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    script immagini

    Salve a tutti ho bisogno di un aiuto per uno script che visualizzidelle immagini.
    Vi spiego:
    deve prendere da una cartella le prime venti immagini e stamparle a video,
    poi con un bottone next aprire le venti consecutive e cosi via, se è possibile anche con un bottone back per le venti immagini precedenti
    Chi mi puo aiutare o dare qualche indicazione gle ne sarei grato

  • User Attivo

    non puoi usare una delle tante gallery gratuite già pronte e al massimo te la personalizzi? Qui c'è un elenco di 4 pagine ben fornito:


  • User Attivo

    @ienavr said:

    non puoi usare una delle tante gallery gratuite già pronte e al massimo te la personalizzi? Qui c'è un elenco di 4 pagine ben fornito:

    ho trovato questo script che fa quasi al caso mio....
    inserito in una cartella mi visualizza una immagine per volta e con i tasti next e back , vado avanti e indietro....
    Avrei da fargli una modifica, ho bisogno di aprire 20 immagini per volta,
    chi mi può aiutare????
    Vi posto il codice

    // PHPSlideShow v0.4 written by Greg Lawler
    // v0.4 july 10 2001 - updated so that one script does multi directory slideshow
    // v0.3.5 july 5 2001 - added options for image/no image navigation
    // v0.3.4 april 19 2001 - added the "x of y" verbage (thanks patrick)
    // v0.3.3 january 9 2001 - added a bit of code so that the pics.txt file is not essential.
    // v0.3.1 september 29 2000 - added support for image buttons (thanks nicolas)
    // v0.3 september 12 2000 - added support for comments (thanks jonathan)
    // v0.2 august 28 2000
    // from http://www.zinkwazi.com/pages.php?page_name=scripts
    // Feel free to use/modify this little script
    // email me at [email protected] if you write any improvements and
    // want them included in the next version.
    // if you want to send me a thankyou, starbucks coffee coupons are gladly accepted
    // (http://www.starbucks.com ;)
    // my address is:
    // attention: greg's phpslideshow
    // 801 alston road, santa barbara, ca 93108 usa
    // otherwise it's free.
    // this script comes with no implied warranty.
    // enjoy :)
    // greg
    // ******* quick start
    // put this file in a directory that contains your images
    // the slideshow should now work...
    // ******* how to add comments/descriptions to the slideshow
    // make a file (e.g. pics.txt) that contains the image names and descriptions
    // with each image name and description on a separate line separated by a semi colon.
    // an easy way to do this is type
    // ls *.jpg > pics.txt in linux or
    // dir *.jpg > pics.txt in dos - you will need edit this with notepad/vi to clean
    // out any extra stuff that dir puts in there and to add the semi colon and description.
    // the slideshow should now work including comments...
    // ******* how to use one slideshow for multiple different directories of images
    // all you need to do to enable this is to call the script and pass it the directory
    // path.
    // eg http://your_url/phpslideshow.php?directory=dog_pics
    // eg http://your_url/phpslideshow.php?directory=cat_pics
    // eg http://your_url/phpslideshow.php?directory=extra/cat_pics
    // these three examples will run phpslideshow but each one will load a different
    // set of images located in the directories shown
    // *** PLEASE use your own next and back images! i have included links to some on my
    // server so you can get up and running quickly... change them once your page is
    // working.
    // EXAMPLE optional pics.txt FILE
    // greg.jpg;Me
    // dog.JPEG;My dog John
    // cat;
    // tux.Jpg;My friend Tux
    // NO BLANK LINES either!
    // as you can see, not all pics need a description but the ";" is a MUST!
    // point your browser at the script and voilla!
    // variables, modify at will
    $header = "<a href=http://www.zinkwazi.com/pages.php?page_name=scripts>PHPSlideshow</a>";
    $title = "PHPSlideshow";
    // set this to true to display the image name below the image...
    $show_image_name = "false";
    // change to true to display icons instead of text...
    // please use your own next and back images!
    $show_navigation_images = "true";
    // html stuff, replace with your sites include() header file e.g.
    // include("/home/httpd/html/header.php");
    print "<html><head><title>$title</title>";
