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- Please help me in choosing web hosting
Please help me in choosing web hosting
Hi everyone,
I am sorry for possible offtopic, but I need your help in find new web hosting provider as soon as possible, because my current host (bluehost.com) is kicking me off, they say 'your account is using a lot server resources', but my website gets only about 200 visitors per day and my disk usage is 1500 MB (maybe they do not like that?)Anyway, what would be your recommendations for getting reliable web hosting? Where are you hosting your websites? Are you happy with your providers?
I am now checking hosting24.com - offer looks very nice, but is it real that they can provide unlimited disk space?
I have contacted them about this question and they say something that "These days 500GB disk drive costs only $30 per month, so if some day we will run out of disk space we will simply add new 500GB disk drive with almost zero costs and you can continue uploading without any problems".What do you think about it? Maybe things have changed in last 4 years? With my current provider I get only 2GB of disk space for $10 per month..
Any ideas and suggestions are much appreciated.
Sorry, but this is an Italian forum!
**Hi 0xyGen and welcome on Forum GT
Please wait for a specialist to advise you on a hosting solution@rikkardo said:
Sorry, but this is an Italian forum!
E chi l'ha detto che gli utenti che parlano inglese non sono ben accetti? :():
hosting24.com is down
Hello OxyGen and welcome again on GT forum. We do offer english support but users might just have to wait longer.
hosting24.com seems up to me, their offer sounds good! I actully understand when they explain how they manage to give unlimited disk space, it is true that the cost is relatively low and it might be a good marketing strategy for them.
My concern is more that when bluehost says that you are using too many resources they might refer to something else than disk usage. Did they specify to you what they mean? What particular resource are you using that they cannot offer anymore? It might be disk usage or CPU usage or bandwidth traffic.What is your website about? Does it use a database, does it provide big files that the users can download, movies?
Feel free to look on internet for various hosting solutions and post here if you want some reviews about them. You might find good advice from people that are already served from these hosting companies.
Well, your problem is the "overselling host" that you have, with this kind of services it's not a surprise that your site was kicked off for some pageviews or queries.
I suggest to you to chose a good hosting company without overselling plan, in USA you can look at asmallorange.com or other small companies with good support and no overselling.
If Italy it's not a problem you can look also for an italian service, in our country overselling provider are a minority, and many companies provide english support to customersLast thing, tell us how many mb and gb do you need for yuor site
Yes, choosing an overselling host is not a good idea unless you have a small / low traffic site. The problem is not the space or bandwidth as such but the CPU, overselling hosts pack their servers with lots of users (this is what overselling is) and attract them by offering unbelievable amounts of space and bandwidth.
What happens is that they then need to only host small low CPU sites (which wont be using all that bandwidth and space anyway) to fit them all on the server.
With a non-oversold server you still have the same issue of CPU but because the amount of users on a server is less the amount of CPU allowed per user is much more plus as you grow there is still space and bandwidth left.
Visit www[DOT]findmyhosting[DOT]com/truthunlimited.htm (replace [DOT] with .)
You should really choose a hosting plan based on your actual needs for space and bandwidth.