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- Non riesco a inserire prettyPhoto
Non riesco a inserire prettyPhoto
Nel mio sito è gia presente Lightbox che vorrei eliminare e sostituire con prettyPhoto uno script pressochè simile ma dalla grafica migliore.
Il problema e che non riesco a inserirlo
Questa è tutta la parte dell'head dove ci sono i vari script che ho inserito nel mio sito
<script src="smoothscroll_dl/smoothscroll.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- jQuery lightBox plugin --> <script type="text/javascript" src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/js/jquery.lightbox-0.5.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/css/jquery.lightbox-0.5.css" media="screen" /> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#gallery a').lightBox(); }); </script> <!--fine jQuery lightBox plugin --> <!-- inizio jQuery w.slide plugin --> <script src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/jquery/jquery.wslide.js"type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#parent2").wslide({ width: 750, height: 250, fade: true, duration: 2000 }); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="JS/easySlider/easySlider/js/easySlider.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#slider").easySlider({ prevText:'<', prevId: 'prevBtn', nextText: '>', nextId: 'nextBtn', orientation: 'horizontal' }); $("#slider2").easySlider({ prevText: '<', prevId: 'prevBtn2', nextText: '>', nextId: 'nextBtn2', }); }); </script> <style type="text/css"> /* jQuery lightBox plugin - Gallery style */ #gallery{ margin:15px 0 0 0; width:100%; height:500px; text-decoration:none } a{ font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FFF; text-decoration:none; } ul { list-style: none; padding:100px 0 0 50px; margin:0 0 50px 0 } ul li { display: inline; } ul img { margin:0 auto; border: 5px solid #3e3e3e; border-width:0; } ul a:hover img { border: 1px solid none; border-width:0; color: #fff; } ul a:hover { color:; } </style> <!-- inizio jQuery w.slide gallery --> <style type="text/css" media="screen"> #parent2-menu{ text-decoration:none; } li{ padding:30px 0 0 75px; margin:0 auto; } li{ margin:0; padding: 20px 0 0 70px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#333; font-size:12px; } a{ text-decoration:none; font:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#000; } a:hover, a.wactive{ text-decoration:none; background: black; color:#000;} </style> </head>
Questa è una delle gallerie dove tra gli altri script c'è anche lightbox
<div id="illustraction"><img src="image/illustractio.png" width="900" height="150" /><a name="p1"></a></div><h2><a href="#top">^</a></h2><!-- ILLUSTRAZIONI --> <div id="gallery"> <div id="slider"> <ul> <li> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image1.jpg" title="Try to Get Me - stampa per tavola da surf"> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image1.png" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image2.jpg" title="Contest 'crea il tuo natale' - Grafici creativi.it "> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image2.png" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image3.jpg" title="Brad Pitt - Burn after Reading"> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image3.png" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image4.jpg" title="Prison Break"> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image4.jpg" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image5.jpg" title="100 anni di storia dell'inter"> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image5.png" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image6.jpg" title="Johnny Depp"> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image6.png" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image7.jpg" title="Jason Schwartzman - Spun"> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image7.png" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image8.jpg" title="The last word from this world-Vincenzo Basile"> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image8.png" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> </li> <li> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image1.jpg" title="Try to Get Me - stampa per tavola da surf"> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image1.png" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image2.jpg" title="Contest 'crea il tuo natale' - Grafici creativi.it "> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image2.png" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image3.jpg" title="Brad Pitt - Burn after Reading"> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image3.png" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image4.jpg" title="Prison Break"> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image4.jpg" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image5.jpg" title="100 anni di storia dell'inter"> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image5.png" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image6.jpg" title="Johnny Depp"> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image6.png" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image7.jpg" title="Jason Schwartzman - Spun"> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image7.png" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> <a href="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/image8.jpg" title="The last word from this world-Vincenzo Basile"> <img src="JS/jquery-lightbox-0.5/photos/thumb_image8.png" width="200" height="140" alt="" /> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div>
Qui il link a pretty Photo
Inserirlo e semplice ma secondo me il problema sta nel combinare gli script.
Infatti il lightbox è inserito dentro una altro script, easyslider, che fa scorrere a gruppi di otto i thumbs delle immagini che vanno ad aprirsi con lightbox.Mi date un suggerimento su come dovrei muovermi?