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- Meeting Room Booking System (MRBS)
Meeting Room Booking System (MRBS)
Ciao a tutti
qualcuno conosce l'applicazione in oggetto ?
Non so se è OT per questo forum, ma il mio inglese zoppica e in rete poco ho trovato, mi servirebbe aiuto in italiano su un problema di inserimento dati in mysql, probabilmente un problema di array.
In sintesi ho aggiunto dei campi al DB e dei checkbox per l'inserimento di un valore si/no
solo che mi scrive nellatabella saltando completamente il primo insert
Chi mi può aiutare?grazie e auguri a tutti
posta un po' di codice per aiutarci a capire
tutto ruota intorno a 3 pagine
edit_entry.php, edit_entry_handler.php e mrbs_sql.inc alla prima ho aggiunto 8 checkbox con valore si/no per dei servizi aggiuntivi.
ho creato i campi nel DB con valore "varchar", 2 - ho inserito i nome campo ne file inc e.. funziona! ma con un difetto, il check (8) inserisce nel (7) e cosi via fino ad arrivare al primo (1) che perde il valore e il campo (8) rimane vuoto.. come se scartasse tutto l'inserimento di un campo!!!!se invece modifico la prenotazione con la stessa edit_entry.php funziona perfettamente!!! ????
posto un rar delle pagine e metto in chiaro la pagina edit
---- PAGINA------
$Id: edit_entry.php,v 2007/02/13 12:53:24 jberanek Exp $
include "config.inc.php";
include "functions.inc";
include "$dbsys.inc";
include "mrbs_auth.inc";
global $twentyfourhour_format;
#If we dont know the right date then make it up
if(!isset($day) or !isset($month) or !isset($year))
$day = date("d");
$month = date("m");
$year = date("Y");
$area = get_default_area();
$edit_type = "";
showAccessDenied($day, $month, $year, $area);
}This page will either add or modify a booking
We need to know:
Name of booker
Description of meeting
Date (option select box for day, month, year)
Firstly we need to know if this is a new booking or modifying an old one
and if it's a modification we need to get all the old data from the db.
If we had $id passed in then it's a modification.
if (isset($id))
$sql = "select name, create_by, description, start_time, end_time,
type, room_id, entry_type, repeat_id, lavf, lavl, proie, ampli, aconf, vconf, presi, puli from $tbl_entry where id=$id";$res = sql_query($sql);
if (! $res) fatal_error(1, sql_error());
if (sql_count($res) != 1) fatal_error(1, get_vocab("entryid") . $id . get_vocab("not_found"));$row = sql_row($res, 0);
sql_free($res);Note: Removed stripslashes() calls from name and description. Previous
versions of MRBS mistakenly had the backslash-escapes in the actual database
records because of an extra addslashes going on. Fix your database and
leave this code alone, please.
$name = $row[0];
$create_by = $row[1];
$description = $row[2];
$start_day = strftime('%d', $row[3]);
$start_month = strftime('%m', $row[3]);
$start_year = strftime('%Y', $row[3]);
$start_hour = strftime('%H', $row[3]);
$start_min = strftime('%M', $row[3]);
$duration = $row[4] - $row[3] - cross_dst($row[3], $row[4]);
$type = $row[5];
$room_id = $row[6];
$entry_type = $row[7];
$rep_id = $row[8];
$lavf = $row[10];
$lavl = $row[11];
$ampli = $row[12];
$proie = $row[13];
$aconf = $row[14];
$vconf = $row[15];
$presi = $row[16];
$puli = $row[17];
if($entry_type >= 1)
$sql = "SELECT rep_type, start_time, end_date, rep_opt, rep_num_weeks
FROM $tbl_repeat WHERE id=$rep_id";$res = sql_query($sql);
if (! $res) fatal_error(1, sql_error());
if (sql_count($res) != 1) fatal_error(1, get_vocab("repeat_id") . $rep_id . get_vocab("not_found"));$row = sql_row($res, 0);
sql_free($res);$rep_type = $row[0];
if($edit_type == "series")
$start_day = (int)strftime('%d', $row[1]);
$start_month = (int)strftime('%m', $row[1]);
$start_year = (int)strftime('%Y', $row[1]);$rep_end_day = (int)strftime('%d', $row[2]);
