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- Problemi con una modifica ad una carta
Problemi con una modifica ad una carta
Salve a tutti, ho un theme e-commerce ed avrei bisogno di modificare un file, ma non ne riesco a venire a capo.
Il file da modificare e quello della carta che calcola il totale, praticamente al momento il theme mi calcola le spedizioni in base alla quantità (es. per ogni oggetto 10€ di spedizioni), io avrei bisogno di calcolare il tutto in base ad un altro dato che sarebbe la dimensione, quindi calcolare il totale del peso e a seconda della fascia di appartenenza assegnare un valore alla spedizione.
Se solamente mi aiutereste a dire come richiamare all'interno del file la dimensione stessa, potrei provvedere al resto, il punto è che io non la riesco proprio a prelevare.
Grazie mille a chiunque mi aiuteràQuesto è il codice del file:
session_start();error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
// Get Session variable data
$PPEmail = $_SESSION["PPEmail"];
$CARTURL = $CARTDIR . "cart.php";
$CHECKOUT_RETURNURL = $_SESSION["POSTSALE_URL"];require("../language/" . $LANGUAGE . ".php");
// Load WordPress
$load = '../../../../wp-load.php';
if (file_exists($load)){
} else {
wp_die('Error: wp-load file not found');
}// Payment Processing Post URL -- (Enable only one)
$ACTION_URL = "https:// - www - paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"; //Paypal
//$ACTION_URL = "https://checkout.google.com/api/checkout/v2/checkoutForm/Merchant/YOURMERCHANTIDHERE"; //Google Checkout (change merch ID)//TODO: Create Cart Object
$crtQuantity = array();
$crtStockQuantity = array();
$crtAmount = array();
$crtShipping = array();
$crtShipping2 = array();
$crtHandling = array();
$crtHandlingCart = array();
$crtOptions = array();
$PPOptions = array();//retrieve session Variables
$crtName = $_SESSION["Name"];
$crtNotes = $_SESSION["Notes"];
$crtPostID = $_SESSION["PostID"];
$crtQuantity = $_SESSION["Quantity"];
$crtStockQuantity = $_SESSION["StockQuantity"];
$crtAmount = $_SESSION["Amount"];
$crtShipping = $_SESSION["Shipping"];
$crtShipping2 = $_SESSION["Shipping2"];
$crtHandling = $_SESSION["Handling"];
$crtHandlingCart = $_SESSION["HandlingCart"];
$crtOptions = $_SESSION["Options"];
$PPOptions = $_SESSION["PPOptions"];
}//convert strings to integers
function str2int($string, $concat = true) {
$length = strlen($string);
for ($i = 0, $int = '', $concat_flag = true; $i < $length; $i++) {
if (is_numeric($string*) && $concat_flag) {
$int .= $string*;
} elseif(!$concat && $concat_flag && strlen($int) > 0) {
$concat_flag = false;
}return (int) $int;
//Save Session Variables
function SaveSession($crtName,$crtNotes,$crtPostID,$crtAmount,$crtQuantity,$crtStockQuantity,$crtShipping,$crtShipping2,$crtHandling,$crtHandlingCart,$crtOptions,$PPOptions=' '){
$_SESSION["Name"] = $crtName;
$_SESSION["Notes"] = $crtNotes;
$_SESSION["PostID"] = $crtPostID;
$_SESSION["Quantity"] = $crtQuantity;
$_SESSION["StockQuantity"] = $crtStockQuantity;
$_SESSION["Amount"] = $crtAmount;
$_SESSION["Shipping"] = $crtShipping;
$_SESSION["Shipping2"] = $crtShipping2;
$_SESSION["Handling"] = $crtHandling;
$_SESSION["HandlingCart"] = $crtHandlingCart;
$_SESSION["Options"] = $crtOptions;
$_SESSION["PPOptions"] = $PPOptions;}
//Monolithic display cart function
