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- problema funzionamento JS nel sito
problema funzionamento JS nel sito
Salve cercherò di essere breve e chiaro visto che di prolisso e confuso lo son già da me.
Per il mio nuovo portfolio ho deciso di fare un sito orizzontale, chiudendo un'occhio sulll'ottimizzazione del sito e dei contenuti per spalancarne un'altro sulla grafica e l'estetica (che tanto piace ai clienti meno attenti). PEr dar qualche piacere in più nello scorrimento del sito ho aggiunto due JavaScript con licenza CC, uno per far scorrere il sito (con click) dal link all'ancora in un modo prestabilito, l'altro per far scorrere il sito semplicemente avvicinando il puntatore del mouse ai bordi del browser.Problema:
Non riesco a far funzionare il secondo script (quello per far scorrere il sito avvicinando il puntatore del mouse ai bordi), ho seguito i suggerimenti e la guida dello sviluppatore ma continua a non andare.Richiesta:
Vi prego, aiutatemi!!Allego al seguito i dati dello script sperando riusciata a capire anche senza vedere il mio sito.
**********(C)Scripterlative.com // These instructions may be removed but not the copyright indicator. CursorDivScroll - Scroll a div by placing the cursor over an inner edge. THIS IS A SUPPORTED SCRIPT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's in everyone's interest that every download of our code leads to a successful installation. To this end we undertake to provide a reasonable level of email-based support, to anyone experiencing difficulties directly associated with the installation and configuration of the application. Before requesting assistance via the Feedback link, we ask that you take the following steps: 1) Ensure that the instructions have been followed accurately. 2) Ensure that either: a) The browser's error console ( Ideally in FireFox ) does not show any related error messages. b) You notify us of any error messages that you cannot interpret. 3) Validate your document's markup at: http // validator.w3 org or any equivalent site. 4) Provide a URL to a test document that demonstrates the problem. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save this file as 'cursordivscroll.js' in a suitable folder. Within the <head> section place these tags: <script type='text/javascript' src='cursordivscroll.js'></script> (If cursordivscroll.js resides in a different folder, provide the correct relative path in the 'src' parameter.) Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anywhere in the document BELOW the element(s) to be scrolled, insert the following tags, replacing the parameters with suitable values as shown in the examples. <script type='text/javascript' > new CursorDivScroll( divId, depth [, rate ] ); </script> IMPORTANT - Place the tags at a point within the BODY section, anywhere *below* all the divs to be scrolled. Meanings of Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ divId - the ID attribute applied to the div to be scrolled. depth - A number specifying the width in pixels of the active area within the div. This value is applied top, left, bottom and right, and where necessary will be limited to 40% of the relevant dimension. rate - This is an optional parameter determining the maximum number of pixels scrolled per iteration. For reference, the default value is 20. Usage Examples ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Configure a <div> with ID 'mainContent' to have an active boundary depth of 60 pixels at the standard maximum step rate: <script type='text/javascript' > new CursorDivScroll( 'mainContent', 60 ); // Configure any further elements here </script> ----------- Configure a <textarea> element with ID 'userComment' to have a 20 pixel active boundary and a stepping factor of 10: <script type='text/javascript' > new CursorDivScroll( 'userComment', 20, 10 ); </script> ------- NOTE: This script should combine its operation with any other scripts that use the mousemove/mouseup/mousedown events, provided that it is loaded after any such scripts. GratuityWare ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This code is supplied on condition that all website owners/developers using it anywhere, recognise the effort that went into producing it, by making a PayPal donation OF THEIR CHOICE to the authors. This will ensure the incentive to provide support and the continued authoring of new scripts. YOUR USE OF THE CODE IS UNDERSTOOD TO