    print "<style type=\"text/css\">";
    print "body { font-family: verdana; font-size: 14px; }";
    print "a { font-family: verdana; font-size: 14px; text-decoration: none}";
    print "</style></head>";
    print "<body>";
    print "<center>";
    print "<b>$header</b><br>";
    // this part does the work and should need no editing
    	if ($directory == "") $directory = ".";
    	if ($show_navigation_images == "true") {
    	$back_src = "<img src=$back_image alt=back border=0>";
    	$next_src = " <img src=$next_image alt=next border=0>";
    else {
    	$back_src = "<b>Back</b>";
    	$next_src = "<b>Next</b>";
      if ( !file_exists("$directory/$pic_info_file"))
            $dh = opendir( "$directory" );
            while( $file = readdir( $dh ) )
                    if (    ereg("jpg$",$file) || ereg("JPG$",$file) ||
                            ereg("jpeg$",$file) || ereg("JPEG$",$file) ||
                            ereg("jpeg$",$file) || ereg("JPEG$",$file) ||
                            ereg("gif$",$file) || ereg("GIF$",$file) ||
                            ereg("png$",$file) || ereg("PNG$",$file) ||
                            ereg("Jpg$",$file) || ereg("Jpeg$",$file) )
                            $pic_info[] = $file;
      else $pic_info=file("$directory/$pic_info_file");
      $number_of_pics = count ($pic_info);
      if (($phpslideshow > $number_of_pics) || ($phpslideshow == $number_of_pics) || !$phpslideshow)
        $phpslideshow = '0';
      $item = explode (";", $pic_info[$phpslideshow]);
      // print the description
      print "<b>$item[1]</b><br />";
      $next = $phpslideshow + 1;
      if ($phpslideshow > 0 ) $back = $phpslideshow - 1;
      else $phpslideshow = '0';
      // print the next and back links (note &lt; and &gt; to display <> in HTML)
      $last = $number_of_pics -1;
      if ($phpslideshow == $last)
    	print "<a href=$PHP_SELF?phpslideshow=$back&directory=$directory>
    	$back_src</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; ";
    	// comment out or delete the following line to remove the position message...
    	print "$next of $number_of_pics";
    	print "<a href=$PHP_SELF?phpslideshow=$next&directory=$directory>
      elseif ($phpslideshow > 0 )
    	print "<a href=$PHP_SELF?phpslideshow=$back&directory=$directory>
    	$back_src</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; ";
    	// comment out or delete the following line to remove the position message...
    	print "$next of $number_of_pics &nbsp;&nbsp;";
    	print "<a href=$PHP_SELF?phpslideshow=$next&directory=$directory>";
    	print "$next_src</a><br>";
    	// comment out or delete the following line to remove the position message...
    	print "$next of $number_of_pics &nbsp;&nbsp;";
    	print "<a href=$PHP_SELF?phpslideshow=$next&directory=$directory>";
    	print "$next_src</a><br>";
    //  print the image link
      print "<img src=\"$directory/$item[0]\"><br>&nbsp;<br>";
    if ( $show_image_name == "true" ) {
    	print "$item[0]";
    // the following line can be commented out if you want to display the full-size image 
    // located in a directory called uncut in the same directory as the slideshow...
    // print "<a href=\"uncut/$item[0]\" target=new>This picture unscaled</a><br>";
    // end of "work"
    // html stuff, replace with your sites include() footer file
    // include("/home/httpd/html/footer.inc");
    print "</CENTER></BODY></HTML>";

  • User Attivo

    Nessuno mi puo dare una mano????

  • User Attivo

    Ti avviso che non sono un esperto ma forse una soluzione veloce c'è

    $ls = glob("directory_dove_hai_le_foto/*");
    foreach ($ls as $filename) {
    echo '<img src="'.$filename.'">;

    In pratica questo script ti stampa un "<img src" con il nome del file per ogni file presente nella directory, prova a documentarti sulla funzione glob per ampliare le funzionalità dello script.

    Ciao 😉

  • User Attivo

    @Pennywise83 said:

    Ti avviso che non sono un esperto ma forse una soluzione veloce c'è

    $ls = glob("directory_dove_hai_le_foto/*");
    foreach ($ls as $filename) {
    echo '<img src="'.$filename.'">;

    In pratica questo script ti stampa un "<img src" con il nome del file per ogni file presente nella directory, prova a documentarti sulla funzione glob per ampliare le funzionalità dello script.

    Ciao 😉
    Grazie Penny
    la tua soluzione è semplice e funzionale