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- Classe PHP per iterazioni mysql
Classe PHP per iterazioni mysql
Ciao a tutti,
sto lavorando ad alcune pagine php per interagire con i dati contenuti in un db MySql e per comodità sto cercando una classe da includere e che mi faciliti un po' il lavoro oltre a renderlo più leggibile. Tra le diverse che ho trovato,quella che mi è sembrata un po' più interessante è quella di Sebastien Laout,non so se qualcuno ha provato a lavorarci...
Il problema che mi si presenta è il seguente,scarico la classe, la estraggo nella cartella dove sono presenti le pagine su cui lavoro e provo a includerla in una pagina di prova con:
include "db.class.php";
Poi creo un oggetto DB come specificato anche nelle note dell'autore ma appena provo ad aprire la pagina mi dice che non è possibile includere la classe e che non esiste nessun oggetto di tipo DB......
Avete qualche dritta da darmi?
Ciao e benvenuto nel forum.
Non sarebbe male se mettessi il link alla classe e il codice che hai provato.
Il link copialo senza http iniziale.
La classe l'ho trovata da qui slaout.linux62.org/php/index.html
Il codice era solo per provare la connessione al db quindi
include "db.class.php";
$db = new DB("nomeDB","localhost","root","psw");
O comunque qualcosa di molto simile,non ho il codice sottomana :S
La classe è scritta in php 4. Il codice utilizza gli short tag <? anzichè <?php
Lasciando tutto com'è tranne gli short tag e mettendo uno script nella stessa cartella su server locale XAMPP, ha funzionato tutto a dovere
include "db.class.php";
$db = new DB("prova","localhost","root","");
$res = $db->query('select * from utenti');
echo mysql_num_rows($res); //risultato: 1 (esatto)
Che il tuo sia un problema di path errato dell'include?
Ho aggiornato la classe a PHP5 e a mysqli.
Il funzionamento rimane quello originario.
/** A PHP class to access MySQL database with convenient methods
* in an object oriented way, and with a powerful debug system.\n
* Licence: LGPL \n
* Web site: http://slaout.linux62.org/
* @version 1.0
* @author Sébastien Laoût ([email protected])
class DB
/* Put this variable to true if you want ALL queries to be debugged by default:
private $defaultDebug = false;/** INTERNAL: The start time, in miliseconds. */ private $mtStart; /** INTERNAL: The number of executed queries. */ private $nbQueries; /** INTERNAL: The last result ressource of a query(). */
private $lastResult;
private $cnt;/** Connect to a MySQL database to be able to use the methods below. */ function __construct($base, $server, $user, $pass) { $this->mtStart = $this->getMicroTime(); $this->nbQueries = 0; $this->lastResult = NULL; $this->cnt = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pass, $base) or die('Server connexion not possible.'); } /** Query the database. * @param $query The query. * @param $debug If true, it output the query and the resulting table. * @return The result of the query, to use with fetchNextObject(). */ function query($query, $debug = -1) { $this->nbQueries++; $this->lastResult = mysqli_query($this->cnt, $query) or $this->debugAndDie($query); $this->debug($debug, $query, $this->lastResult); return $this->lastResult; } /** Do the same as query() but do not return nor store result.\n * Should be used for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE... * @param $query The query. * @param $debug If true, it output the query and the resulting table. */ function execute($query, $debug = -1) { $this->nbQueries++; mysqli_query($this->cnt,$query) or $this->debugAndDie($query); $this->debug($debug, $query); } /** Convenient method for mysql_fetch_object(). * @param $result The ressource returned by query(). If NULL, the last result returned by query() will be used. * @return An object representing a data row. */ function fetchNextObject($result = NULL) { if ($result == NULL) $result = $this->lastResult; if ($result == NULL || mysqli_num_rows($result) < 1) return NULL; else return mysqli_fetch_object($result); } /** Get the number of rows of a query. * @param $result The ressource returned by query(). If NULL, the last result returned by query() will be used. * @return The number of rows of the query (0 or more). */ function numRows($result = NULL) { if ($result == NULL) return mysqli_num_rows($this->lastResult); else return mysqli_num_rows($result); } /** Get the result of the query as an object. The query should return a unique row.\n * Note: no need to add "LIMIT 1" at the end of your query because * the method will add that (for optimisation purpose). * @param $query The query. * @param $debug If true, it output the query and the resulting row. * @return An object representing a data row (or NULL if result is empty). */ function queryUniqueObject($query, $debug = -1) { $query = "$query LIMIT 1"; $this->nbQueries++; $result = mysqli_query($this->cnt,$query) or $this->debugAndDie($query); $this->debug($debug, $query, $result); return mysqli_fetch_object($result); } /** Get the result of the query as value. The query should return a unique cell.\n * Note: no need to add "LIMIT 1" at the end of your query because * the method will add that (for optimisation purpose). * @param $query The query. * @param $debug If true, it output the query and the resulting value. * @return A value representing a data cell (or NULL if result is empty). */ function queryUniqueValue($query, $debug = -1) { $query = "$query LIMIT 1"; $this->nbQueries++; $result = mysqli_query($this->cnt,$query) or $this->debugAndDie($query); $line = mysqli_fetch_row($result); $this->debug($debug, $query, $result); return $line[0]; } /** Get the maximum value of a column in a table, with a condition. * @param $column The column where to compute the maximum. * @param $table The table where to compute the maximum. * @param $where The condition before to compute the maximum. * @return The maximum value (or NULL if result is empty). */ function maxOf($column, $table, $where) { return $this->queryUniqueValue("SELECT