$rep_end_month = (int)strftime('%m', $row[2]);
$rep_end_year = (int)strftime('%Y', $row[2]);switch($rep_type)
case 2:
case 6:
$rep_day[0] = $row[3][0] != "0";
$rep_day[1] = $row[3][1] != "0";
$rep_day[2] = $row[3][2] != "0";
$rep_day[3] = $row[3][3] != "0";
$rep_day[4] = $row[3][4] != "0";
$rep_day[5] = $row[3][5] != "0";
$rep_day[6] = $row[3][6] != "0";
if ($rep_type == 6)
$rep_num_weeks = $row[4];
$rep_day = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
$rep_type = $row[0];
$rep_end_date = utf8_strftime('%A %d %B %Y',$row[2]);
$rep_opt = $row[3];
{It is a new booking. The data comes from whichever button the user clicked
$edit_type = "series";
$name = "";
$create_by = getUserName();
$description = "";
$start_day = $day;
$start_month = $month;
$start_year = $year;
$lavf = $lavf;
$lavl = $lavl;
$ampli = $ampli;
$proie = $proie;
$aconf = $aconf;
$vconf = $vconf;
$presi = $presi;
$puli = $puli;
// Avoid notices for $hour and $minute if periods is enabled
(isset($hour)) ? $start_hour = $hour : '';
(isset($minute)) ? $start_min = $minute : '';
$duration = ($enable_periods ? 60 : 60 * 60);
$type = "I";
$room_id = $room;
$rep_id = 0;
$rep_type = 0;
$rep_end_day = $day;
$rep_end_month = $month;
$rep_end_year = $year;
$rep_day = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
}These next 4 if statements handle the situation where
this page has been accessed directly and no arguments have
been passed to it.
If we have not been provided with a room_id
if( empty( $room_id ) )
$sql = "select id from $tbl_room limit 1";
$res = sql_query($sql);
$row = sql_row($res, 0);
$room_id = $row[0];
}If we have not been provided with starting time
if( empty( $start_hour ) && $morningstarts < 10 )
$start_hour = "0$morningstarts";
if( empty( $start_hour ) )
$start_hour = "$morningstarts";
if( empty( $start_min ) )
$start_min = "00";
// Remove "Undefined variable" notice
if (!isset($rep_num_weeks))
$rep_num_weeks = "";
$enable_periods ? toPeriodString($start_min, $duration, $dur_units) : toTimeString($duration, $dur_units);
#now that we know all the data to fill the form with we start drawing it
if(!getWritable($create_by, getUserName()))
showAccessDenied($day, $month, $year, $area);
print_header($day, $month, $year, $area);
// do a little form verifying
function validate_and_submit ()
// null strings and spaces only strings not allowed
alert ( "<?php echo get_vocab("you_have_not_entered") . '\n' . get_vocab("brief_description") ?>");
return false;
<?php if( ! $enable_periods ) { ?>
h = parseInt(document.forms["main"].hour.value);
m = parseInt(document.forms["main"].minute.value);
if(h > 23 || m > 59)
alert ("<?php echo get_vocab("you_have_not_entered") . '\n' . get_vocab("valid_time_of_day") ?>");
return false;
<?php } ?>
// check form element exist before trying to access it
if( document.forms["main"].id )
i1 = parseInt(document.forms["main"].id.value);
i1 = 0;
i2 = parseInt(document.forms["main"].rep_id.value);
if ( document.forms["main"].rep_num_weeks)
n = parseInt(document.forms["main"].rep_num_weeks.value);
if ((!i1 || (i1 && i2)) && document.forms["main"].rep_type && document.forms["main"].rep_type[6].checked && (!n || n < 2))
alert("<?php echo get_vocab("you_have_not_entered") . '\n' . get_vocab("useful_n-weekly_value") ?>");
return false;
// check that a room(s) has been selected
// this is needed as edit_entry_handler does not check that a room(s)
// has been chosen
if( document.forms["main"].elements['rooms[]'].selectedIndex == -1 )
alert("<?php echo get_vocab("you_have_not_selected") . '\n' . get_vocab("valid_room") ?>");
return false;
// Form submit can take some times, especially if mails are enabled and
// there are more than one recipient. To avoid users doing weird things
// like clicking more than one time on submit button, we hide it as soon
// it is clicked.
