• User

    Aiuto su questo script!

    utilizzo questo script come file manager, ma c'è una limitazione, al di sotto di 2 sottocartelle non mi fa visionare le altre cartelle, come correggerlo per far visionare tutte le sottocartelle?
    Per favore aiutatemi sono alle prime armi dell'asp.
    Grazie 1000
    Lo script è composto da 2 pagine la default.asp che ha per inclusione treeviewfunctions.asp
    Ecco i codici:

    Pagina - default.asp

    <link rel=stylesheet href='treeview.css'></link>
    <script language=javascript src='treeview.js'></script>
    <!--#include file='treeviewFunctions.asp'-->
        set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        vDir = "/public/"
        root = Server.MapPath(vDir) & "\"
        set fold = fso.getFolder(root)
        ' we'll assume that the starting point is not empty
        ' (has at least one subfolder or one file)
        response.write getfoldlink("r0", "r0", fold, vDir)
        if fold.subfolders.count > 0 then
            ' counter
            r1c = 0
            'loop through all subfolders in starting folder
            for each f in fold.subfolders
                ' another counter
                r1c = r1c + 1
                ' concatenate local/relative path once            
                sfoldname = root & f.name & "\"
                fpath = vDir & f.name & "/"
                set cfold = fso.getFolder(sfoldname)
                if cfold.subfolders.count > 0 or cfold.files.count > 0 then
                    ' we need to make the folder a tree node
                    response.Write getfoldlink("r1" & r1c, "r1", cfold, fpath)
                    ' reset counter
                    r2c = 0
                    for each sf in cfold.subfolders
                        ' keep track to identify nodes by id
                        r2c = r2c + 1
                        ' concatenate local/relative path once            
                        sfoldname = root & f.name & "\" & sf.name & "\"
                        path = vDir & f.name & "/" & sf.name & "/"
                        ' build an identifier for this node
                        id = "r2" & r1c & "_" & r2c
                        set sfold = fso.getFolder(sfoldname)
                        if sfold.files.count > 0 then
                            ' we need to make the folder a tree node
                            response.Write getfoldlink(id, "r2", sfold, path)
                            for each fil in sfold.files
                                response.write getfilelink("r2a", path, fil)
                            response.Write "</div>"
                            ' this folder is not an expandable node
                            response.write getfoldlink("", "r2", sfold, path)
                        end if
                    for each fil in cfold.files
                        ' show each file in this subfolder
                        response.write getfilelink("r1a", fpath, fil)
                    response.Write "</div>"
                    ' this folder is not an expandable node
                    response.Write getfoldlink("", "r1", cfold, fpath)
                end if
        end if
        for each fil in fold.files
            ' show the files in the starting folder
            response.write getfilelink("r0a", vDir, fil)
        response.Write "</div>"
        set fso = nothing

    Pagina: treeviewfunctions.asp

    function getfoldlink(d, c, f, p) 
    if d <> "" then 
    ' needs to be clickable 
    getfoldlink = "<a href='#' style='cursor:hand' " & _ 
    "onclick='flip(""" & d & """);" & _ 
    "this.blur();return false;'>" & _ 
    "<img id='i" & d & "' class=" & c & _ 
    " src=plus.gif vspace=0 hspace=2 border=0>" & _ 
    "<img src=folder.gif hspace=2 border=0></a>&nbsp;" & _ 
    "<a target=_blank href=" & p & getsftitle(f) & _ 
    ">" & f.name & "</a></div><div id='" & d & "'" & _ 
    " display=none style='display:none'>" 
    ' can't be clickable 
    getfoldlink = "<div><img id='i" & d & "' " & _ 
    "class=" & c & " src=plus.gif vspace=0 " & _ 
    "hspace=2 visibility=hidden style='visibility:hidden'><img" & _ 
    " src=folder.gif hspace=2>&nbsp;<a " & _ 
    "target=_blank href=" & p & getsftitle(f) & _ 
    ">" & f.name & "</a></div>" 
    end if 
    end function 
    function getfilelink(c, fold, file) 
    getfilelink = "<div><img class=" & c & " src=file.gif" & _ 
    " hspace=2>&nbsp;<a href=" & fold & file.name & _ 
    getfiletitle(file) & ">" & file.name & "</a></div>" 
    end function 
    function getfiletitle(file) 
    getfiletitle = " title='Size: " & _ 
    formatnumber(file.size/1024, 2, -1, 0, -1) & _ 
    " kb" & vbCrLf & getDL(file) & "'" 
    end function 
    function getsftitle(fold) 
    getsftitle = " title='" & getsfc(fold) & _ 
    vbCrLf & getfc(fold) & _ 
    vbCrLf & getfs(fold) & _ 
    vbCrLf & getDL(fold) & "'" 
    end function 
    function getDL(o) 
    d = o.dateLastModified 
    getDL = "Last mod: " & formatdatetime(d, 2) & _ 
    " " & formatdatetime(d, 3) 
    end function 
    function getfc(fold) 
    getfc = fCount(fold.files.count) 
    end function 
    function getsfc(fold) 
    getsfc = sfCount(fold.subfolders.count) 
    end function 
    function getfs(fold) 
    getfs = "Size: " & bToMB(fold.size) 
    end function 
    function bToMB(b) 
    bToMB = formatnumber(b/1024/1024, 2, -1, 0, -1) & " MB" 
    end function 
    function fCount(c) 
    fCount = formatnumber(c, 0, -1, 0, -1) & " file" & _ 
    end function 
    function sfCount(c) 
    sfCount = formatnumber(c, 0, -1, 0, -1) & _ 
    " subfolder" & suffix(c) 
    end function 
    function suffix(c) 
    if c <> 1 then suffix = "s" 
    end function 

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