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- Velocità dello slider
Velocità dello slider
Ho inserito sul mio blog il tema onthego di Elegant Themes e avrei la necessità di modificare la velocità dello slider. Inoltre non vorrei semplicemente modificare la velocità tramite interfaccia grafica ma tramite codice, qualcuno sa quale file è necessario cambiare ?
Grazie a tutti
Il file è questo epanel/shortcodes/js/et_shortcodes_frontend.js
Ti ringrazio per la risposta, ti posto il codice in basso, io ho provato a modificare banalmente l'auto speed e ho modificato auto a true, ma nulla, lo slider resta inchiodato sempre alla medesima velocità, consigli ?
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// et_switcher plugin v2
$.fn.et_shortcodes_switcher = function(options)
var defaults =
slides: '>div',
activeClass: 'active',
linksNav: '',
findParent: true, //use parent elements to define active states
lengthElement: 'li', //parent element, used only if findParent is set to true
useArrows: false,
arrowLeft: 'a#prev-arrow',
arrowRight: 'a#next-arrow',
auto: false,
autoSpeed: 5000,
slidePadding: '',
pauseOnHover: true,
fx: 'fade',
sliderType: ''
};var options = $.extend(defaults, options); return this.each(function() { var slidesContainer = jQuery(this).parent().css('position','relative'), $slides = jQuery(this).css({'overflow':'hidden','position':'relative'}), $slide = $slides.find(options.slides).css({'opacity':'1','position':'absolute','top':'0px','left':'0px','display':'none'}), slidesNum = $slide.length, zIndex = slidesNum, currentPosition = 1, slideHeight = 0, $activeSlide, $nextSlide; if (options.fx === 'slide') { $slide.css({'opacity':'0','position':'absolute','top':'0px','left':'0px','display':'block'}); } else { $slide.filter(':first').css({'display':'block'}); } if (options.slidePadding != '') $slide.css('padding',options.slidePadding); $slide.each(function(){ jQuery(this).css('z-index',zIndex).addClass('clearfix'); if (options.fx === 'slide') zIndex--; slideH = jQuery(this).innerHeight(); if (slideH > slideHeight) slideHeight = slideH; }); //check left tabs container height if ( slidesContainer.hasClass('tabs-left') ) { var leftTabsHeight = slidesContainer.find('ul.et-tabs-control').innerHeight(); if ( leftTabsHeight > slideHeight ) slideHeight = leftTabsHeight; } slidesContainer.find('.et-learn-more').not('.et-open').find('.learn-more-content').css({'display':'none','visibility': 'visible'}); if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) { if ( slidesContainer.hasClass('et-simple-slider') ) $slides.css('height', slideHeight+10); else $slides.css('height', slideHeight+40); } else { $slides.css('height', slideHeight); } $slides.css('width', $slides.width()); var slideWidth = $slide.width(), slideOuterWidth = $slide.outerWidth(); if ( jQuery.browser.msie && !slidesContainer.hasClass('et-simple-slider') ) { $slide.css('width',slideWidth-22); } else { $slide.css('width',slideWidth); } $slide.filter(':first').css('opacity','1'); if (options.sliderType != '') { if (options.sliderType === 'images') { controllersHtml = '<div class="controllers-wrapper"><div class="controllers"><a href="#" class="left-arrow">Previous</a>'; for ($i=1; $i<=slidesNum; $i++) { controllersHtml += '<a class="switch" href="#">'+$i+'</a>'; } controllersHtml += '<a href="#" class="right-arrow">Next</a></div><div class="controllers-right"></div></div>'; $controllersWrap = jQuery(controllersHtml).prependTo($slides.parent()); jQuery('.controllers-wrapper .controllers').css('width', 65 + 18*slidesNum); } var etimage_width = $slide.width(); slidesContainer.css({'width':etimage_width}); $slides.css({'width':etimage_width}); if (options.sliderType === 'images') { slidesContainer.css({'height':$slide.height()}); $slides.css({'height':$slide.height()}); var controllers_width = $controllersWrap.width(), leftPosition = Math.round((etimage_width - controllers_width) / 2); $controllersWrap.css({left: leftPosition}); } } if (options.linksNav != '') { var linkSwitcher = jQuery(options.linksNav); var linkSwitcherTab = ''; if (options.findParent) linkSwitcherTab = linkSwitcher.parent(); else linkSwitcherTab = linkSwitcher; if (!linkSwitcherTab.filter('.active').length) linkSwitcherTab.filter(':first').addClass('active'); linkSwitcher.click(function(){ var targetElement; if (options.findParent) targetElement = jQuery(this).parent(); else targetElement = jQuery(this); var orderNum = targetElement.prevAll(options.lengthElement).length+1; if (orderNum > currentPosition) gotoSlide(orderNum, 1); else gotoSlide(orderNum, -1); return false; }); } if (options.useArrows) { var $right_arrow = jQuery(options.arrowRight), $left_arrow = jQuery(options.arrowLeft); $right_arrow.click(function(){ if (currentPosition === slidesNum) gotoSlide(1,1); else gotoSlide(currentPosition+1),1; if (options.linksNav != '') changeTab(); return false; }); $left_arrow.click(function(){ if (currentPosition === 1) gotoSlide(slidesNum,-1); else gotoSlide(currentPosition-1,-1); if (options.linksNav != '') changeTab(); return false; }); } function changeTab(){ if (linkSwitcherTab != '') { linkSwitcherTab.siblings().removeClass('active'); linkSwitcherTab.filter(':eq('+(currentPosition-1)+')').addClass('active'); } } function gotoSlide(slideNumber,dir){ if ($slide.filter(':animated').length) return; $slide.css('opacity','0'); $activeSlide = $slide.filter(':eq('+(currentPosition-1)+')').css('opacity','1'); if (currentPosition === slideNumber) return; $nextSlide = $slide.filter(':eq('+(slideNumber-1)+')').css('opacity','1'); if ((currentPosition > slideNumber || currentPosition === 1) && (dir === -1)) { if (options.fx === 'slide') slideBack(500); if (options.fx === 'fade') slideFade(500); } else { if (options.fx === 'slide') slideForward(500); if (options.fx === 'fade') slideFade(500); } currentPosition = $nextSlide.prevAll().length + 1; if (options.linksNav != '') changeTab(); if (typeof interval_shortcodes != 'undefined' && options.auto) { clearInterval(interval_shortcodes); auto_rotate(); } return false; } if (options.auto) { auto_rotate(); var pauseSlider = false; } if (options.pauseOnHover) { slidesContainer.hover(function(){ pauseSlider = true; },function(){ pauseSlider = false; }); } function auto_rotate(){ interval_shortcodes = setInterval(function(){ if (!pauseSlider) { if (currentPosition === slidesNum) gotoSlide(1,1); else gotoSlide(currentPosition+1),1; if (options.linksNav != '') changeTab(); } },options.autoSpeed); } function slideFade(speed){ $activeSlide.css({zIndex: slidesNum}).fadeOut(700); $nextSlide.css({zIndex: (slidesNum+1)}).fadeIn(700); } function slideForward(speed){ $nextSlide.css('left',slideOuterWidth+'px'); $activeSlide.animate({left: '-'+slideOuterWidth,opacity:0},speed); $nextSlide.animate({left: 0,opacity:1},speed); } function slideBack(speed){ $nextSlide.css('left','-'+slideOuterWidth+'px'); $activeSlide.animate({left: slideOuterWidth,opacity:0},speed); $nextSlide.animate({left: 0,opacity:1},speed); } }); } })(jQuery); // end et_switcher plugin v2 /////// Shortcodes Javascript /////// jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $et_tooltip = $('.et-tooltip'); $et_tooltip.live('mouseover mouseout', function(event){ if (event.type == 'mouseover') { $(this).find('.et-tooltip-box').animate({ opacity: 'show', bottom: '25px' }, 300); } else { $(this).find('.et-tooltip-box').animate({ opacity: 'hide', bottom: '35px' }, 300); } }); // learn more $et_learn_more = $('.et-learn-more .heading-more'); $et_learn_more.live('click', function() { if ( $(this).hasClass('open') ) $(this).removeClass('open'); else $(this).addClass('open'); $(this).parent('.et-learn-more').find('.learn-more-content').animate({ opacity: 'toggle', height: 'toggle' }, 300); }); $('.et-learn-more').not('.et-open').find('.learn-more-content').css( { 'visibility' : 'visible', 'display' : 'none' } ); });
/* ]]> */
Avrei fatto lo stesso anch'io, evidentemente non è quello il file. Con i temi premium non è facile capire come disattivare in parte il loro pannello di controllo e settare dei valori fissi, senza il tema con tutti i suoi file non saprei aiutarti, mi dispiace.