// would be nice to also check date to not allow Feb 31, etc...
return true;
function OnAllDayClick(allday) // Executed when the user clicks on the all_day checkbox.
form = document.forms["main"];
if (allday.checked) // If checking the box...
<?php if( ! $enable_periods ) { ?>
form.hour.value = "00";
form.minute.value = "00";
<?php } ?>
if (form.dur_units.value!="days") // Don't change it if the user already did.
form.duration.value = "1";
form.dur_units.value = "days";
<h2><?php echo isset($id) ? ($edit_type == "series" ? get_vocab("editseries") : get_vocab("editentry")) : get_vocab("addentry"); ?></H2>
<FORM NAME="main" ACTION="edit_entry_handler.php" METHOD="GET">
<TABLE width="80%" BORDER=0>
<TR><TD width="48" CLASS=CR><B><?php echo get_vocab("namebooker")?></B></TD>
<TD width="619" colspan="3" CLASS=CL><INPUT NAME="name" SIZE=40 VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($name,ENT_NOQUOTES) ?>"></TD></TR>
<TR><TD CLASS=TR><B><?php echo get_vocab("fulldescription")?></B></TD>
<TD colspan="3" CLASS=TL><TEXTAREA NAME="description" ROWS=8 COLS=40 WRAP="virtual"><?php echo
htmlspecialchars ( $description ); ?></TEXTAREA></TD></TR>
<TR><TD CLASS=CR><B><?php echo get_vocab("date")?></B></TD>
<TD colspan="3" CLASS=CL>
<?php genDateSelector("", $start_day, $start_month, $start_year) ?> </TD>
<?php if(! $enable_periods ) { ?>
<TR><TD CLASS=CR><B><?php echo get_vocab("time")?></B></TD>
<TD colspan="3" CLASS=CL><INPUT NAME="hour" SIZE=2 VALUE="<?php if (!$twentyfourhour_format && ($start_hour > 12)){ echo ($start_hour - 12);} else { echo $start_hour;} ?>" MAXLENGTH=2>:<INPUT NAME="minute" SIZE=2 VALUE="<?php echo $start_min;?>" MAXLENGTH=2>
if (!$twentyfourhour_format)
$checked = ($start_hour < 12) ? "checked" : "";
echo "<INPUT NAME="ampm" type="radio" value="am" $checked>".utf8_strftime("%p",mktime(1,0,0,1,1,2000));
$checked = ($start_hour >= 12) ? "checked" : "";
echo "<INPUT NAME="ampm" type="radio" value="pm" $checked>".utf8_strftime("%p",mktime(13,0,0,1,1,2000));
<?php } else { ?>
<TR><TD CLASS=CR><B><?php echo get_vocab("period")?></B></TD>
<TD colspan="3" CLASS=CL>
<SELECT NAME="period">
foreach ($periods as $p_num => $p_val)
echo "<OPTION VALUE=$p_num";
if( ( isset( $period ) && $period == $p_num ) || $p_num == $start_min)
echo " SELECTED";
echo ">$p_val";
<?php } ?>
<TR><TD CLASS=CR><B><?php echo get_vocab("duration");?></B></TD>
<TD colspan="3" CLASS=CL><INPUT NAME="duration" SIZE=7 VALUE="<?php echo $duration;?>">
<SELECT NAME="dur_units">
if( $enable_periods )
$units = array("periods", "days");
$units = array("minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks");
while (list(,$unit) = each($units))
echo "<OPTION VALUE=$unit";
if ($dur_units == get_vocab($unit)) echo " SELECTED";
echo ">".get_vocab($unit);
<INPUT NAME="all_day" TYPE="checkbox" VALUE="yes" onClick="OnAllDayClick(this)"><?php echo get_vocab("all_day"); ?></TD></TR><?php
Determine the area id of the room in question first
$sql = "select area_id from $tbl_room where id=$room_id";
$res = sql_query($sql);
$row = sql_row($res, 0);
$area_id = $row[0];determine if there is more than one area
$sql = "select id from $tbl_area";
$res = sql_query($sql);
$num_areas = sql_count($res);if there is more than one area then give the option
to choose areas.
