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- Drag&drop
Ciao a Tutti,
vi scrivo perche ho un problema!
devo effettuare il drag &drop (in php o ajax) di alcune immagini e poi memorizzarne la posizione.
potete darmi qualche consiglio?grazie!!!!
Ciao Nuvola10,
benvenuto/a nel forum GT
Quello che vuoi fare tu è fattibile soltanto in ajax/javascript.
Purtroppo php non offre queste possibilità
Quindi sposto in linguaggi client
ho trovato il modo di fare il drag&drop di alcune foto, solo adesso il mio problema è che in questo codice viene utilizzato Opera come Browser invece io ho bisogno di farlo funzionare su Explorer e mozilla.
Ora come posso farlo funzionare su Explorer e Mozilla?
Io nn sono molto esperta potete aiutarmi?Grazie!!
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN">
<title>Funzionalità Drag & Drop</title>
<style type="text/css">
You can remove these four options*/ background-image:url('http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/images/heading3.gif'); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:85px; font-family: Trebuchet MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial, sans-serif; height:100%; width:100%; margin:10px; padding-left:0px; } form{ display:inline; } .imageBox,.imageBoxHighlighted{ width:130px; /* Total width of each image box */ height:160px; /* Total height of each image box */ float:left; } .imageBox_theImage{ width:110px; /* Width of image */ height:125px; /* Height of image */ /* Don't change these values * */ background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; margin: 0 auto; margin-bottom:2px; } .imageBox .imageBox_theImage{ border:1px solid #DDD; /* Border color for not selected images */ padding:2px; } .imageBoxHighlighted .imageBox_theImage{ border:3px solid #316AC5; /* Border color for selected image */ padding:0px; } .imageBoxHighlighted span{ /* Title of selected image */ background-color:; color:#FFFFFF; padding:2px; } .imageBox_label{ /* Title of images - both selected and not selected */ text-align:center; font-family: arial; font-size:11px; padding-top:2px; margin: 0 auto; } /* DIV that indicates where the dragged image will be placed */ #insertionMarker{ height:150px; width:6px; position:absolute; display:none; } #insertionMarkerLine{ width:6px; /* No need to change this value */ height:145px; /* To adjust the height of the div that indicates where the dragged image will be dropped */ } img{ float:left; } /* DIV that shows the image as you drag it */ #dragDropContent{ opacity:0.5; /* 40 % opacity */ filter:alpha(opacity=50); /* 40 % opacity */ /* No need to change these three values */ position:absolute; z-index:10; display:none; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> /************************************************************************************************************ (C) www.dhtmlgoodies.com, September 2005 This is a script from www.dhtmlgoodies.com. You will find this and a lot of other scripts at our website. Terms of use: LGPL: See web page for more info. Thank you! www.dhtmlgoodies.com Alf Magne Kalleland ************************************************************************************************************/ //var operaBrowser = false; //if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera')>=0)operaBrowser=1; var MSIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')>=0?true:false; var navigatorVersion = navigator.appVersion.replace(/.*?MSIE (\d\.\d).*/g,'$1')/1; function cancelEvent() { return false; } var activeImage = false; var readyToMove = false; var moveTimer = -1; var dragDropDiv; var insertionMarker; var offsetX_marker = -3; // offset X - element that indicates destinaton of drop var offsetY_marker = 0; // offset Y - element that indicates destinaton of drop var firefoxOffsetX_marker = -3; var firefoxOffsetY_marker = -2; if(navigatorVersion<6 && MSIE){ /* IE 5.5 fix */ offsetX_marker-=23; offsetY_marker-=10; } var destinationObject = false; var divXPositions = new Array(); var divYPositions = new Array(); var divWidth = new Array(); var divHeight = new Array(); var tmpLeft = 0; var tmpTop = 0; var eventDiff_x = 0; var eventDiff_y = 0; function getTopPos(inputObj) { var returnValue = inputObj.offsetTop; while((inputObj = inputObj.offsetParent) != null){ if(inputObj.tagName!='HTML'){ returnValue += (inputObj.offsetTop - inputObj.scrollTop); if(document.all)returnValue+=inputObj.clientTop; } } return returnValue; } function getLeftPos(inputObj) { var returnValue = inputObj.offsetLeft; while((inputObj = inputObj.offsetParent) != null){ if(inputObj.tagName!