Scusa Tep se ti faccio altre domande.... Ma hai sempre avuto più o meno queste cifre (0,68$ CPM sulle view e 5$ CPM sulle riproduzioni) anche quando eri solo con YouTube o sono visibilmente aumentate dopo la partnership con Curse?
Infine con Freedom il CPM era più o meno uguale?
Sto tentando di capire come mai ho CPM così basso anche se le views sono in costante aumento fino ad ora...
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RE: Aiuto Proposta Partnership Nuovo Network
RE: Aiuto Proposta Partnership Nuovo Network
Ma tu per CPM intendi quello basato sulle views oppure sulle riproduzioni?? C'è una bella differenza. Io ho lo 0,09€ sulle views e 1,71€ il CPM basato sulle riproduzioni (è un dato lordo perché poi bisogna togliere il 45% che và a Google e se hai una partnership devi togliere anche la percentuale per loro).
Poi quanto ti vincola il contratto con loro?? o puoi andar via quando vuoi??
Grazie -
RE: Aiuto Proposta Partnership Nuovo Network
Grazie della risposta. Con Curse che CPM hai?? Il contratto è vincolante?? Io ora con YouTube ho un CPM misero di 0,10€ Mi sembra bassissimo!! Hai altre caratteristiche di Curse da sottolineare? Grazie ancora ed in bocca al lupo anche a te per il tuo canale...
RE: Aiuto Proposta Partnership Nuovo Network
Ciao, pure io ho avuto la richiesta da questo network... da quello che scrive accetterei subito, ma prima mi voglio informare... Ecco l'email che ho ricevuto... Che ne pensate? Il CPM è veramente impressionante!!!!
Dear Lukas,
Warm greetings from PlanetCameo.TVWe appreciate the high-quality content of your YouTube channel - Lukas Gym. Now when your channel has been firmly established, it is high time to capitalize on your efforts. Toward that end, we are pleased to invite you to become a part of our Partnership Program which equips you with everything you need to make your channel to even greater success.
PlanetCameo.TV is a certified YouTube Partnership Provider. We work to boost your channel, thereby helping you promote, distribute and monetize your YouTube videos.
We do this by linking channels to the YouTube Monetization Program, enabling you to generate greater revenues, from your videos through advertisements compared to what you get with Google. In addition, we provide resources and opportunities to efficiently manage your content, build a larger viewer base and earn more money.
On top of all this, throughout the process you retain the authority over your video content.HOW DO WE PAY YOU MORE
- Planet Cameo provides you with the best possible share of 70% from the advertisement revenues. Also, we only source the advertisements that pay you maximum dividends.
- We provide a CPM of $5 to $35 which is again simply unbeatable especially when compared to Adsense. This means you earn manifolds with the same number of ads.
- You get the option of placing multiple ads in or near the video compared to only a single pre roll ad that you normally can. These include pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll and other near-video ads.
- To top that you retain final authority over when, where and ho many ads are placed around your videos.
- In videos that are longer than 10 minutes, you may put up as many mid-roll ads as you wish which is not possible in Adsense.
- Our partners have access to over 30,000 audio tracks (
AudioMicro) that can be used for channel background.
- You will notice a substantial increase in video view count after joining us as we promote your videos on various social media platforms.
There is more to the partnership than just revenue enhancement:-
You get a channel dashboard enabling you to better manage your channel.
All the revenue data is directly accessible at YouTube Analytics in real time, ensuring revenue transparency at all times.
We give absolute priority to shielding your content on YouTube from piracy, acting in this regard as your intellectual property protector.
Our support-staff is available 24/7 to address any issues you may have regarding your channel. We promise that we will not allow any issue to persist for more than 24 hours.
Dues are cleared on a monthly basis through PayPal, with Western Union and bank transfer available as alternatives. No tax deductions are made by us, so whatever you earn is yours.
You will not be locked into a contract upon joining Planet Cameo. During an initial 3 months grace period, you will have absolute freedom to cancel the contract at any time if you are not satisfied with our services. A 3 months period is long enough to suss out our network and services. After the grace period, however, a year-long contract will take effect.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS PROTECTION
Our Digital Rights Management Department takes note of any pirated videos on YouTube even if the content is being run on some other channel. This enables you to concentrate fully on content creation rather than having to grapple with potential IPR issues.
Here are some of the channels that have partnered with us and have already been experiencing an unprecedented business growth: -
Annullare correzione automatica tremolii dei video
Ciao a tutti. Youtube mette a disposizione una funzione di correzione automatica dei tremolii dei video. Ho provato ad usarla. In un primo momento ti mostra l'anteprima e vedi il tuo video diviso in 2 (Originale ed Anteprima).
Io ho accettato le modifiche automatiche e dopo alcuni minuti il video è stato modificato. E' passato qualche giorno ma vorrei ripristinare il video originale. C'è la possibilità di farlo oppure mi tengo le modifiche di YT?