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Strana offerta per ADV
Non sapevo dove postare. Spero che questa sezione vada bene...
L'altro giorno mi e' arrivata questa mail:
Hi ,
I am interested in purchasing text link advertising at some specific pages of (http://www.xxxx.com/)
Let me know if you are interested so that we can discuss it further.I can make a good offer to make it worth your time.Thanks,
SusanLa cosa mi ha puzzato un po e ho chiesto ulteriori informazioni e queste sono tutte le sue risposte che ho ricevuto.
I am interested in placing a paragraph on homepage of your website i have mentioned below. The paragraph will be quite similar and include 7 text-links inside it. An example of this can be seen at bottom of http://www.xxxx.com/
Customize your shoutbox and run your script regardless of your web page hosting provider. Simple and easy to integrate with your existing web site design and never interferes with an internet marketing services. Turn your personal web space into an interactive melting pot - turn your home based business opportunities more dynamic with this fun-to-use and easy to install shoutbox. Web site hosting companies can use this script to display immediate web hosting service testimonials.
Domain registration has been amplified to a very high level than before and so have the number of hosting providers. As a sense of contest has developed, different web hosting companies have started to use different ways to attract their customers, one of them is providing cheap hosting or cheap web hosting. As saving money is what every one loves to enjoy. All this has given birth to a new era, era of search engine marketing and search engine optimization. Earning money has been made more easy, as SEO has become a home based business, this has also increased the ratio of work at home jobs. Think! How easy it could be work at home, do some affiliate marketing and earn a lot!
The text-links will be to the related websites, which are non-spammy with unique content. The paragraph will be custom written to match the content of your website.
My offer would be $x00 for permanent placement of paragraph on home page
Let me know if you are ready to proceed.
you will have to put static HTML code which will be provided to you by us.
The paragraph will contain 7 links in it.
And the sites you will be linking to are not porn at all. We are working for top ranked sites only with good content.
Payment can be via pay pal as soon as the paragraph placement is done.
Please confirm the deal so that we proceed.
we are UK based. and payment will be done via Pay Pal as soon as we see our paragraphs on the page.
If you require we can do upto 50% pre-payment.
Please confirm the deal so that we proceed promptly
i wonder what is bother you so much. If its payment as i said before once you confirm the deal we can make upto 50% pre-payment.
Regarding company i am employee of 1-hit.com and you can visit the site for details.
I am offering you on behalf of my company.
Let me know if you have further concerns.
SusanLa cosa mi puzza, gli ip delle email, sono di un server pakistano.
Le poche notizie che ho trovato in rete, parlano di spammer che tentano di far salire il rank di certi siti.
Anche se fosse, che razza di raggiro ci potrebbe essere dietro? Chi e' disposto ad investire diverse centinaia di dollari in questo modo?
Sono tentato ad accettare, ma ho paura che vi sia qualche truffa dietro.
Ho pensato ad un pagamento con account rubati. Qualche idea/suggerimento?
Ciao titan,
email da un server pakistano??!!
Fossi in te lascerei perdere, si sente puzza di bruciato da chilometri.
è l'amico cinese che colpisce ancora....
alcuni suoi siti sono in testa nella SERP "casino online"....fino ad oggi ha crakkato svariati blog wordpress mettendovi all'interno dei backlink ai suoi siti di casinò, adesso sta cercando di comprare link, non escluderei che stia usando account paypal rubati
Anche io ho pensato ad account rubati. Ma poi?? Metto il link, mi avvisano del raggiro, tolgo i link e lui rimane a bocca asciutta?
Invece , x quel che riguarda i link nei vari word o forum, non mi pare usino dei bug. Gestisco un forum e passano giornalmente tanti bot o pseudo tali, che cercano di registrarsi x spammare. Mi era capitato una volta, di non aver abilitato la registrazione in scrittura in una area, ed in una notte me l'hanno riempita.
si moltissimi usano dei bot, ma questo tipo in cui mi sono imbattuto ha sfruttato delle vulnerabilità di Wordpress per pratica delle SQL Injection e iniettare così i link ai propri siti in fondo a tutte le pagine dei blog colpiti