• User Attivo

    aiuto estrazione database

    Ciao ho una pagina in php del genere
    //zOOm Media Gallery//

    | zOOm Media Gallery! by Mike de Boer - a multi-gallery component |

    | |
    | Author: Mike de Boer, http://www.mikedeboer.nl |
    | Copyright: copyright (C) 2006 by Mike de Boer |
    | Description: zOOm Media Gallery, a multi-gallery component for |
    | Joomla!. It's the most feature-rich gallery component |
    | for Joomla!! For documentation and a detailed list |
    | of features, check the zOOm homepage: |
    | http://www.zoomfactory.org |
    | License: GPL |
    | Filename: special.php |
    | |

    • @version $Id: special.php,v 1.20 2006/08/02 18:52:50 kevinuru Exp $
    • @package zOOmGallery
    • @author Mike de Boer [email protected]
      // MOS Intruder Alerts
      defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
      global $size;

      There are three special image-display formats:
      0: Top ten viewed images (most hits)
      1: Ten last submitted images (last id's)
      2: Ten last commented images
      4: Top rated
      $sorting = intval(trim(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'sorting')));
      if ($sorting == 1 || $sorting == 2) {
      $where_prefix = "WHERE ";
      } else {
      $where_prefix = "AND ";
      if ($zoom->_isAdmin) {
      $where_clause = "";
      } else {
      $where_clause = $where_prefix."cats.catpassword = '' AND img.published = 1";

    case 0:
    $database->setQuery("SELECT DISTINCT img.imgid AS id, img.catid AS gallery_id FROM #__zoomfiles AS img LEFT JOIN #__zoom AS cats ON img.catid = cats.catid WHERE imghits > 0 $where_clause ORDER BY imghits DESC LIMIT 10");

    case 1:
    $database->setQuery("SELECT DISTINCT img.imgid AS id, img.catid AS gallery_id FROM AS img LEFT JOIN AS cats ON img.catid = cats.catid $where_clause ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10");

    case 2:
    $database->setQuery("SELECT DISTINCT com.imgid, img.imgid AS id, img.catid AS gallery_id, max(com.cmtid) as maxcmt FROM AS img LEFT JOIN #__zoom_comments AS com ON com.imgid = img.imgid LEFT JOIN AS cats ON img.catid = cats.catid $where_clause GROUP BY id ORDER BY maxcmt desc LIMIT 10");

    case 4:
    $database->setQuery("SELECT DISTINCT img.imgid AS id, img.catid AS gallery_id, img.votenum, (img.votesum/img.votenum) AS rating FROM AS img LEFT JOIN AS cats ON img.catid = cats.catid WHERE img.votesum > 0 AND img.votenum > 0 $where_clause ORDER BY rating desc, img.votenum DESC LIMIT 10");

