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    Consiglio PDOSingleton

    Ciao ragazzi,

    oggi stavo partorendo una classe Factory per PDO capace di implementare il Sigleton anche su tutti i metodi della classe PDO passando poi l'oggetto PDO
    creato alla classe PDOStatement.

    Vorrei innanzi tutto sapere cosa ne pensate del codice della classe e del interfaccia e in secondo luogo se secondo la vostra esperienza gli attributi,
    ad esempio la gestione delle eccezione, è meglio metterli prima di ritornare
    l'stanza della classe al interno del Singleton (dove li ho commentati adesso)
    o dopo avere creato l'istanza con il comando:

    $objPDO = PDOFactory::getInstance();

    P.S. I parametri che formano il DSN li prendo per comodità da un namespace incluso nella index.php



    •    ProjectName        :        FastCMS        
    •    ProjectAuthor    :        Adriano Giovannini
    •    ProjectMail        :        ...
    •    ProjectFile        :        class_IPDOFactory.php
    •    ProjectPackage    :        library\PDOFactory
    •    ProjectLicense    :        GPL V3. Se license\<yourLanguage>\license.tx
    •                            for more details


    interface IPDOFactory

     *    Singleton Method
     *    @return bool $_blSingletonInstance
    public static function getInstance();
     *    Initiate a transaction
     *    @return bool
    public function beginTransaction();    
     *    Commit a transaction
     *    @return bool
    public function commit();
     *    Fetch the state of SQL associated whit the last operation on the database
     *    @return string
    public function errorCode();
     *    Fetch the extended error information associated with the last operation on
     *    database
     *    @return array
    public function errorInfo();
     *    Execute SQL statement and return the number of affected row
     *    @param string $PDOStatement
    public function exec($PDOStatement);
     *    Retrieve a database connection attribute
     *    @param int $PDOAttribute
     *    @return int
    public function getAttribute($PDOAttribute);
     *    Return an array of available PDO Drivers
     *    @return array
    public function getAvailableDriver();
     *    Return the ID of the last inserted row
     *    @param string $LastInsertIdName
     *    @return string
    public function lastInsertId($LastInsertIdName);
     *    Prepare a statemet for execution and return a PDOStatement object
     *    @param string $PDOStatement
     *    @param array  $PDODriverOptions
     *    @return $PDOStatement
    public function prepare($PDOStatement, $PDODriverOptions = false);
     *    Execute a SQL Statement and returning result set a PDOStatement object
     *    @param string $PDOStatement
     *    @return object $PDOStatement
    public function query($PDOStatement);
     *    Execute Query and return all rows in assoc array
     *    @param string $PDOStatement
     *    @return array
    public function queryFetchAllAssoc($PDOStatement);
     *    Execute Query and return one rows in assoc array
     *    @param string $PDOStatement
     *    @return array
    public function queryFetchRowAssoc($PDOStatement);
     *    Execute Query and select one column only
     *    @param string $PDOStatement
     *    @return mixed
    public function queryFetchColAssoc($PDOStatement);
     *    Quote a string for prevent sql injection
     *    @param string $InputString
     *    @param int    $ParameterType
     *    @return string
    public function quote($InputString, $ParameterType);
     *    Rolls back a transaction
     *    @return bool
    public function rollBack();
     *    Set attribute
     *    @param int      $PDOAttribute
     *    @param mixed $PDOAttributeValue
     *    @return bool
    public function setAttribute($PDOAttribute, $PDOAttributeValue);



    //-> class_PDOFactory.php


    require_once 'class_IPDOFactory.php';


    •    ProjectName        :        FastCMS        
    •    ProjectAuthor    :        Adriano Giovannini
    •    ProjectMail        :        ...
    •    ProjectFile        :        class_PDOFactory.php
    •    ProjectPackage    :        library\PDOFactory
    •    ProjectLicense    :        GPL V3. Se license\<yourLanguage>\license.tx
    •                            for more details

