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    Centrare testo php

    Ciao a tutti. Inanzitutto confesso la mia ignoranza in materia di php.
    Avrei un probema con un plugin che ho installato sul mio sito in joomla. Questo permette di prendere un codice html da inserire sul proprio blog o sito per mettere un collegamento con immagine e descrizione ai giochi pubblicati sul mio sito. Potete vederne un esempio qui: http://www.giochigratisonline.eu/giochi-sport-e-sportivi/161-gioco-calcio-europei-2008.html (il link in java è situato al termine dell'articolo a sinistra)
    Vorrei posizionare tale link in modo più visibile al centro sotto al gioco ma non so come editare il codice (in html sarebbe molto semplice)
    Oppure ancora meglio se possibile apporterei una modifica al plugin in modo da mostrare la casella con il codice html direttamente visibile.
    Qui di seguito vi riporto il codice:



    • @version $Id: quothis.php 10094 2008-06-03 $

    • @package QuotThis

    • @copyright Copyright (C) 2008 - Bernard Gilly. All rights reserved.

    • @license GNU/GPL

    • @Website http://www.alphaplug.com


    // Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla!

    defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );

    jimport( 'joomla.plugin.plugin' );

    class plgContentQuotethis extends JPlugin


    function plgContentQuotethis( &$subject, $params )
        parent::__construct( $subject, $params );
    function onPrepareContent( &$article, &$params, $limitstart )
        global $mainframe;
        $document    = & JFactory::getDocument();
        $view        = JRequest::getCmd('view');
        if ( $view != 'article' ) return;        
        // Get plugin info
        $plugin              =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin('content', 'quotethis');
        $pluginParams        = new JParameter( $plugin->params );
        $excludeSectionID    = $pluginParams->get( 'excludeSectionID',  '' );        
        $excludeCategoryID   = $pluginParams->get( 'excludeCategoryID', '' );
        $excludeID           = $pluginParams->get( 'excludeID',         '' );        
        $listexcludeSection  = @explode ( ",",  $excludeSectionID );    
        $listexcludeCategory = @explode ( ",", $excludeCategoryID );    
        $listexclude          = @explode ( ",",         $excludeID );        
        if ( $params->get( 'intro_only' ) || in_array ( $article->id, $listexclude ) || in_array ( $article->sectionid, $listexcludeSection ) || in_array ( $article->catid, $listexcludeCategory ) ) return;    
        JPlugin::loadLanguage( 'plg_quotethis', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR );
        $loadMootools     = $pluginParams->def( 'loadMootools',           1 );
        $preview            = $pluginParams->def( 'preview',                1 );
        $txtcols         = $pluginParams->def( 'txtcols',               54 );
        $txtrows         = $pluginParams->def( 'txtrows',                7 );    
        $rowtitle        = $pluginParams->def( 'title',            'title' );        
        $intro           = $pluginParams->def( 'intro',                '0' );
        $limitcharintro  = $pluginParams->def( 'limitcharintro',     '150' );
        $showfirstimage  = $pluginParams->def( 'showfirstimage',       '0' );
        $widthimage         = $pluginParams->def( 'widthimage',         '120' );        
        $copyright       = $pluginParams->def( 'copyright',            '1' );
        $showdate        = $pluginParams->def( 'showdate',             '1' );    
        $width           = $pluginParams->def( 'width',                400 );
        $colorborder     = $pluginParams->def( 'colorborder',     '456B8F' );
        $backgroundcolor = $pluginParams->def( 'backgroundcolor', 'FFFFFF' );
        $fontsizetitle   = $pluginParams->def( 'fontsizetitle',       '13' );
        $colortitle      = $pluginParams->def( 'colortitle',      '003399' );
        $colortitlehover = $pluginParams->def( 'colortitlehover', 'FF9900' );
        $fontsize        = $pluginParams->def( 'fontsize',            '10' );
        $fontcolor       = $pluginParams->def( 'fontcolor',       '222222' );            
        //unset($document->_scripts[JURI::base(true) . '/media/system/js/mootools.js']);
        //unset($document->_scripts[JURI::base(true) . '/media/system/js/mootools-uncompressed.js']);
        //$document->addScript(JURI::base(true) . '/media/system/js/mootools.js');        
        if ( $loadMootools ) $document->addScript(JURI::base(true).'/plugins/content/quotethis/js/mootools.js');                
        $uri             =& JURI::getInstance();
        $base            = $uri->toString( array('scheme', 'host', 'port'));        