    die("You must visit this page the legit way, remember?");
    $zoom->_result = $database->query();
    if ($zoom->_CONFIG['ratingOn']) {
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site;?>/components/com_zoom/lib/js/prototype.js"></script>
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
    <td width="30" class="<?php echo $zoom->_tabclass[1]; ?>"></td>
    <td class="<?php echo $zoom->_tabclass[1]; ?>">
    <?php if ($zoom->_CONFIG['mainscreen']) { ?>
    <a href="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index".$backend.".php?option=com_zoom&Itemid=".$Itemid);?>">
    <img src="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site;?>/components/com_zoom/www/images/home.gif" alt="" border="0" />  <?php echo _ZOOM_MAINSCREEN;?></a> | 
    if($sorting==0) echo _ZOOM_TOPTEN;
    else if($sorting==1) echo _ZOOM_LASTSUBM;
    else if($sorting==2) echo _ZOOM_LASTCOMM;
    else if($sorting==4) echo _ZOOM_TOPRATED;
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%">
    $i = 0;
    $imgcnt = 0;
    $tabcnt = 0;
    if (mysql_num_rows($zoom->_result) > 0) {
    while($row = mysql_fetch_object($zoom->_result)){
    $zoom->_counter = 0;
    foreach($zoom->_gallery->_images as $image){
    if($image->_id == $row->id){
    $i = $zoom->_counter;
    if ($zoom->_gallery->isMember() && $zoom->_gallery->_images*->isMember()) {
    echo '<tr class="'.$zoom->_tabclass[$tabcnt].'"><td width="20">  '.$imgcnt.'  </td>';
    if (!$zoom->_CONFIG['popUpImages']) {
    <td align="left" width="<?php echo $zoom->_CONFIG;?>">
    <a href="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index".$backend.".php?option=com_zoom&Itemid=".$Itemid."&page=view&catid=".$zoom->_gallery->_id."&key=".$i."&hit=1");?>">
    } else {
    $params = $zoom->encrypt("catid=".$zoom->_gallery->_id."&key=".$i."&isAdmin=".$zoom->_isAdmin."&hit=1");
    <td align="left" width="<?php echo $zoom->_CONFIG;?>">
    $link = "<a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="window.open('".$mosConfig_live_site."/components/com_zoom/www/view.php?popup=1&q=".$params."', 'win1', 'width=";
    if ($size[0] < 550) {
    $link .= "550";
    } elseif ($size[0] > $zoom->_CONFIG['maxsize']) {
    $link .= $zoom->_CONFIG['maxsize'] + 50;
    } else {
    $link .= $size[0] + 40;
    $link .= ", height=";
    if ($size[1] < 550) {
    $link .= "550";
    } elseif ($size[1] > $zoom->_CONFIG['maxsize']) {
    $link .= $zoom->_CONFIG['maxsize'] + 50;
    } else {
    $link .= $size[1] + 100;
    $link .= ", scrollbars=1').focus()">\n";
    echo $link;
    echo '<img src="'.$zoom->_gallery->_images*->_thumbnail.'" border="0" alt="" /></a></td><td width="10"></td>';
    echo '<td align="left"><b>'.$zoom->_gallery->_images*->_filename.'</b><br />';
    if ($zoom->_CONFIG['showHits'])
    echo _ZOOM_HITS.' = '.$zoom->_gallery->_images*->_hits.'<br />';
    if ($zoom->_CONFIG['ratingOn']) {
    echo $zoom->_gallery->_images*->getStars();
    echo "<a href="".sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_zoom&Itemid=".$Itemid."&catid=".$zoom->_gallery->_id)."">".$zoom->_gallery->getCatVirtPath()."</a>";
    //new feature
    if ($sorting == 2){
    $dir_prefix = $mosConfig_live_site."/components/com_zoom/www/";
    $smilies = $zoom->_getSmiliesTable();
    $lastelement = count($zoom->_gallery->_images*->_comments);

                if ($lastelement <> ""){
                    $comment = $zoom->_gallery->_images*->_comments[$lastelement-1];
                    echo "<table style=\"border: 1px solid #cccccc\" width=\"98% \">";
                    echo "<tr><td><b>".$comment->_name."(".$comment->_date.")</b></td></tr>";
                    $theComment = $comment->_processSmilies($comment->_comment,$dir_prefix,$smilies);
                    echo "<tr><td>".$theComment."</td></tr>";
                    echo "</table>";
            echo "</td></tr>";
            if ($tabcnt >= 1) {
                $tabcnt = 0;
            } else {
        } else {
        <td><?php echo _ZOOM_NOIMG; ?></td>

    } else {
    <td><?php echo _ZOOM_NOIMG; ?></td>
    </table> [/php]che mi estra dal database le immagini piu votate, le piu cliccate e le piu commentate, però io vorrei che facesse tutto cio ma me le estraesse da una precisa categoria (che so divertenti, paesaggi . . . ) e non le piu votate, cliccate . . . in generale

    come posso fare ?

    queste sono le categorie del mio database jos_zoom

    Grazie 😞 Testo completo catid catname catdescr catdir catimg catpassword catkeywords subcat_id pos hideMsg shared published uid catmembers custom_ordere jos_zoomfiles ```
    Testo completo imgid imgname imgfilename imgdescr imgkeywords imgdate imghits votenum votesum published catid uid imgmembers

  • User Attivo

    prova ad aggiungere alla query dopo i where "and catid='X'"
    dove X è l'id della categoria dalla quale vuoi estrarre le immagini

  • User Attivo

    più precisamente img.catid='X'