• User

    Aggiunta editor wysiwyg ad un cms php

    sto creando da zero un cms in php e mysql base con creazionedi categorie, articoli e sistema di login.Voglio aggiungere un editor html per la modifica/creazione di contenuti. Ho installato ckeditor, il testo me lo aggiorna ma prende soltanto alcuni tag mentre altri no.Da cosa dipende?
    d seguito vi lascio il codice php del modulo per aggiornare i contenuti e il file di configurazione del database per vedere se dipende da questi.

    codice del form:

    [PHP]<form action="index.php?content=articles" method="post" name="maint" id="maint">
    <fieldset class="maintform"> <legend><?php echo ($id) ? 'ID: '. $id : 'Add an Article' ?></legend> <ul> <li><label for="title" class="required">Titolo</label><br /> <input type="text" name="title" id="title" class="required" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($item->getTitle()); ?>" /></li> <li><label for="text" class="required">Testo!</label><br /> <textarea class="ckeditor" cols="80" id="text" name="text" rows="30" class="required"> <?php echo strip_tags($item->getText(), "<p><br><h2><h3><h4><strong><em><ul><ol><li><a>"); ?> </textarea></li> </ul>
    <?php // create token $salt = 'SomeSalt'; $token = sha1(mt_rand(1,1000000) . $salt); $_SESSION['token'] = $token; ?> <input type="hidden" name="id" id="id" value="<?php echo $item->getId(); ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="task" id="task" value="article.maint" /> <input type='hidden' name='token' value='<?php echo $token; ?>'/> <input type="submit" name="save" value="Save" /> <a class="cancel" href="index.php?content=articles">Cancel</a> </fieldset></form>[/PHP]

    codice del file di configurazione database:

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS lots;CREATE TABLE lots ( lot_id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, lot_name varchar(50) NOT NULL, lot_description TEXT NULL, lot_image VARCHAR(255) NULL, lot_number INT(11) UNSIGNED NULL, lot_price DECIMAL(10,2) DEFAULT '0' NULL, cat_id INT(11) UNSIGNED NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM;
    INSERT INTO contacts (id, first_name, last_name, position, email, phone) VALUES(1, 'Martha', 'Smith', 'none', '[email protected]', NULL),(2, 'George', 'Smith', 'none', '[email protected]', '515-555-1236'),(3, 'Jeff', 'Meyers', 'hip hop expert for shure', '[email protected]', NULL),(4, 'Peter', 'Meyers', 'none', '[email protected]', '515-555-1237'),(5, 'Sally', 'Smith', 'none', '[email protected]', '515-555-1235'),(6, 'Sarah', 'Finder', 'Lost Soul', '[email protected]', '555-123-5555');
    INSERT INTO categories (cat_id, cat_name, cat_description, cat_image) VALUES(1, 'Women', 'Women''s Clothing from the 18th century to modern times', 'gernreich-10-26.jpg'),(2, 'Gents', 'Gents'' clothing from the 18th century to modern times', 'tophat-8-63.jpg'),(3, 'Sporting', 'Sporting clothing and gear', 'wool-6-171.jpg');
    INSERT INTO lots (lot_id, lot_number, lot_name, lot_description, lot_image, lot_price, cat_id) VALUES(1, '26', 'Striped Cotton Tailcoat, America, 1835-1845', 'Orange and white pin-striped twill cotton, double breasted, turn down collar, waist seam, self-fabric buttons, inside single button pockets in each tail, (soiled, faded, cuff edges frayed) good. ', 'gents-striped-8-26.jpg', '20700.00', 2),(2, '173', 'Printed & Voided Velvet Evening Gown, 1850s', 'Chocolate brown silk faille with border design of brown and cream roses, uncut and voided velvet printed in shades of brown and cream, full skirt in two tiers, back brass hook & eye closure, glazed linen bodice lining, (seams at waistline weak, minor stains) excellent. ', 'gown-victorian-8-173.jpg', '13800.00', 1),(3, '2', 'Dior Couture Wool Cocktail Dress, 1948', 'Unlabeled black melton wool 3 piece ensemble, c/o tulip shape skirt w/ projecting side panel, strapless bodice w/ built-in corset, & face-framing off-the-shoulder shrug, B 36", W 27", H 42", center front bodice L 9.75", skirt L 31", excellent. ', 'dior-10-2.jpg', '40250.00', 1),(4, '740', 'Pierre Cardin for Mia Farrow Dress, 1967', 'Made exclusively for Mia Farrow in her first starring film role, 1968's "A Dandy In Aspic", white wool woven in tiny honey-comb pattern, graduated accordian pleats from collar to hem, circular padded roll collar w/ CF snap, white China silk lining. excellent. ', 'cardin-5-740.jpg', '19550.00', 1),(5, '27', 'Black Broadcloth Tailcoat, 1830-1845', 'Fine thin wool broadcloth, double breasted, notched collar, horizontal front and side waist seam, slim long sleeves with notched cuffs, curved tails, black silk satin lining quilted in diamond pattern, padded and quilted chest, black silk covered buttons, (buttons worn) excellent. ', 'gents-black-8-27.jpg', '3450.00', 2),(6, '173', 'Naval Officer''s Formal Tailcoat, 1840s', 'Black wool broadcloth, double breast front, missing 3 of 18 raised round gold buttons w/ crossed cannon barrels & "Ordnance Corps" text, silver sequin & tinsel embroidered emblem on each square cut tail, quilted black silk lining, very good; ', 'naval-19-173.jpg', '5700.00', 2),(7, '265', 'Colorful Striped Wool Bathing Suit, c. 1910', 'Gent''s 1-piece machine knit suit in red, green, black & cream, 3 buttons each shoulder, DLM, Ch 35", W 32.5", L 43", (minor mends, 1 dime size hole in back) good. ', 'swimsuit-striped-9-265.jpg', '1380.00', 3),(8, '254', 'Ladies Bathing Costume, Shoes & Floats, c. 1900', 'Marine blue lightweight wool, white sailor collar & trim, button-on skirt, labeled "Arnold Constable & Co. New York", B 34", W 25", L 40"; 1 pair black cotton knit thigh-high canvas sole bathing shoes & set of "Aybad''s Water Wings Patented May 7, 1901", excellent. ', 'skirted-bathing-1-254.jpg', '510.00', 3),(9, '549', 'Frontier Beaded Jacket & Chaps, c. 1920', 'Caramel deerskin leather w/ large glass beads in green & white, Jacket: Chest 42", W 39", L 34", Chap''s inseam 29", prob. made by Mohawks for Wild West shows or as fraternal costume for Improved Order of Red Men, (leather dry, bead loss) good. ', 'frontier-10-549.jpg', '258.75', 3);
    ALTER TABLE contacts ADD user_name varchar(15) NOT NULL, ADD password varchar(128) NOT NULL, ADD access varchar(10) NOT NULL;

