• User Attivo

    Dov'è l'errore? Non genera i link nelle colonne.

    Ciao ragazzi. Ho un problema con il seguente codice.
    In pratica questo mi genera una tabella con due colonne con tutti i nomi delle provincie e fin qui tutto bene perchè l'elenco è perfetto e anche l'incolonnamento.
    Il problema riguarda il link alla pagina della provincie.
    In pratica mi fa l'elenco delle provincie ma mi genera per tutte lo stesso link fermo ad Alessandria! ($city_url)
    Non riesco a capire dov'è l'errore. Se qualcuno può aiutarmi mi farebbe un gran piacere

    [php]<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td valign="top"><?php
    // Show city list
    $sort1 = "ORDER BY countryname";
    $sort2 = "ORDER BY cityname";
    $sort1 = "ORDER BY c.pos";
    $sort2 = "ORDER BY ct.pos";
    if ($show_region_adcount || $show_city_adcount)
    // First get ads per city and country
    $country_adcounts = array();
    $city_adcounts = array();
    $sql = "SELECT ct.cityid, c.countryid, COUNT() as adcnt
    FROM $t_ads a
    INNER JOIN $t_cities ct ON ct.cityid = a.cityid AND ($visibility_condn)
    INNER JOIN $t_countries c ON ct.countryid = c.countryid
    WHERE ct.enabled = '1' AND c.enabled = '1'
    GROUP BY ct.cityid";
    $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error().$sql);
    $country_adcounts[$row['countryid']] += $row['adcnt'];
    $city_adcounts[$row['cityid']] += $row['adcnt'];
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $t_countries c INNER JOIN $t_cities ct ON c.countryid = ct.countryid AND ct.enabled = '1' WHERE c.enabled = '1' GROUP BY c.countryid $sort1";
    $resc = mysql_query($sql);
    $country_count = mysql_num_rows($resc);
    //$split_at = ($country_count%3?((int)($country_count/3))+2:($country_count/3)+1);
    $percol = floor($country_count/$location_cols);
    $percolA = array();
    for($i=1;$i<=$location_cols;$i++) $percolA
    $i = 0; $j = 0;
    $col = 1;
    while($country = mysql_fetch_array($resc))
    if($sef_urls) $country_url = "{$vbasedir}-$country[countryid]_" . RemoveBadURLChars($country['countryname']) . "/";
    else $country_url = "?cityid=-$country[countryid]&lang=$xlang";

    <div><a href="<?php echo $country_url; ?>" class="citylist_country"><?php echo $country['countryname']; ?> <?php if($show_region_adcount) echo "(".(0+$country_adcounts[$country['countryid']]).")"; ?></a></div>

    if($country['countryid'] == $xcountryid || !$expand_current_region_only)
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $t_cities ct WHERE countryid = $country[countryid] AND enabled = '1' $sort2";
    $resct = mysql_query($sql);
    if($sef_urls) $city_url = "{$vbasedir}$city[cityid]_" . RemoveBadURLChars($city['cityname']) . "/";
    else $city_url = "?cityid=$city[cityid]&lang=$xlang";
    $num_record = mysql_num_rows($resct);
    $colonne = 2;
    $tot_righe = $num_record/$colonne;
    $i_x = 0;
    $x_x = 0;
    $k_x = 0;
    $cell_width = floor(100/$colonne);
    '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#F7F793">
    while($city = mysql_fetch_array($resct))
    echo "<td width="".$cell_width."%"><a href="".$city_url."" class="citylist_city">".$city['cityname']."";
    $a = "(0+".$city_accounts[$city['cityid']].")";
    echo "".$a."</a></td>";
    if($i_x == $colonne)
    if($i_x == $colonne && (($x_x/$colonne) != $tot_righe))
    $i_x = 0;
    if($colonne <= $x_x)
    if(($k_x%$colonne) != 0)
    $indice = $k_x;
    while (($indice%$colonne) != 0 )
    echo'<td> </td>';
    if(($indice%$colonne) == 0 )
    echo '</tr>';
    echo '</table>';




  • User Attivo


  • User Attivo

    Potete chiudere, ho risolto in un altra maniera. Grazie lo stesso.