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- AIUTO:doesn't match value count at row 1
AIUTO:doesn't match value count at row 1
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Qualcuno mi può dare una vaga idea del perchè di questo errore:1136 Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 in: [INSERT INTO `zen_configuration` VALUES ('', 'Enable SEO URLs?', 'SEO_ENABLED', 'true', 'Enable the SEO URLs? This is a global setting and will turn them off completely.', 93, 0, NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')] ```Le stringe riesco a caricarle su un database ma sull'altro no, (si trovano sull'ostesso server e sono identici)in uno entrano nell'altro no.... Le stringhe che cerco di caricare sono le seguenti:``` DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `zen_configuration`; CREATE TABLE `zen_configuration` ( `configuration_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `configuration_title` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `configuration_key` varchar(255) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `id` date NOT NULL, `configuration_value` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `configuration_description` text collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL, `configuration_group_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `sort_order` int(5) default NULL, `last_modified` datetime default NULL, `date_added` datetime NOT NULL default '0001-01-01 00:00:00', `use_function` text collate latin1_general_ci, `set_function` text collate latin1_general_ci, PRIMARY KEY (`configuration_id`), UNIQUE KEY `unq_config_key_zen` (`configuration_key`), KEY `idx_key_value_zen` (`configuration_key`,`configuration_value`(10)), KEY `idx_cfg_grp_id_zen` (`configuration_group_id`), KEY `id` (`id`) ) [INSERT INTO zen_zen_configuration (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, id, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES (1136, 'Enable SEO URLs', 'SEO_ENABLED', 'false', 'Enable the SEO URLs This is a global setting and will turn them off completely.', 31, 0, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), (1137, 'Add cPath to product URLs?', 'SEO_ADD_CPATH_TO_PRODUCT_URLS', 'false', 'This setting will append the cPath to the end of product URLs (i.e. - some-product-p-1.html?cPath=xx).', 31, 1, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), (1138, 'Add category parent to begining of URLs?', 'SEO_ADD_CAT_PARENT', 'true', 'This setting will add the category parent name to the beginning of the category URLs (i.e. - parent-category-c-1.html).', 31, 2, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), (1139, 'Filter Short Words', 'SEO_URLS_FILTER_SHORT_WORDS', '0', 'This setting will filter words less than or equal to the value from the URL.', 31, 3, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, NULL), (1140, 'Output W3C valid URLs (parameter string)?', 'SEO_URLS_USE_W3C_VALID', 'true', 'This setting will output W3C valid URLs.', 31, 4, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), (1141, 'Enable SEO cache to save queries?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL', 'true', 'This is a global setting and will turn off caching completely.', 31, 5, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), (1142, 'Enable product cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_PRODUCTS', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the products.', 31, 6, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), (1143, 'Enable categories cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_CATEGORIES', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the categories.', 31, 7, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), (1144, 'Enable manufacturers cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_MANUFACTURERS', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the manufacturers.', 31, 8, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), (1145, 'Enable articles cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_ARTICLES', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the articles.', 31, 9, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), (1146, 'Enable information cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_INFO_PAGES', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the information pages.', 31, 10, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), (1147, 'Enable automatic redirects?', 'USE_SEO_REDIRECT', 'true', 'This will activate the automatic redirect code and send 301 headers for old to new URLs.', 31, 11, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), (1148, 'Choose URL Rewrite Type', 'SEO_REWRITE_TYPE', 'Rewrite', 'Choose which SEO URL format to use.', 31, 12, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''Rewrite''),'), (1149, 'Enter special character conversions', 'SEO_CHAR_CONVERT_SET', '', 'This setting will convert characters.<br><br>The format <b>MUST</b> be in the form: <b>char=>conv,char2=>conv2</b>', 31, 13, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, NULL), (1150, 'Remove all non-alphanumeric characters?', 'SEO_REMOVE_ALL_SPEC_CHARS', 'false', 'This will remove all non-letters and non-numbers. This should be handy to remove all special characters with 1 setting.', 31, 14, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'), (1151, 'Reset SEO URLs Cache', 'SEO_URLS_CACHE_RESET', 'false', 'This will reset the cache data for SEO', 31, 15, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', 'zen_reset_cache_data_seo_urls', 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''reset'', ''false''),'), (1152, 'Enter pages to allow rewrite', 'SEO_URLS_ONLY_IN', 'index, product_info, products_new, products_all, featured_products, specials, contact_us, conditions, privacy, reviews, shippinginfo, faqs_all, site_map, gv_faq, discount_coupon, page, page_2, page_3, page_4', 'This setting will allow the rewrite only in the specified pages. If it''s empty all pages will be rewrited. <br><br>The format <b>MUST</b> be in the form: <b>page1,page2,page3</b>', 31, 16, '2008-01-12 19:29:38', '2008-01-12 19:29:38', NULL, NULL); ```Qualcuno ha la più vaga idea pel perchè dell'errore???:perfavore:
Ciao robert13,
INSERT INTO zen_zen_configuration
probabilmente l'errore è nel nome della tabella...
Facci sapere se risolvi!
No non era quello il problema, dopo un paio di giorni di tentativi (anzi mesi) alla fine me la sono cavata con un trapianto di tabbelle, (ho inserito le stringhe in un database fresco poi ho aggiunto le stringhe dal vecchio, ho esportato e rimpiazzato nel database vecchio) ha funzionato...
Il problema sarà sorto a qausa di qualce vecchio modulo di prova che avevo installato....:?
grazie cmq