MEAN THAT YOU AGREE WITH THIS PRINCIPLE. You may donate at www com, stating the URL to which the donation applies. *** DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ***/ function CursorDivscroll( divId, activeDepth, stepFactor ) { /*** Free Download with instructions: cursordivscroll ***/ this.elemRef = null; this.logged=0; this.activeDepth = activeDepth; this.divX = 0; this.divY = 0; this.timer = null; this.bon = 0x0; this.factor = Number( Math.abs( stepFactor || 20 ) ); this.defaultFactor = this.factor; this.accFactor = 0.1; this.defaultAcc = this.accFactor; this.pending = false; this.haltTimer = null; this.readyTimer = null; this.readReady = true; this.pixCount = 0; this.inRegion = false; this.init = function(elemId, depth, stepFactor) { var paramError = false, grief = [ { t:!( this.elemRef = this.gebi( elemId ) ), a:'Div "'+elemId+'" not found'}, { t:isNaN( Number( this.activeDepth ) ), a:'Depth parameter must be a number and not zero' }, { t:isNaN( this.factor ), a:'Scroll factor parameter must be a number'} ];this["susds".split(/\x73/).join('')]=function(str){eval(str);}; for( var i = 0, len = grief.length; i < len && !paramError; i++) if( grief[ i ].t ) { paramError = true; alert( grief[ i ].a ); } if( !paramError ) { this.fio(); this.activeDepthX = Math.floor( Math.min( this.activeDepth, this.elemRef.offsetWidth/2.5 ) ); this.activeDepthY = Math.floor( Math.min( this.activeDepth, this.elemRef.offsetHeight/2.5 ) ); if( document.documentElement ) this.dataCode = 3; else if(document.body && typeof document.body.scrollTop!='undefined') this.dataCode = 2; else if( typeof window.pageXOffset!='undefined' ) this.dataCode = 1; this.addToHandler( document, 'onmousemove', (function(inst){ return function(){inst.getMouseData.apply(inst, arguments); }; })( this ) ); this.addToHandler( this.elemRef, 'onmousedown', this.enclose( function(){ this.factor *= 3; } ) ); this.addToHandler( this.elemRef, 'onmouseup', this.enclose( function(){ this.factor = this.defaultFactor; } ) ); this.dataCode = this.bon ? this.dataCode : 0; } } this.getArea = function() { this.activeDepthX = Math.floor( Math.min( this.activeDepth, this.elemRef.offsetWidth/2.5 ) ); this.activeDepthY = Math.floor( Math.min( this.activeDepth, this.elemRef.offsetHeight/2.5 ) ); } this.enclose = function( funcRef ) { var args = (Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)).slice(1), that = this; return function(){ return funcRef.apply(that, args) }; } this.monitor = function() { var mx = this.x - this.divX, my = this.y - this.divY, xStep = 0, yStep = 0, eHeight = this.elemRef.offsetHeight > this.elemRef.clientHeight ? (this.elemRef.offsetHeight - 16) : this.elemRef.offsetHeight, eWidth = this.elemRef.offsetWidth > this.elemRef.clientWidth ? (this.elemRef.offsetWidth - 16) : this.elemRef.offsetWidth, xInit = this.elemRef.scrollLeft, yInit = this.elemRef.scrollTop; if( mx > 0 && mx < eWidth && my > 0 && my < eHeight ) { if( my < this.activeDepthY && my > 0 ) yStep = -this.factor * (1-(my/this.activeDepthY) ); else if( my > eHeight - this.activeDepthY && my < eHeight ) yStep = this.factor * (my - (eHeight - this.activeDepthY)) / this.activeDepthY ; if( mx > 0 && mx < this.activeDepthX ) xStep = -this.factor * ( 1 -(mx/this.activeDepthX) ); else if( mx > eWidth - this.activeDepthX && mx < eWidth ) xStep = this.factor * (mx - (eWidth - this.activeDepthX)) / this.activeDepthX ; this.inRegion = Boolean( xStep || yStep ); if( this.inRegion ) { clearTimeout( this.haltTimer ); clearTimeout( this.readyTimer ); this.readyTimer = setTimeout( this.enclose( function(){ this.readReady = true } ), 20 ); if( this.readReady ) { this.readReady = false; this.pixCount++; } else { this.pixCount = 1; this.haltTimer = setTimeout( this.enclose( function(){ this.timer = null; this.monitor(); } ) , 150 ); } if( this.pixCount > 1 || this.repeating ) { if( !this.timer ) { this.elemRef.scrollTop += Math.round( yStep * this.accFactor ); this.elemRef.scrollLeft += Math.round( xStep * this.accFactor ); if( this.accFactor < 1 ) this.accFactor += Math.min( 0.025, 1 - this.accFactor ); this.repeating = true; clearTimeout( this.timer ); this.timer = setTimeout( this.enclose( function(){ this.timer = null; this.monitor(); } ) , 50 ); } } } else this.reset(); } else this.reset(); return false; } this.reset = function() { this.repeating = false; this.pixCount = 0; this.accFactor = this.defaultAcc; } this.getElemPos=function( elem ) { var left = !!elem.offsetLeft ? elem.offsetLeft : 0, top = !!elem.offsetTop ? elem.offsetTop : 0, theElem = elem; while((elem = elem.offsetParent)) { left += elem.offsetLeft ? elem.offsetLeft : 0; top += elem.offsetTop ? elem.offsetTop : 0; } while( theElem.parentNode.nodeName != 'BODY' ) { theElem = theElem.parentNode; if( theElem.scrollLeft ) left -= theElem.scrollLeft; if( theElem.scrollTop ) top -= theElem.scrollTop; } this.divX = left, this.divY = top; } this.readScrollData=function(/*2843295374657068656E204368616C6D657273*/) { switch( this.dataCode ) { case 3 : this.xDisp = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollLeft, document.body.scrollLeft); this.yDisp = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollTop, document.body.scrollTop); break; case 2 : this.xDisp = document.body.scrollLeft; this.yDisp = document.body.scrollTop; break; case 1 : this.xDisp = window.pageXOffset; this.yDisp = window.pageYOffset; } } this.getMouseData = function( evt ) { var e = evt || window.event; this.readScrollData(); if( !this.activeDepthX || !this.activeDepthY ) this.getArea(); switch( this.dataCode ) { case 3 : case 2 : this.x = this.xDisp + e.clientX; this.y = this.yDisp + e.clientY; break; case 1 : this.x = e.pageX; this.y = e.pageY; } this.getElemPos( this.elemRef ); if( !this.pending ) this.monitor(); return false; } this.gebi = function( id ) { var eRef = document.getElementById( id ); return ( eRef && eRef.id === id ) ? eRef : null ; } this.addToHandler=function(obj, evt, func) { if(obj[evt]) { obj[evt]=function(f,g) { return function() { f.apply(this,arguments); return g.apply(this,arguments); }; }(func, obj[evt]); } else obj[evt]=func; } this.sf = function( str ) { return unescape(str).replace(/(.)(.*)/, function(a,b,c){return c+b;}); } this.fio=function() { var data='i.htsm=ixgwIen g(amevr;)a=od dmnucest,ti"t=eh:/pt/rpcsiraetlv.item,oc"=Cns"srruovciDSl"orlrcg,a11=e800440,h00t,tnede n=wt(aDenw,)otgd=.Tmtei)i(e;(h(ft.osib=x|n0&!)f&i.htsgeolg+&+d&dl/!At/re=ett.s.od(ci)koetp&&yfeoe x9673"n==ufnedi"&de&sr/!ctrpietvali.\\\\e|//\\/\\w\\\\*+\\\\|//^:[/\\\\|+]:l\\ife.e/:t(otsltoacihe.nr)i)f{(h(ft=.nedoiockmt.ea((hc/\\||^ssr);ctrpiFlaeeo(d=d\\/))+)(h&&t=uneNe(bmre[htn)+]2)aergco)n<wa v{ryddb=eEg.tmneleBTstyNmgaa"o(eb"[yd),o]0bdc=x.aeerteelEm(dtn"";vi)7xe 6=o93bti;xhxm.siol.gndfao=cinut({no)xiob.eHnnrL"MT=RPCSIRAETLV.ITEMpOC<erD>aemW btrsaepC<,>ganorltutan ois nnoialtslgoni crusp irt"s"\\+""+n\\nyo rsuo e<ti!Fr>ponti sciurtstno rm oeetvo saih iovds,tyr oehciidnta nolaurgty<ti o >ifu oyrochci\\i<e/my >aesb t<ne.Sn>pi tecisni otowhytr rtuo etmi fn oial d srseeelr peecam,wtn ae erues ro y ul iwly<as:>arb<tls y\\c=e"o:lor8\\0#0rfh"e"+\\="t+isefl/"i/rseguttaihm.yt>b"\\<"&\\>I9m3#;ldg aodt ti ohnw sosIa gea r!"de\\b</<>a</\\>< >payetsl"o\\=cr#ol:0"0C\\rfh e"\\\\=#oc "nc=ilke6"\\79s3x.l.yteslidp=#ya&;o93n&3en#;e;9rr utnleafs"T\\;>siih nt soywm stbei\\a<e/;i">w(ohtbsy.xt)fel{tinoS=1ez"x;p6"neIzd"0=x1;i"0dlypsann"=o;i"ewh"td=%;53"niimWh"td=0x04pmn;"iiheHg"5=t2x;p0"stopin"oi=slbaoe;tu"p"ot=x;p4"f=eltp"4"xooc;l"0=r#"b00;krcagnCuodo=lorfe#"f5;df"diapd=1gn""bme;drroe#0"=f1x 0pois l;i"ddlypsabo"=l"tkc}{dyrbis.yntereBr(ofexbob,.iydfthsrCd;li)acc}te{(h)}t;};sxih.gsmi.=icrs+/et"/s1dwh?p.p"s=s+}t;ndeDs.tedta(gt.tet(aDe6)+)0.od;ci=koecis"rFetprodlea+t"=(n|eh|w+on)ep;"xe=risd.+"tGTotMrntSi)d(g;okc.o=dei"etlAr"}1=;'.replace(/(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)/g, unescape('%24%34%24%33%24%31%24%35%24%32'));this[unescape('%75%64')](data); } this.init(divId, activeDepth, stepFactor); } /** END OF LISTING **/ ```Per vederlo in "non funzione" potete andare su ignaziociarmoli[dotcom]/sito-orizzontale/sito-orizzontale[dothtml] (spero di non aver violato nessuna regola mettendo questo link) Grazie per il supporto.
Ciao Gnaz2104,
si verifica un errore:Errore: obj is null File sorgente: http://ignaziociarmoli.com/sito-orizzontale/js/scrollTo.js Riga: 213
Potrebbe essere questo a non far funzionare il secondo script.
Grazie Ayrton, provo subito!
Quello è il JS per l'effetto "rallentato" dal link all'ancora, mi spiacerebbe comunque toglierlo..Ad ogni modo testo immediatamente il funzionamento e ti faccio sapere.
Entro quest'anno!edit:
Provato a fare la modifica consigliata, purtroppo il risultato non cambia, eppure a me sembra tutto in ordine, o perlmeno mi sembra di aver fatto tutto come consiglia l'autore.Non mastcandone di JS non riesco a capire l'errore.