    Note: All passwords are 12345678UPDATE contacts SET user_name = 'msmith',password = '045a112e49afc2c36351932516a90d6e0e6a12959c3afb2e42e31753b9c1f491ac791b0e93f2b821337abb801b1ea88c968913ad6cec39ac7f8b1e827d5780cc',access = 'Admin' WHERE contacts.id = 1;UPDATE contacts SET user_name = 'gsmith',password = '6aa996dca7617bde65803decd333394e0cf88302f33cf7bfefbb273b98cca254fbc83f72a6d554213164313d59e1cdf158fb66a56a0c89ee2543543cbb84746d',access = 'Admin' WHERE contacts.id = 2;UPDATE contacts SET user_name = 'jmeyers',password = '6788c4f3f22d015672a8bc56cc839e07c0e11aa1309cacf55311ddcbb8a6ba296d62d7316071a667846d6c5ada71bd13f9a412604a30bdac3586c7d19fb5a16c',access = 'Admin' WHERE contacts.id = 3;UPDATE contacts SET user_name = 'pmeyers',password = '7ab6a8bb89c07d1b7bbfec1f75ae97d6e7301886c15aef0e82b329344440832cb430cd720d7707793a354611ac476125236be40b298dab927991c945ede1cee4',access = 'Admin' WHERE contacts.id = 4;UPDATE contacts SET user_name = 'ssmith',password = 'c4708130118ec1d574717b5224fec01716e231491b1e592563e17f11ae91e8925afd96f8114e65769b80a03fab8266bb45dfe418c435443e73a61cdf0d3ed1a8',access = 'Admin' WHERE contacts.id = 5;UPDATE contacts SET user_name = 'sfinder',password = 'ff2305ded6a6a3d20bf960c8862bf7835bc0396d880fbd326aa31d5f566602f099452c5a99c62e8cd5183205b0585798781eff6c3f2dac1a98ca9f6397865d64',access = 'Admin' WHERE contacts.id = 6;UPDATE contacts SET user_name = 'moreilly',password = '9a961b3cf1a716c5221091f67c4774cc74dcdb655045f5cde91227ab1b8998518ddc1dcf093da9b245e6b847094f23e507a372ad26e263bb8695c6a5d6c4b809',access = 'Admin' WHERE contacts.id = 10;