if( $num_areas > 1 ) {
<script language="JavaScript">
function changeRooms( formObj )
areasObj = eval( "formObj.areas" );
area = areasObj[areasObj.selectedIndex].value
roomsObj = eval( "formObj.elements['rooms[]']" )
// remove all entries
for (i=0; i < (roomsObj.length); i++)
roomsObj.options* = null
// add entries based on area selected
switch (area){
<?phpget the area id for case statement
$sql = "select id, area_name from $tbl_area order by area_name";
$res = sql_query($sql);
if ($res) for ($i = 0; ($row = sql_row($res, $i)); $i++)
print " case "".$row[0]."":\n";get rooms for this area
$sql2 = "select id, room_name from $tbl_room where area_id='".$row[0]."' order by room_name";
$res2 = sql_query($sql2);
if ($res2) for ($j = 0; ($row2 = sql_row($res2, $j)); $j++)
print " roomsObj.options[$j] = new Option("".str_replace('"','\"',$row2[1])."",".$row2[0] .")\n";
}select the first entry by default to ensure
that one room is selected to begin with
print " roomsObj.options[0].selected = true\n";
print " break\n";
} //switch
// create area selector if javascript is enabled as this is required
// if the room selector is to be updated.
this.document.writeln("<tr><td class=CR><b><?php echo get_vocab("areas") ?>:</b></td><td class=CL valign=top>");
this.document.writeln(" <select name="areas" onChange="changeRooms(this.form)">");
<?phpget list of areas
$sql = "select id, area_name from $tbl_area order by area_name";
$res = sql_query($sql);
if ($res) for ($i = 0; ($row = sql_row($res, $i)); $i++)
$selected = "";
if ($row[0] == $area_id) {
$selected = "SELECTED";
print "this.document.writeln(" <option $selected value=\"".$row[0]."\">".$row[1]."")\n";
this.document.writeln(" </select>");
// -->
} # if $num_areas
<tr><td class=CR><b><?php echo get_vocab("rooms") ?>:</b></td>
<td colspan="3" valign=top class=CL><table><tr><td><select name="rooms[]" multiple="yes">
<?phpselect the rooms in the area determined above
$sql = "select id, room_name from $tbl_room where area_id=$area_id order by room_name";
$res = sql_query($sql);if ($res) for ($i = 0; ($row = sql_row($res, $i)); $i++)
$selected = "";
if ($row[0] == $room_id) {
$selected = "SELECTED";
echo "<option $selected value="".$row[0]."">".$row[1];
// store room names for emails
$room_names* = $row[1];
</select></td><td><?php echo get_vocab("ctrl_click") ?></td></tr></table> </td></tr>
<TR><TD CLASS=CR><B><?php echo get_vocab("type")?></B></TD>
<TD colspan="3" CLASS=CL><SELECT NAME="type">
for ($c = "A"; $c <= "Z"; $c++)
if (!empty($typel))
echo "<OPTION VALUE=$c" . ($type == $c ? " SELECTED" : "") . ">$typel\n";
<?php if($edit_type == "series") { ?>
<TD CLASS=CR><B><?php echo get_vocab("rep_type")?></B></TD>
<TD colspan="3" CLASS=CL>
for($i = 0; isset($vocab["rep_type_$i"]); $i++)
echo "<INPUT NAME="rep_type" TYPE="RADIO" VALUE="" . $i . """;
if($i == $rep_type)
echo " CHECKED";
echo ">" . get_vocab("rep_type_$i") . "\n";
?> </TD>
<TD CLASS=CR><B><?php echo get_vocab("rep_end_date")?></B></TD>
<TD colspan="3" CLASS=CL><?php genDateSelector("rep_end_", $rep_end_day, $rep_end_month, $rep_end_year) ?></TD>
<TD CLASS=CR><B><?php echo get_vocab("rep_rep_day")?></B> <?php echo get_vocab("rep_for_weekly")?></TD>
<TD colspan="3" CLASS=CL>
<?phpDisplay day name checkboxes according to language and preferred weekday start.
