España dove vivo. Qundi è il caso di dire che instantempo è davvero un contest europeo...
I've a question: when the contest will be ended, could you tech us any of your "strategies"?
Another question :D:
how it's possible that are you writing in italian in you blog if you don't speak italian?
Google translate?
Lastrobt, i contenuti di quel blog sono fatti con Google Translate, non sono scritti a mano
È vero, non me n'ero accorto...Solo le prime parole hanno senso, poi il discorso si ingarbuglia sempre di più :0
@Final_Player said:
Lastrobt, i contenuti di quel blog sono fatti con Google Translate, non sono scritti a mano
si alla fine deve essere cosi'
inizialmente ho pensato fossero fatti con un generatore di testi casuale ma fatto bene. pero' mi sa che non è cosi.ma secondo me la chicca che li pone in alto è come ho detto in altro post, la presenza di post retrodatati rispetto alla data del dominio...!
speak english in this thread, please
I translate the interesting italian reply:
Bluepills has noticed that the date of the post in bhsfpl blog are backdated before even the creation of the domain.
@Final_Player said:
You are lucky that the contest lasts less than two months .. maybe google will not notice in time to your strategies... Good Luck :P!
Well, if Google will not notice them in a month, then... its spam filters really suck!
@bluepill yes, you're right: if you remember Final and pdellov made (maybe it wasn't volountary, I don't know) the same thing and on the initial contest days they were on the first two position of the SERP.
I think that at the moment Google privileges the backdated post.