    ALTER TABLE contacts ADD UNIQUE (user_name);
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS articles;CREATE TABLE articles ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, title varchar(100) NOT NULL, text text NOT NULL, created_by int(11) NOT NULL, date_created datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', modified_by int(11) NOT NULL, date_modified datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (id)) ENGINE=MyISAM;
    INSERT INTO articles (id, title, text, created_by, date_created, modified_by, date_modified) VALUES(1, 'Terms of Use', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed tortor ac ante consequat porta et et tortor. Suspendisse suscipit sodales luctus. Sed interdum, urna a dapibus lacinia, odio velit accumsan augue, quis auctor tortor dolor vitae massa. Etiam fermentum cursus tempor. Morbi malesuada suscipit eros ac hendrerit. Etiam aliquam justo a dui laoreet eu congue nulla bibendum. \r\n\r\nNunc eget lectus odio. Etiam sodales vehicula ornare. Suspendisse quis porttitor justo. Donec eget auctor felis. Sed ultricies fringilla elit quis tincidunt. Mauris sed condimentum tellus. Phasellus sollicitudin pulvinar interdum. Integer faucibus egestas rhoncus. In et turpis sed dolor rutrum eleifend. \r\n\r\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis ac lectus eu ipsum rutrum pharetra. Nam feugiat sagittis urna, at porttitor dolor scelerisque nec. In lacinia, dui et tempus luctus, erat massa placerat orci, at porta velit risus in diam. ', 2, '2011-06-08 14:09:00', 2, '2011-06-13 15:41:16'),(2, 'Privacy Policy', '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed tortor ac ante consequat porta et et tortor. Suspendisse suscipit sodales luctus. Sed interdum, urna a dapibus lacinia, odio velit accumsan augue, quis auctor tortor dolor vitae massa. Etiam fermentum cursus tempor. <p>\r\n<h2>Velit Risus in Diam</h2>\r\n<ol>\r\n<li>In lacinia, dui et tempus luctus, erat massa placerat orci</li>\r\n<li>Nulla varius posuere elit, at cursus libero facilisis imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</li>\r\n<li>Vestibulum placerat, lorem et consectetur congue</li>\r\n</ol>\r\n ', 2, '2011-06-08 20:36:31', 2, '2011-06-13 13:46:32');
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS menus;CREATE TABLE menus ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, title varchar(100) NOT NULL, link varchar(255) NOT NULL, level varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Public', orderby int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (id)) ENGINE=MyISAM;
    INSERT INTO menus (id, title, link, level, orderby) VALUES(1, 'Lot Categories', 'content=categories', 'Public', 1),(2, 'About Us', 'content=about', 'Public', 2),(3, 'Home', 'content=home', 'Public', 3),(4, 'Logout', 'content=logout', 'LoggedIn', 4),(5, 'Articles', 'content=articles', 'Admin', 5),(6, 'Menu Items', 'content=menus', 'Admin', 6),(7, 'Login', 'content=login', 'LoggedOut', 7),(8, 'Terms of Use', 'content=articledisplay&id=1', 'Public', 8),(9, 'Privacy Policy', 'content=articledisplay&id=2', 'Public', 9);[/PHP]

    grazie anticipato :ciauz:

  • User Attivo

    Ciao, robyone.
    Scorrendo rapidamente il codice che posti non mi salta all'occhio qualcosa che possa aiutarti.
    Anche io tempo fa implementai ckeditor in un sito fatto da me, e andando un pò a memoria credo che il tuo problema sia nella configurazione in javascript dell'editor che dovresti avere tra i tag ```

  • User

    Grazie davello per la risposta,prima di installare l'editor ho provato ad inserire un'immagine con il codice html (<img src=""...>) e non me la inseriva,mi riconosce soltanto i tag:
    Grassetto e gli elenchi (<ul>)quindi non credo il problema sia nell'editor..ho controllato nei file di ckeditor ma non ho trovato nulla di utile per risolvere il problema . grazie comunque

  • User Attivo

    Credo di aver capito male la tua domanda iniziale: il tuo problema è che quando vai a modificare un contenuto creato inserendo l'html a mano, in una textarea senza ckeditor, ora ckeditor non lo visualizza correttamente?

    Quale package hai installato del ckeditor? Basic, Standard o Full?

  • User

    Inizialmente ho provato con ckeditor, e non mi riconosceva il testo formattatto (colori, inserimento immagini, paragrafi etc..).In seguito ho eliminato l'editor e ho provato ad inserire a mano del codice html ma mi riconosce soltanto alcuni tag html.Studiando i codici credo che il problema sia nella parte in cui i dati vengono immessi nel database, ovvero nella pagina articles.php, di seguito rilascio il codice di questa pagina:

    [PHP]<?php/** * articles.php * * Content for Articles */

    $accessLevel = Contact::accessLevel();if ($accessLevel != 'Admin') : echo 'Sorry, no access allowed to this page';else :
    // Get the article information$items = Article::getArticles();if (empty($items)) { $items = array();}?><h1>Articles <a class="button" href="index.php?content=articlemaint&id=0">Add</a></h1>
    <ul class="ulfancy"> <?php foreach ($items as $i=>$item) : ?> <li class="row<?php echo $i % 2; ?>"> <h2><?php echo htmlspecialchars($item->getTitle()); ?> <a class="button" href="index.php?content=articledelete&id=<?php echo $item->getId(); ?>">Delete</a> <a class="button" href="index.php?content=articlemaint&id=<?php echo $item->getId(); ?>">Edit</a> </h2> </li> <?php endforeach; ?></ul>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Grazie per la disponibilità :ciauz: