• User Attivo

    script per upload e exec

    ciao ragazzi.

    potete verificare questo script??

    inoltre vsito che devo eseguire un commando exec, potete darmi qualche dritta?

    $fileName = $_FILES['audio']['name']; // get client side file name if( $fileName )
       // Check File Size
        $fileSize = $_FILES['audio']; // size of uploaded file
      if( $fileSize == 0 ) { die( "Sorry. The upload of $fileName has failed. The file size is 0." ); } else if( $fileSize > 1024000 ) { //10 MB 
      die( "Sorry. The file $fileName is larger than 10MB. Advice: reduce the file quality and upload again." ); } else { $uploadDir = '/var/www/vhosts/sito/subdomains/member/httpdocs/upload/to_encode/'; 
      // Where the temp file will go
       $uploadFile = str_replace( " ", "", $uploadDir . $_FILES['audio']['name'] ); // Get rid of spaces in the filename 
       $finalDir = '/var/www/vhosts/sito/subdomains/member/httpdocs/upload/encoded/'; // Where the final file will go 
       $finalFile = str_replace( " ", "", $finalDir . $fileNameParts[0] . ".flv" ); // Get rid of spaces in the filename
        if ( !move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['audio']['tmp_name'], $uploadFile ) ) { echo "Possible file upload attack! Here's some debugging info:\n"; echo( $_FILES ); } $encode_cmd = "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i $uploadFile -f flv -acodec mp3 -ab 64 -ac 1 -ar 22050 -s 470x320 -title \"xxxx\" -author \"xxxx\" -copyright \"Copyright xxxx\" $finalFile"; 
        exec( $encode_cmd ); 
        unlink( $uploadFile ); 
        chmod( $finalFile, 0777 ); } } ?>

  • User Attivo

    risposto il codice più ordinato.

    siccome non riesco a covertire i file devo eslcudere che sia er colpa del codice. avrei bisogno che qualche esperto mi dicesse che il codice è ok

    ini_set( "max_execution_time", "3600" ); // sets the maximum execution time of this script to 1 hour. 
    $fileName = $_FILES['miofile']['name']; // get client side file name 
    if( $fileName ) { // Check File Type 
      $fileNameParts = explode( ".", $fileName ); // seperate the name from the ext 
      $fileExtension = end( $fileNameParts ); // part behind last dot 
      $fileExtension = strtolower( $fileExtension ); // reduce to lower case 
     if( $fileExtension != "avi" AND $fileExtension != "mpeg" AND $fileExtension != "asf" ) { die( "<br><br><br><br><div align=\"center\" style=\"font-family:verdana,arial;\">Non puoi caricare questo tipo di file.<br> I file ammessi sono <strong>.avi .mpeg .asf</strong></div>" ); } // Check File Size
      $fileSize = $_FILES['miofile']; // size of uploaded file 
      if( $fileSize == 0 ) { die( "Sorry. The upload of $fileName has failed. The file size is 0." ); } else if( $fileSize > 10240000 ) { //10 MB 
       die( "Sorry. The file $fileName is larger than 10MB. Advice: reduce the file quality and upload again." ); } else { $uploadDir = '/var/www/vhosts/sito/subdomains/member/httpdocs/upload/to_encode/'; // Where the temp file will go 
       $uploadFile = str_replace( " ", "", $uploadDir . $_FILES['miofile']['name'] ); // Get rid of spaces in the filename 
       $finalDir = '/var/www/vhosts/sito/subdomains/member/httpdocs/upload/encoded/'; // Where the final file will go 
        $finalFile = str_replace( " ", "", $finalDir . $fileNameParts[0] . ".flv" ); // Get rid of spaces in the filename 
        if ( !move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['miofile']['tmp_name'], $finalFile ) )
        $encode_cmd = "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i $uploadFile -f flv -acodec mp3 -ab 64 -ac 1 -ar 22050  $finalFile"; 
         exec( $encode_cmd ); 
         unlink( $uploadFile ); 
         chmod( $finalFile, 0644 ); } } 
       { header("location: http://www.google.com") ; }