    class PDOFactory implements IPDOFactory

     *    PDOConnection params
     * @param strind $_strDSN
     * @param strung $_strUsernme
     * @param string $_strPassword
    private static $_strDSN         = PDONS\DSN;
    private static $_strUsername    = PDONS\USERNAME;
    private static $_strPassword      = PDONS\PASSWORD;
     *    Singleton Instance
     *    @param bool
    private static $_blSingletonInstance = null;
     *    Preventi construct and cloning creation
    private function __construct()
        trigger_error ( "Construct is not allowed" . E_USER_ERROR );
    private function __clone()
        trigger_error ( "Clone is not allowed" . E_USER_ERROR );
     *    Singleton Method
     *    @return bool $_blSingletonInstance
    public static function getInstance()
            if ( self::$_blSingletonInstance == null )
            self::$_blSingletonInstance = new PDO ( self::$_strDSN, self::$_strUsername, self::$_strPassword, array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true) );
            // $objPDO->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
            return self::$_blSingletonInstance;
        } catch ( PDOException $e ) {
            die ( "Error: " . $e->getMessage() );
     *    Initiate a transaction
     *    @return bool
    public function beginTransaction()
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->beginTransection();
     *    Commit a transaction
     *    @return bool
    public function commit()
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->commit();
     *    Fetch the state of SQL associated whit the last operation on the database
     *    @return string
    public function errorCode()
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->errorCode();
     *    Fetch the extended error information associated with the last operation on
     *    database
     *    @return array
    public function errorInfo()
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->errorInfo();
     *    Execute SQL statement and return the number of affected row
     *    @param string $PDOStatement
    public function exec($PDOStatement)
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->exec($PDOStatement);
     *    Retrieve a database connection attribute
     *    @param int $PDOAttribute
     *    @return int
    public function getAttribute($PDOAttribute)
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->getAttribute($PDOAttribute);
     *    Return an array of available PDO Drivers
     *    @return array
    public function getAvailableDriver()
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->getAvailableDriver();
     *    Return the ID of the last inserted row
     *    @param string $LastInsertIdName
     *    @return string
    public function lastInsertId($LastInsertIdName)
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->lastInsertId($LastInsertIdName);
     *    Prepare a statemet for execution and return a PDOStatement object
     *    @param string $PDOStatement
     *    @param array  $PDODriverOptions
     *    @return $PDOStatement
    public function prepare($PDOStatement, $PDODriverOptions = false)
        if (!$PDODriverOptions)
            $PDODriverOptions = array();
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->prepare($PDOStatement, $PDODriverOptions);
     *    Execute a SQL Statement and returning result set a PDOStatement object
     *    @param string $PDOStatement
     *    @return object $PDOStatement
    public function query($PDOStatement)
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->query($PDOStatement);
     *    Execute Query and return all rows in assoc array
     *    @param string $PDOStatement
     *    @return array
    public function queryFetchAllAssoc($PDOStatement)
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->query($PDOStatement)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     *    Execute Query and return one rows in assoc array
     *    @param string $PDOStatement
     *    @return array
    public function queryFetchRowAssoc($PDOStatement)
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->query($PDOStatement)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     *    Execute Query and select one column only
     *    @param string $PDOStatement
     *    @return mixed
    public function queryFetchColAssoc($PDOStatement)
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->query($PDOStatement)->fetchColumn();
     *    Quote a string for prevent sql injection
     *    @param string $InputString
     *    @param int    $ParameterType
     *    @return string
    public function quote($InputString, $ParameterType)
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->quote($InputString, $ParameterType);
     *    Rolls back a transaction
     *    @return bool
    public function rollBack()
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->rollBack();
     *    Set attribute
     *    @param int      $PDOAttribute
     *    @param mixed $PDOAttributeValue
     *    @return bool
    public function setAttribute($PDOAttribute, $PDOAttributeValue)
        return self::$_blSingletonInstance->setAttribute($PDOAttribue, $PDOAttributeValue);



    //-> class_PDOFactoryException.php


    •    ProjectMail        :        ...
    •    ProjectFile        :        class_PDOFactoryException.php
    •    ProjectPackage    :        library\PDOFactory
    •    ProjectLicense    :        GPL V3. Se license\<yourLanguage>\license.tx
    •                            for more details


    class PDOFactoryException

    public static function PDOExceptionDisplay ( $objPDO, $e, $objStatement)
         *        Static method
        echo "An error occurred connecting: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br />";
             *        List PDOErrorInfo 
            list ($intErrorCode1, $intErrorCode2, $strErrorInfo) = $objPDO->errorInfo();
                print "PDOExceptionError<br />";
                print "Error Code: '$intErrorCode1'<br />";
                print "Driver Code: '$intErrorCode2'<br />";
                print "Error Info: '$strErrorInfo'<br />";
                 *        Check error for PDOStatement class
                if ($objStatement instanceof PDOStatement)
                     *        Print PDOStatement error
                    list ($intErrorCode1, $intErrorCode2, $strErrorInfo) = $objStatement->errorInfo();
                    print "PDOStatementExceptoinError<br />";
                    print "Error Code: '$intErrorCode1'<br />";
                    print "Driver Code: '$intErrorCode2'<br />";
                    print "Error Info: '$strErrorInfo'<br />";



    //-> PDONamespace.php

    namespace PDONS

    const DSN         = 'mysql:host=localhost;charset=utf8;dbname=forum';
    const USERNAME      = 'tuauser';
    const PASSWORD      = 'tuapass';



    //-> index.php

    require_once 'PDONamespace.php';
    require_once 'library\PDOFactory\class_PDOFactory.php';


    $objPDO = PDOFactory::getInstance();
        //-> Inizio test PDO
    $i = 0;
    $strQuery = "SELECT * FROM user";
    $objStatement = $objPDO->prepare($strQuery);
    // Rimuovere dai metodi della classe singleton le costanti nel fetch
    while ($arRow = $objStatement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
        print "Row $i";
        foreach ($arRow as $key => $value)
            print " - Column $key, value $value<br />";
    //-> PDO Test

    } catch ( PDOException $e ) {

    require_once 'library\PDOFactory\class_PDOFactoryException.php';
    PDOFactoryException::PDOExceptionDisplay ($objPDO, $e, $objStatement);

    } catch ( Excpetion $e ) {

    die ( "An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage() );



    Che ne pensate ?