='HTML'){ returnValue += inputObj.offsetLeft; if(document.all)returnValue+=inputObj.clientLeft; } } return returnValue; } function selectImage(e) { if(document.all /*&& !operaBrowser*/)e = event; var obj = this.parentNode; if(activeImage)activeImage.className='imageBox'; obj.className = 'imageBoxHighlighted'; activeImage = obj; readyToMove = true; moveTimer=0; tmpLeft = e.clientX + Math.max(document.body.scrollLeft,document.documentElement.scrollLeft); tmpTop = e.clientY + Math.max(document.body.scrollTop,document.documentElement.scrollTop); startMoveTimer(); return false; } function startMoveTimer(){ if(moveTimer>=0 && moveTimer<10){ moveTimer++; setTimeout('startMoveTimer()',15); } if(moveTimer==10){ getDivCoordinates(); var subElements = dragDropDiv.getElementsByTagName('DIV'); if(subElements.length>0){ dragDropDiv.removeChild(subElements[0]); } dragDropDiv.style.display='block'; var newDiv = activeImage.cloneNode(true); newDiv.className='imageBox'; newDiv.id=''; dragDropDiv.appendChild(newDiv); dragDropDiv.style.top = tmpTop + 'px'; dragDropDiv.style.left = tmpLeft + 'px'; } return false; } function dragDropEnd() { readyToMove = false; moveTimer = -1; dragDropDiv.style.display='none'; insertionMarker.style.display='none'; if(destinationObject && destinationObject!=activeImage){ var parentObj = destinationObject.parentNode; parentObj.insertBefore(activeImage,destinationObject); activeImage.className='imageBox'; activeImage = false; destinationObject=false; getDivCoordinates(); } return false; } function dragDropMove(e) { if(moveTimer==-1)return; if(document.all)e = event; var leftPos = e.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft - eventDiff_x; var topPos = e.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop - eventDiff_y; dragDropDiv.style.top = topPos + 'px'; dragDropDiv.style.left = leftPos + 'px'; leftPos = leftPos + eventDiff_x; topPos = topPos + eventDiff_y; if(e.button!=1 && document.all )dragDropEnd(); var elementFound = false; for(var prop in divXPositions){ if(divXPositions[prop]/1 < leftPos/1 && (divXPositions[prop]/1 + divWidth[prop]*0.7)>leftPos/1 && divYPositions[prop]/1<topPos/1 && (divYPositions[prop]/1 + divWidth[prop])>topPos/1){ if(document.all ){ offsetX = offsetX_marker; offsetY = offsetY_marker; }else{ offsetX = firefoxOffsetX_marker; offsetY = firefoxOffsetY_marker; } insertionMarker.style.top = divYPositions[prop] + offsetY + 'px'; insertionMarker.style.left = divXPositions[prop] + offsetX + 'px'; insertionMarker.style.display='block'; destinationObject = document.getElementById(prop); elementFound = true; break; } } if(!elementFound){ insertionMarker.style.display='none'; destinationObject = false; } return false; } function getDivCoordinates() { var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('DIV'); for(var no=0;no<divs.length;no++){ if(divs[no].className=='imageBox' || divs[no].className=='imageBoxHighlighted' && divs[no].id){ divXPositions[divs[no].id] = getLeftPos(divs[no]); divYPositions[divs[no].id] = getTopPos(divs[no]); divWidth[divs[no].id] = divs[no].offsetWidth; divHeight[divs[no].id] = divs[no].offsetHeight; } } } function saveImageOrder() { var orderString = ""; var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('DIV'); for(var no=0;no<objects.length;no++){ if(objects[no].className=='imageBox' || objects[no].className=='imageBoxHighlighted'){ if(orderString.length>0)orderString = orderString + ','; orderString = orderString + objects[no].id; } } document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML = 'This is the new order of the images(IDs) : <br>' + orderString; } function initGallery() { var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('DIV'); for(var no=0;no<divs.length;no++){ if(divs[no].className=='imageBox_theImage' || divs[no].className=='imageBox_label'){ divs[no].onmousedown = selectImage; } } var insObj = document.getElementById('insertionMarker'); var images = insObj.getElementsByTagName('IMG'); document.body.onselectstart = cancelEvent; document.body.ondragstart = cancelEvent; document.body.onmouseup = dragDropEnd; document.body.onmousemove = dragDropMove; window.onresize = getDivCoordinates; dragDropDiv = document.getElementById('dragDropContent'); insertionMarker = document.getElementById('insertionMarker'); getDivCoordinates(); } window.onload = initGallery; </script>
Funzionalità per il progetto di Lamp
<form action="somePage.html" method="post">
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<div style="clear:both;padding-bottom:10px"></div>
<?$squadre = getSquadre();?><? foreach ($squadre as $id =>$immagine) { ?> <div class="imageBox" id="imageBox0"> <div class="imageBox_theImage"><img src= "<?=$immagine?>"></div> <div class="imageBox_label">immagini</div> </div> <? } ?> <? foreach ($squadre as $id =>$immagine) { ?> <div class="imageBox" id="imageBox0"> <div class="imageBox_theImage"><img src= "<?=$immagine?>"></div> <div class="imageBox_label">immagini</div> </div> <? } ?>
<div id="insertionMarker">
<img src="images/marker_top.gif">
<img src="images/marker_middle.gif" id="insertionMarkerLine">
<img src="images/marker_bottom.gif">
<div id="dragDropContent">
<span class="imageBox_theImage"></span>
<div id="debug" style="clear:both">
<input name="button" type="button" style="width:100px" onClick="saveImageOrder()" value="Save">
scriptaculus permette di effettuare il drag and drop