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++)
$wday = ($i + $weekstarts) % 7;
echo "<INPUT NAME="rep_day[$wday]" TYPE=CHECKBOX";
if ($rep_day[$wday]) echo " CHECKED";
echo ">" . day_name($wday) . "\n";
?> </TD>
$key = "rep_type_" . (isset($rep_type) ? $rep_type : "0");
echo "<tr><td class="CR"><b>".get_vocab("rep_type")."</b></td><td class="CL">".get_vocab($key)."</td></tr>\n";
if(isset($rep_type) && ($rep_type != 0))
$opt = "";
if ($rep_type == 2)
{Display day names according to language and preferred weekday start.
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++)
$wday = ($i + $weekstarts) % 7;
if ($rep_opt[$wday]) $opt .= day_name($wday) . " ";
echo "<tr><td class="CR"><b>".get_vocab("rep_rep_day")."</b></td><td class="CL">$opt</td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td class="CR"><b>".get_vocab("rep_end_date")."</b></td><td class="CL">$rep_end_date</td></tr>\n";
/* We display the rep_num_weeks box only if:- this is a new entry ($id is not set)
Xor - we are editing an existing repeating entry ($rep_type is set and
$rep_type != 0 and $edit_type == "series" )
if ( ( !isset( $id ) ) Xor ( isset( $rep_type ) && ( $rep_type != 0 ) && ( "series" == $edit_type ) ) )
<TD CLASS=CR><B><?php echo get_vocab("rep_num_weeks")?></B> <?php echo get_vocab("rep_for_nweekly")?></TD>
<TD colspan="3" CLASS=CL><p>
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="rep_num_weeks" VALUE="<?php echo $rep_num_weeks?>">
</p> </TR>
<?php } ?>
<?php echo get_vocab("lavf"); ?></b><input name="lavf" type="checkbox" value="Si" onclick="lavf" />
<?php echo get_vocab("lavl"); ?></b><input name="lavl" type="checkbox" value="Si" onclick="lavl" />
<?php echo get_vocab("proie"); ?></b><input name="proie" type="checkbox" value="Si" onclick="proie" />
<?php echo get_vocab("ampli"); ?></b><input name="ampli" type="checkbox" value="Si" onclick="ampli" />
<?php echo get_vocab("aconf"); ?></b><input name="aconf" type="checkbox" value="Si" onclick="aconf" />
<?php echo get_vocab("vconf"); ?></b><input name="vconf" type="checkbox" value="Si" onclick="vconf" />
<?php echo get_vocab("presi"); ?></b><input name="presi" type="checkbox" value="Si" onclick="presi" />
<?php echo get_vocab("puli"); ?></b><input name="puli" type="checkbox" value="Si" onclick="puli" />
<TD colspan=4 align=center>
document.writeln ( '<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="save_button" VALUE="<?php echo get_vocab("save")?>" ONCLICK="validate_and_submit()">' );
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="<?php echo get_vocab("save")?>">
<!--INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="room_id" VALUE="<?php echo $room_id?>"-->
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="create_by" VALUE="<?php echo $create_by?>">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="rep_id" VALUE="<?php echo $rep_id?>">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="edit_type" VALUE="<?php echo $edit_type?>">
<?php if(isset($id)) echo "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="id" VALUE="$id">\n";
<?php include "trailer.inc" ?>
- this is a new entry ($id is not set)
il file
vi è qualcuno che mi aiuta?