        $thequote        = $base.JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($article->slug, $article->catslug, $article->sectionid));        
        $copyNow         = date('Y');
        $title           = stripslashes( $article->$rowtitle );
        $copyright       = ( $copyright ) ? "&copy; " . $copyNow . " - " : "" ;
        $thedate         = ( $showdate )  ? "<br />" . JHTML::_( 'date', $article->created, JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC')) : "" ;
        $introtext         = ( $intro )     ? "<br />" . plgContentQuotethis::prepareIntroQuoteThis( $article->text, $limitcharintro, "" ) : "" ;
        $image              = "";
        if ( $showfirstimage ) {
            $image = plgContentQuotethis::findIMGquotethis( $article->text );
            $image = "<img src=\"" . $image . "\" width=\"" . $widthimage . "\" alt=\"\" />";
            $image = "<div style=\"float:left;padding:5px;\">" . $image . "</div>";
        $style4quote = "<style type=\"text/css\"><!--"
        .".quote {width:".$width."px; padding: 6px; border: solid 1px #".$colorborder."; font: ".$fontsize."px helvetica, verdana, sans-serif; color: #".$fontcolor."; background-color: #".$backgroundcolor."}"
        .".quote a {font: ".$fontsizetitle."px arial, serif; color: #".$colortitle."; text-decoration: underline}"
        .".quote a:hover {color: #".$colortitlehover."; }"
        $javascript = "\n<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\n"
            ."window.addEvent('domready', function(){\n"
            ."var mySlide = new Fx.Slide('quotethisexpand').hide();    \n"
            ."$('toggle').addEvent('click', function(e){\n"
            ."e = new Event(e);\n"
            ."}); \n//-->"
        if ( $preview ) $document->addCustomTag( $style4quote );
        $html  = $javascript;        
        $html .= "<a id=\"toggle\" href=\"#\">" . JText::_('Pubblica il gioco sul tuo blog o sito') . "</a>";
        $html .= "<br /><div id=\"quotethisexpand\"><br />";
        $html .= "<strong>".JText::_('Se vuoi pubblicare un estratto di questo gioco sul tuo sito web o sul tuo sito è sufficiente che copi e incolli il codice html qui di seguito.')."</strong>";
        $html .= "<br /><br />";        
        $html .= "<textarea name=\"textarea\" cols=\"$txtcols\" rows=\"$txtrows\">".$style4quote.$image."<div class=\"quote\">"
        ."<a href=\"" . $thequote ."\" target=\"_blank\">" . $title . "</a>" . $thedate . $introtext
        ."<div align=\"right\" style=\"width:".$width."px\"><p style=\"text-align:right;\">".$copyright."<a href=\"".JURI::base()."\" target=\"_blank\">".$mainframe->getCfg('sitename')."</a></p></div></div></textarea>";
        $html .= "<br /><br />";
        if ( $preview ) {
            $html .= JText::_('PREVIEWQUOTE');
            $html .= "<br /><br />";
            $html .= $style4quote;
            $html .= $image . "<div class=\"quote\">\n<a href=\"$thequote\" target=\"_blank\">$title</a>"
            ."\n<div align=\"right\" style=\"width:".$width."px\"><p style=\"text-align:right;\">$copyright<a href=\"".JURI::base()."\" target=\"_blank\">".$mainframe->getCfg('sitename')."</a></p></div></div>";
            $html .= "<br />";        
        $html .= "<div class=\"small\" align=\"center\">";
        // This software is copyrighted: don't remove the copyright notice
        $html .= "Powered by <a href=\"http://www.alphaplug.com\">QuoteThis</a> &copy; 2008";
        $html .= "</div>";
        $html .= "</div>";
        $article->text = $article->text . $html;
    function prepareIntroQuoteThis( $text, $length=150, $tags='' ) {
        // strips tags won't remove the actual jscript
        $text = preg_replace( "'<script[^>]*>.*?</script>'si", "", $text );
        $text = preg_replace( '/{.+?}/', '', $text);
        // replace line breaking tags with whitespace
        $text = preg_replace( "'<(br[^/>]*?/|hr[^/>]*?/|/(div|h[1-6]|li|p|td))>'si", ' ', $text );
        return html_entity_decode(plgContentQuotethis::smartSubstrQuoteThis( strip_tags( $text, $tags ), $length ));
    function smartSubstrQuoteThis($text, $length=150) {
        if ( strlen($text) > $length ) {     
            $text = substr( $text, 0, $length );
            $blankpos = strrpos( $text, ' ' );    
            $text = substr( $text, 0, $blankpos );    
            $text .= "...";
        return $text;  
    function findIMGquotethis( $contenttext ) {    
        $image = "";
        if ( preg_match_all('#src="(.*)"#Uis', $contenttext, $match ) ) {
            if ( count($match) ) {
                $image = $match[1][0];
        return $image;



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