MAX(`$column`) FROM `$table` WHERE $where"); } /** Get the maximum value of a column in a table. * @param $column The column where to compute the maximum. * @param $table The table where to compute the maximum. * @return The maximum value (or NULL if result is empty). */ function maxOfAll($column, $table) { return $this->queryUniqueValue("SELECT MAX(`$column`) FROM `$table`"); } /** Get the count of rows in a table, with a condition. * @param $table The table where to compute the number of rows. * @param $where The condition before to compute the number or rows. * @return The number of rows (0 or more). */ function countOf($table, $where) { return $this->queryUniqueValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$table` WHERE $where"); } /** Get the count of rows in a table. * @param $table The table where to compute the number of rows. * @return The number of rows (0 or more). */ function countOfAll($table) { return $this->queryUniqueValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$table`"); } /** Internal function to debug when MySQL encountered an error, * even if debug is set to Off. * @param $query The SQL query to echo before diying. */ function debugAndDie($query) { $this->debugQuery($query, "Error"); die("<p style=\"margin: 2px;\">".mysqli_error($this->cnt)."</p></div>"); } /** Internal function to debug a MySQL query.\n * Show the query and output the resulting table if not NULL. * @param $debug The parameter passed to query() functions. Can be boolean or -1 (default). * @param $query The SQL query to debug. * @param $result The resulting table of the query, if available. */ function debug($debug, $query, $result = NULL) { if ($debug === -1 && $this->defaultDebug === false) return; if ($debug === false) return; $reason = ($debug === -1 ? "Default Debug" : "Debug"); $this->debugQuery($query, $reason); if ($result == NULL) echo "<p style=\"margin: 2px;\">Number of affected rows: ".mysqli_affected_rows($this->cnt)."</p></div>"; else $this->debugResult($result); } /** Internal function to output a query for debug purpose.\n * Should be followed by a call to debugResult() or an echo of "</div>". * @param $query The SQL query to debug. * @param $reason The reason why this function is called: "Default Debug", "Debug" or "Error". */ function debugQuery($query, $reason = "Debug") { $color = ($reason == "Error" ? "red" : "orange"); echo "<div style=\"border: solid $color 1px; margin: 2px;\">". "<p style=\"margin: 0 0 2px 0; padding: 0; background-color: #DDF;\">". "<strong style=\"padding: 0 3px; background-color: $color; color: white;\">$reason:</strong> ". "<span style=\"font-family: monospace;\">".htmlentities($query)."</span></p>"; } /** Internal function to output a table representing the result of a query, for debug purpose.\n * Should be preceded by a call to debugQuery(). * @param $result The resulting table of the query. */ function debugResult($result) { echo "<table border=\"1\" style=\"margin: 2px;\">". "<thead style=\"font-size: 80%\">"; $numFields = mysqli_num_fields($result); // BEGIN HEADER $tables = array(); $nbTables = -1; $lastTable = ""; $fields = array(); $nbFields = -1; while ($column = mysqli_fetch_field($result)) { if ($column->table != $lastTable) { $nbTables++; $tables[$nbTables] = array("name" => $column->table, "count" => 1); } else $tables[$nbTables]["count"]++; $lastTable = $column->table; $nbFields++; $fields[$nbFields] = $column->name; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $nbTables; $i++) echo "<th colspan=".$tables*["count"].">".$tables*["name"]."</th>"; echo "</thead>"; echo "<thead style=\"font-size: 80%\">"; for ($i = 0; $i <= $nbFields; $i++) echo "<th>".$fields*."</th>"; echo "</thead>"; // END HEADER while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $numFields; $i++) echo "<td>".htmlentities($row*)."</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table></div>"; $this->resetFetch($result); } /** Get how many time the script took from the begin of this object. * @return The script execution time in seconds since the * creation of this object. */ function getExecTime() { return round(($this->getMicroTime() - $this->mtStart) * 1000) / 1000; } /** Get the number of queries executed from the begin of this object. * @return The number of queries executed on the database server since the * creation of this object. */ function getQueriesCount() { return $this->nbQueries; } /** Go back to the first element of the result line. * @param $result The resssource returned by a query() function. */ function resetFetch($result) { if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) mysqli_data_seek($result, 0); } /** Get the id of the very last inserted row. * @return The id of the very last inserted row (in any table). */ function lastInsertedId() { return mysqli_insert_id($this->cnt); } /** Close the connexion with the database server.\n * It's usually unneeded since PHP do it automatically at script end. */ function __destruct() { mysqli_close($this->cnt); } /** Internal method to get the current time. * @return The current time in seconds with microseconds (in float format). */ function getMicroTime() { list($msec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); return floor($sec / 1000) + $msec; }
} // class DB
Premetto che non sono stato a guardare la logica della classe ma esclusivamente il codice. Non garantisco che mi sia sfuggito qualcosa, ma dalle prove che ho fatto funziona.
Innanzitutto ti ringrazio per il tempo che mi hai dato
La classe così come l'hai scritta mi da un errore legato ad una funzione mysqli ma comunque ho risolto semplicemente sostituendo nella classe "<?" con "<?php".....
Quando mi ha funzionato quasi non ci volevo credere,per una cosa simile
Buona serata!
Mi dici che errore mysqli ti ha dato?
L'errore era sulla funzione mysqli_num_rows in quanto riceveva in input una stringa... Non mi sono segnato la riga ma se non sbaglio era quando veniva richiamata in fetchNextObject