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- Dominio con nome brand forte (non mio)
Dominio con nome brand forte (non mio)
Ciao a tutti, stò realizzando un software per interagire con eBay e alcune sue funzioni.
Posso chiamare questo dominio dove sarà publicizzato e venduto questo software con il nome es: ebay-fast-lister.com ?Se lo registro cosa rischio? Grazie!
The eBay Name
It is usually permissible for you to refer to eBay in a descriptive manner on your Web site, in item listings or in advertisements. For example, you might say "Check out my antique items on eBay", or "I sell on eBay". (By the way, eBay is always spelled "eBay"; it is never spelled "Ebay" or "e-Bay".) You should not refer to eBay in any way that might lead someone to believe that your company or site is sponsored by, affiliated with, or endorsed by eBay.> eBay Domain Names
eBay owns exclusive trademark rights in the eBay name in Singapore and in many countries internationally. The ownership, use or sale of a domain name containing the eBay name is not permitted because it is likely a trademark infringement. We do not give permission to third parties to register domain names containing "eBay". Also, eBay item listings attempting to sell such domains are likely to be ended by eBay.
While it has become very popular to register, use and sell domain names (including on eBay), it generally is not permissible to own, sell or use a domain name, which contains a trademark owned by another person or company.
Non puoi registrare un nome del genere. Il rischio più realistico è che un sito con un nome del genere possa essere oscurato, però potresti incorrere anche in multe salate, per informazioni più dettagliate ti conviene porre la domanda in una delle sezioni relative alla consulenza legale.