Copyright law
Do I have the right to copy a part of an article and publish it on another website, if I post the original source name and a link to the original article ?
Let's say I save the rss feeds of an website, includind (title, description, image source, link) to database. If I publish the rss feeds on my website (title, description and and image with original source), specifying the source, it would be 100% legal it Italy ?
Thank you very much, Grazie
I mean, getting the rss articles from an italian news website, such as repubblica.it ( rss.feedsportal.com/c/32275/f/438637/index.rss)
The answer is yes.
Example: 247.libero.it mister-x.it notiziarioitaliano.it
Testi, scritti, articoli, e-mail - Ogni forma di testo, anche breve, è tutelata dalla normativa sul diritto d'autore e non può essere copiata, riprodotta (anche in altri formati o su supporti diversi), né tantomeno è possibile appropriarsi della sua paternità. L'unica eccezione prevista dalla legge (art. 70 l. 633/41) è quella di consentire il riassunto, la citazione o la riproduzione di brani o parti di opere letterarie (ma non l'intera opera, o una parte compiuta di essa) a scopo di studio, discussione, documentazione o insegnamento, purché vengano citati l'autore e la fonte, e non si agisca a scopo di lucro, sempre che tali citazioni non costituiscano concorrenza all'utilizzazione economica dell'opera stessa. Solo in questa particolare ipotesi si può agire senza il consenso dell'autore.
Greetings, Owi!
What you're enquiring about is for sure a hot topic, and it has been discussed thoroughly on our board; for instance – and for sake of clarity – let me sum up the conclusions of this discussion, where a certified lawyer (and a respected Moderator of this Forum) gave his piece of advice.
According to Italian law 633/41, art. 70, one can publish a summary, a quotation or a partial excerpt of any text and/or work; no re-publishing of the entire text (a whole book or newspaper article, say) is allowed.
Publishing those bits of a text or work is allowed only to study it, to discuss it, to provide documentation about it / about the author, or to to be used as teaching material; no money can be made out of these quotation and/or excerpts.
When re-publishing, one must of course provide the source and the author; no exceptions.
In case of a content released under a Creative Commons licence, depending on the specific kind of authorisation permitted by the author (and recalling that general laws overcome any personal declaration not aligned with it), also the whole text / work can be reproduced – still , the source must be clearly quoted.
In case of a content released under a fully proprietary licence, probably no reproduction whatsoever is allowed, unless one doesn't make an agreement with the author or with the owner of the copy-rights (there are some exceptions, mostly in the literary research field).
On average, inside any serious website you'll find a dedicated page clearly presenting the site policy concerning copyright and/or copyleft; for example, almost all the blogs I read have some sort of 'legal statements' somewhere, and so forth.
Any further opinion is welcome; in case you wished, please send me a pm with your remarks to be translated into English; I'll try my best to report your content correctly – and I'll point out the source, of course.
Thank you very much Leonov
This is an example I found: mister-x.it/
It is imporiting rss feeds from: tuttolegapro, bresciaoggi, varesenews. etc and it has adsense which means that the website has Copyright infringement according to Italian law 633/41, art. 70 (no money can be made out of these quotation and/or excerpts)
Is it ok if I post only quotes, without using adsense ?
Have a nice day, Tahnk you again
More examples: 24notizie.com, notizie.net, these have adsense.
And why would they sue someone who sends them visitors ? They gain traffic from this kind of websites, that's why the publishers are using RSS feeds.
Notizie.com was registered in 2002.
I forgot you to ask something. What about the thumbnails ? Almost every XML feed has a thumbnail