function ShowCart($crtName,$crtNotes,$crtPostID,$crtAmount,$crtQuantity,$crtStockQuantity,$crtShipping,$crtShipping2,$crtHandling,$crtHandlingCart,$crtOptions,$PPOptions){
include("cart_top.php");global $CARTURL,$CURRENCY_SYMBOL,$ACTION_URL,$CHECKOUT_RETURNURL,$CARTDIR; $checkout = ''; $prods = ''; $i = 1; $ShippingTotal = 0; $GrandTotal = 0; // Calculation of $ShippingTotal - starts if(!empty($crtPostID)) { $s_values = array(); foreach( $crtPostID as $item =>$postid ) { $r = array_key_exists($postid,$s_values); if(!$r) { $s_values[$postid]['postID'] = $crtPostID[$item]; $s_values[$postid]['quantity'] = $crtQuantity[$item]; $s_values[$postid]['shipping'] = $crtShipping[$item]; $s_values[$postid]['shipping2'] = $crtShipping2[$item]; } else { $s_values[$postid]['quantity'] = $s_values[$postid]['quantity'] + $crtQuantity[$item]; } } $ShippingTotal = 0; foreach( $s_values as $postid =>$v ) { if ($v['quantity'] > 1) { $ShippingTotal = $ShippingTotal + $v['shipping']; $ShippingTotal = $ShippingTotal + (($v['quantity'] - 1) * $v['shipping2']); } else { $ShippingTotal = $ShippingTotal + $v['shipping']; } } } // End -- if(!empty($crtPostID)) // Calculation of $ShippingTotal - ends foreach( $crtAmount as $item =>$amount ) { $GrandTotal = $GrandTotal + ($crtAmount[$item] * $crtQuantity[$item]); // Check if Special Comments Box is allowed for this post or not. $mkt_special_comment_box = get_post_meta($crtPostID[$item], 'mkt_special_comment_box', $single = true); $sp_comments = ''; if(($mkt_special_comment_box == "1") AND (!empty($crtNotes[$item]))) { $sp_comments = '<br><div style="margin-left: 10px;"><small><a title="'.$crtNotes[$item].'">'.mkt_SHOPCART_ITEM_SPECIAL_INSTRUCTIONS.'</a></small></div>'; } $mkt_pk_item_amount = $CURRENCY_SYMBOL.number_format((float)($crtAmount[$item] * $crtQuantity[$item]), 2, '.', ','); $Shipping = 'Shipping: '.$CURRENCY_SYMBOL.$Shipping; $content .= '<tr id="'.$item.'"><td>'.$crtName[$item].$sp_comments.'</td><td style="text-align:left;">'.$crtOptions[$item].'</td><td style="text-align:center;"><input class="quantity" name="'.$item.'" type="text" value="'.$crtQuantity[$item].'" /></td><td style="text-align:center;"><a href="'.$GLOBALS["CARTURL"].'?remove='.$item.'" class="crtRemove">'.mkt_SHOPCART_ITEM_REMOVE.'</a></td><td style="text-align:right;">'.$mkt_pk_item_amount.'</td></tr>'; if ($crtHandling[$item]){ $Handling = $crtHandling[$item]; if($crtQuantity[$item] > 1){ $Handling += $crtHandlingCart[$item] * ($crtQuantity[$item] - 1); } $checkout .='<input type="hidden" name="handling_'.$i.'" value="'.$Handling.'" />'; } $checkout .='<input type="hidden" name="item_name_'.$i.'" value="'.$crtName[$item].'" /> <input type="hidden" name="amount_'.$i.'" value="'.$crtAmount[$item].'" /> <input type="hidden" name="quantity_'.$i.'" value="'.$crtQuantity[$item].'" />'; // The following 4 inputs are for Google Checkout purposes $checkout .='<input type="hidden" name="item_description_'.$i.'" value="'.$crtOptions[$item].'" /> <input type="hidden" name="item_quantity_'.$i.'" value="'.$crtQuantity[$item].'" /> <input type="hidden" name="item_price_'.$i.'" value="'.$crtAmount[$item].'" /> <input type="hidden" name="item_currency_'.$i.'" value="'.$GLOBALS["CURRENCY_CODE"].'" />'; $tmp = explode("<br />",$crtOptions[$item]); $itr=0; foreach ($tmp as $chk){ if($chk!=""){ list($opt,$val)=explode(":",$chk); $checkout.='<input type="hidden" name="on'.$itr.'_'.$i.'" value="'.$opt.'" /><input type="hidden" name="os'.$itr.'_'.$i.'" value="'.$val.'" />'; } ++$itr; } // Create value for inventory control // $prods = $prods . $crtPostID[$item] . "-" . $crtQuantity[$item]; $mkt_pk_item_amount = (float)($crtAmount[$item] * $crtQuantity[$item]); $prods = $prods . $crtPostID[$item] . "+:#" . $crtName[$item]. "+:#". $crtOptions[$item]. "+:#" . $crtQuantity[$item]. "+:#" . $mkt_pk_item_amount. "+:#" . $crtNotes[$item] . "+:#" .$item_shipping_pk; if ($i < count($crtPostID)) { // $prods = $prods . ","; $prods = $prods . "^:*"; } ++$i; } // If no item value, then display message if ($item == null){ $content .= '<tr><td colspan=5>'.mkt_SHOPCART_NOITEMS.'</td></tr>'; } $ItemSubTotal = $GrandTotal; $GrandTotal = $GrandTotal + $ShippingTotal;
$_SESSION["grand_total"] = $GrandTotal;
$_SESSION["item_subtotal"] = $ItemSubTotal;
$_SESSION["shipping_cost"] = $ShippingTotal;$mkt_pk_ItemSubTotal = $CURRENCY_SYMBOL.number_format($ItemSubTotal, 2, '.', ','); $mkt_pk_ShippingTotal = $CURRENCY_SYMBOL.number_format($ShippingTotal, 2, '.', ','); $mkt_pk_GrandTotal = $CURRENCY_SYMBOL.number_format($GrandTotal, 2, '.', ','); $content .= '<tr><td colspan=4 align=right>'.mkt_SHOPCART_SUBTOTAL.'<br/>'.mkt_SHOPCART_SHIPPING.'<br/><b>'.mkt_SHOPCART_TOTAL.'</b></td><td style="text-align:right;">'.$mkt_pk_ItemSubTotal.'<br/>'.$mkt_pk_ShippingTotal.'<br/><b>'.$mkt_pk_GrandTotal.'</b></td></tr>'; // Create product summary session variable for inventory control postsale page $_SESSION["prods"] = $prods; $_SESSION["mkt_pk_ItemSubTotal"] = $mkt_pk_ItemSubTotal; $_SESSION["mkt_pk_ShippingTotal"] = $mkt_pk_ShippingTotal; $_SESSION["mkt_pk_GrandTotal"] = $mkt_pk_GrandTotal; // The following 4 inputs are Google Checkout variables $checkout .='<input type="hidden" name="ship_method_name_1" value="Ship Method"/>'; $checkout .='<input type="hidden" name="ship_method_price_1" value="'.$ShippingTotal.'" />'; $checkout .='<input type="hidden" name="ship_method_currency_1" value="'.$GLOBALS["CURRENCY_CODE"].'" />'; $checkout .='<input type="hidden" name="checkout-flow-support.merchant-checkout-flow-support.continue-shopping-url" value="' . $CHECKOUT_RETURNURL . '">'; // Send the ADMIN EMAIL address too... $checkout .='<input type="hidden" name="mkt_pk_admin_email" value="'.$_SESSION["mkt_pk_admin_email"].'"/>'; include("cart_bottom.php"); echo $content;
$item = removeItem($_GET["remove"]);
}function removeItem($item){
global $crtName,$crtNotes,$crtPostID,$crtAmount,$crtQuantity,$crtStockQuantity,$crtShipping,$crtShipping2,$crtHandling,$crtHandlingCart,$crtOptions,$PPOptions;
return $item;
foreach ($_GET as $item => $value ){if($crtQuantity[$item]){ if (($crtStockQuantity[$item] != "") && ($value > $crtStockQuantity[$item])) { echo "<span style='color:#F00000;'><b>" . mkt_SHOPCART_OVERSTOCK_MESSAGE . " " . $crtStockQuantity[$item] . " -- (" . $crtName[$item] . ")</b></span><br>"; $crtQuantity[$item] = $crtStockQuantity[$item]; } else { $crtQuantity[$item] = str2int($value); } // If value = 0 then remove item from list if($crtQuantity[$item] == 0){ removeItem($item); } } } SaveSession($crtName,$crtNotes,$crtPostID,$crtAmount,$crtQuantity,$crtStockQuantity,$crtShipping,$crtShipping2,$crtHandling,$crtHandlingCart,$crtOptions,$PPOptions); ShowCart($crtName,$crtNotes,$crtPostID,$crtAmount,$crtQuantity,$crtStockQuantity,$crtShipping,$crtShipping2,$crtHandling,$crtHandlingCart,$crtOptions,$PPOptions);
$item ="item".rand();//An Id can be used in lue of store with multiple items with the same name
$name = $_GET["item_name"];
$notes = $_GET["notes"];
$postID = $_GET["postID"];
$amt = (float)$_GET["amount"];
$handling = (float)$_GET["handling"];
$handling_cart = (float)$_GET["handling_cart"];
$quan = str2int($_GET["quantity"]);
$stockquantity = str2int($_GET["stockquantity"]);
$ppoptions = "";
$optionpricing = 0;$options = ""; $i = 0; if(strpos($_GET["shipping"],"/")){ $ar = explode("/",$_GET["shipping"]); $ship = (float)$ar[0]; $ship2= (float)$ar[1]; }else{ $ship = (float)$_GET["shipping"]; $ship2= 0; } foreach ($_GET as $key => $value ){ $val = substr($key,0,2); if($val=="on"){ $opt = substr($key,2,1); $index = "os".$opt; // Option pricing begin $optionval = explode("@",$_GET[$index]); $optionpricing = $optionpricing + $optionval[1]; if ($optionval[1]) { if ($optionval[1]>0) { $optiontext = " (+"; } else { $optiontext = " (-"; } $optiontext = $optiontext . $CURRENCY_SYMBOL.number_format(abs($optionval[1]), 2, '.', ','); $optiontext = $optiontext .")"; } else { $optiontext = ""; } // Option pricing end $options.= $value.': '.$optionval[0].$optiontext.'<br />'; ++$i; } } // Check for duplicate products if ($crtPostID == "") {$crtPostID = array();} $duplicate_prodIDs = array_keys($crtPostID, $postID); for($i=0; $i<count($duplicate_prodIDs); $i++) { $totalprodquan += $crtQuantity[$duplicate_prodIDs*]; $s1 = trim($notes); $s2 = trim($crtNotes[$duplicate_prodIDs*]); $cmp = strcasecmp($s1, $s2); if (($postID == $crtPostID[$duplicate_prodIDs*]) && ($options == $crtOptions[$duplicate_prodIDs*]) && ($cmp == 0)) { $duplicateitemID = $duplicate_prodIDs*; } } // Check to see if this puts it over stock quantity if (($stockquantity !="") && ($totalprodquan + $quan > $stockquantity)) { echo "<span style='color:#F00000;'><b>" . mkt_SHOPCART_OVERSTOCK_MESSAGE . " " . $stockquantity . " -- (" . $name . ")</b></span><br>"; } else { if ($duplicateitemID) { $crtQuantity[$duplicateitemID] += $quan; $crtNotes[$duplicateitemID] = $notes; //if($crtShipping[$item] < $ship){ $crtShipping[$item] = $ship; $crtShipping2[$item] = $ship2; $crtHandling[$item] = $handling; $crtHandlingCart[$item] = $handling_cart; //} }else{// A new item $crtName[$item] = $name; $crtNotes[$item] = $notes; $crtPostID[$item] = $postID; $crtAmount[$item] = $amt + $optionpricing; $crtShipping[$item] = $ship; $crtShipping2[$item] = $ship2; $crtHandling[$item] = $handling; $crtHandlingCart[$item] = $handling_cart; $crtQuantity[$item] = $quan; $crtStockQuantity[$item] = $stockquantity; $crtOptions[$item] = $options; $PPOptions[$item] = $ppoptions; } } //Save the Session and Display the cart SaveSession($crtName,$crtNotes,$crtPostID,$crtAmount,$crtQuantity,$crtStockQuantity,$crtShipping,$crtShipping2,$crtHandling,$crtHandlingCart,$crtOptions,$PPOptions); ShowCart($crtName,$crtNotes,$crtPostID,$crtAmount,$crtQuantity,$crtStockQuantity,$crtShipping,$crtShipping2,$crtHandling,$crtHandlingCart,$crtOptions,$PPOptions);